Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump

You need to get the log out of your own eye to see clearly enough to point out the sawdust in mine.
I'm not so naive to think the GOP is pure. Of there is a case, it will be made. As a lawyer, you know "everybody does it" is not a valid defense. I'll wait patiently for some proof. The current administration has ten days. Surely if there's any proof we will know by Inauguration day, right?
So if they collude to cure children's ass cancer, that's bad?

No - of course not.

So again the question becomes what did they DO?

And my answer still is if they just leaked anti-Hillary stories, then big whoop.

Illegal voting matters.
Spreading gossip doesn't.
Collusion between a campaign for federal office and a foreign national (or government) for any reason related to the election is bad, and in most cases, illegal. This really shouldn't be a controversial concept.
I'm not so naive to think the GOP is pure. Of there is a case, it will be made. As a lawyer, you know "everybody does it" is not a valid defense. I'll wait patiently for some proof. The current administration has ten days. Surely if there's any proof we will know by Inauguration day, right?

If you're not actively invested in wanting the truth to come out irrespective as to the party sourcing the information, then you're too far gone already . . . and just as much the problem with this country as Hoops is with his "I got mine, everybody else can suck eggs" attitude . . . and probably more so, since you'd sell out the country just to keep your political rivals from continuing in power.
It's just that when PussyGate happened, out come numerous ladies willing to claim they had been assaulted by Trump. Then when their value disappeared, so did they. I think this kind of thing is going to be a staple of Trumps entire term. The Russians are pikers when it comes to delegitimizing the political system in this country, compared to the party which recently lost the White House. The content of those leaked emails show how "liberals" have some climbing to do before they make it up out of the political gutter.

They disappeared? What do you think they should do? Two of those women had been discussing those reports for year. Just as the girls as young as 15 said that Trump came into their dressing rooms when they were naked and no one cared. You're blaming this on liberals? lol You've been listening to Kellyanne a little too much.
If you're not actively invested in wanting the truth to come out irrespective as to the party sourcing the information, then you're too far gone already . . . and just as much the problem with this country as Hoops is with his "I got mine, everybody else can suck eggs" attitude . . . and probably more so, since you'd sell out the country just to keep your political rivals from continuing in power.
I don't care one iota from whence the truth comes. I assume the Democrats would be highly motivated. If any of this is true, it is (the worst of it) disqualifying. Why would American intelligence sit on something so massive, yet Comey does what he does the week before the election? My BS meter is at 11.
I don't care one iota from whence the truth comes. I assume the Democrats would be highly motivated. If any of this is true, it is (the worst of it) disqualifying. Why would American intelligence sit on something so massive, yet Comey does what he does the week before the election? My BS meter is at 11.

My BS meter has been at 20 for a long, long time, Comey among the reasons.
De-legitimizing the US election is OK with you?

Just want to make sure I'm clear on your position, cuz if that's the case then de-legitimizing Trump's presidency - and all elements of US democracy beyond that - is just as OK.

Lemme know when you've got your mind all made up . . . in the meantime, you gotta respond to my post to you over on the AOTF.

Explain that.

HOW did they "de-legitimize" the election?

Did they fake votes?
Pass out half-pints with $20 bills?
Drive Teamsters from poll to poll?

They leaked stories.
Isn't that what you think?

Because my next question will be - is it worse for Putin to leak a truth or for a pro-Hillary commercial to claim something false?

If the Pope wants to say "capitalists should care more - candidates like Sope Creek are better" -,would than be the kind of intereference that de-legitimizes an election?

Can Margaret Thatcher (if she weren't dead) tell folks "vote for the conservative"?

If Obama asks Castro to endorse his favorite socialist, is that bad?

I'm looking for rules here.
Explain that.

HOW did they "de-legitimize" the election?

Did they fake votes?
Pass out half-pints with $20 bills?
Drive Teamsters from poll to poll?

They leaked stories.
Isn't that what you think?

Because my next question will be - is it worse for Putin to leak a truth or for a pro-Hillary commercial to claim something false?

If the Pope wants to say "capitalists should care more - candidates like Sope Creek are better" -,would than be the kind of intereference that de-legitimizes an election?

Can Margaret Thatcher (if she weren't dead) tell folks "vote for the conservative"?

If Obama asks Castro to endorse his favorite socialist, is that bad?

I'm looking for rules here.


Watch how this plays out . . . we'll see what rules might apply.

What I'm looking for is the quality of your judgment.
I don't care one iota from whence the truth comes. I assume the Democrats would be highly motivated. If any of this is true, it is (the worst of it) disqualifying. Why would American intelligence sit on something so massive, yet Comey does what he does the week before the election? My BS meter is at 11.
Why don't you answer your own questions? Let's start with why Obama would sit on this. Answer, because it is really embarrassing to the United States and particularly all the bozos who supported Trump. Obama like everyone else on the planet thought Hillary would win and Trump would slither away saving you and everyone else a lot of humiliation. Comey does what he does because he also thinks Hillary is going to win and wants to protect the FBI from GOP post election recriminations. What nobody counted on was that there were SO MANY BOZOS LIKE YOU who were going to persuade themselves that Trump was okay. Your BS meter is at 11 meaning that your capacity for believing whatever crap makes you feel good is limitless. Turn down your BS meter, turn it way down.
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Explain that.

HOW did they "de-legitimize" the election?

Did they fake votes?
Pass out half-pints with $20 bills?
Drive Teamsters from poll to poll?

They leaked stories.
Isn't that what you think?

Because my next question will be - is it worse for Putin to leak a truth or for a pro-Hillary commercial to claim something false?

If the Pope wants to say "capitalists should care more - candidates like Sope Creek are better" -,would than be the kind of intereference that de-legitimizes an election?

Can Margaret Thatcher (if she weren't dead) tell folks "vote for the conservative"?

If Obama asks Castro to endorse his favorite socialist, is that bad?

I'm looking for rules here.
Here's a hint: did Putin come out and say, publicly, "Americans should vote for Trump, and look at all this information I have about Clinton that explains why?"
Why don't you answer your own questions? Let's start with why Obama would sit on this. Answer, because it is really embarrassing to the United States and particularly all the bozos who supported Trump. Obama like everyone else on the planet thought Hillary would win and Trump would slither away saving you and everyone else a lot of humiliation. Comey does what he does because he also thinks Hillary is going to win and wants to protect the FBI from GOP post election recriminations. What nobody counted on was that there were SO MANY BOZOS LIKE YOU who were going to persuade themselves that Trump was okay. Your BS meter is at 11 meaning that your capacity for believing whatever crap makes you feel good is limitless. Turn down your BS meter, turn it way down.
You pushed it up to about 13 and 1/2. New record. Congrats.
Does Charles Manson endorse anybody?
Okay, I guess you need a bigger hint.

If the Pope wants to say "capitalists should care more - candidates like Sope Creek are better" -,would than be the kind of intereference that de-legitimizes an election?

Can Margaret Thatcher (if she weren't dead) tell folks "vote for the conservative"?

If Obama asks Castro to endorse his favorite socialist, is that bad?
In these examples of yours, a person is openly and publicly stating a preference. In the case at hand, Putin tried to actively help, in secret. I'm not sure how anyone could avoid seeing the important difference here.
Explain that.

HOW did they "de-legitimize" the election?

Did they fake votes?
Pass out half-pints with $20 bills?
Drive Teamsters from poll to poll?

They leaked stories.
Isn't that what you think?

Because my next question will be - is it worse for Putin to leak a truth or for a pro-Hillary commercial to claim something false?

If the Pope wants to say "capitalists should care more - candidates like Sope Creek are better" -,would than be the kind of intereference that de-legitimizes an election?

Can Margaret Thatcher (if she weren't dead) tell folks "vote for the conservative"?

If Obama asks Castro to endorse his favorite socialist, is that bad?

I'm looking for rules here.
If only Hillary had campaigned as hard as Trump in the rust belt we would not be in this mess. Also, Putin made her faint.
Okay, I guess you need a bigger hint.

In these examples of yours, a person is openly and publicly stating a preference. In the case at hand, Putin tried to actively help, in secret. I'm not sure how anyone could avoid seeing the important difference here.

I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.
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He's more vocal than you might expect given his circumstances. This isn't the first instance of that.

The balance of intelligence gathering shifted significantly toward Russia after Snowden committed his treason. Watch that one, and don't take anything he says or does at face value.
I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.
You need to read the report we're actually talking about in this thread. The claim at issue isn't just that Putin helped Trump. It's that they actually coordinated that help. Worked together.

If that's true, that's a much bigger deal than any of this other crap.
I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.
If Canada had helped Clinton win, you would be leading the charge of the light brigade here and now.
I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.

It's not whiny BS, Jim, and it's not going away. It's an attack by Russia on the US. If you can't see that, that's on you.
I see the difference.
He did it secretly.

I don't need a feinting couch.

I'm not naive enough to believe nations don't try and impact elections all the time.

But again, if they don't stuff ballot boxes, if all they do is cause/assist/whatever info to be placed into the election marketplace f ideas, so f'n what?

The NLRB expressly refuses to evaluate campaign info in union elections. "Voters can and should evaluate the truth of campaign info on their own."

Same thing when Dems claim Pubs will throw Grammaw and her wheelchair off the cliff.

If Canada secretly helped Clinton, would you care? No.

But Putin helps a Trump and, well, it's "big word delegitimization."

Intentionally selected outrage over WGAFF.

Show me a jobs plan.
Screw this partisan whiny bs.

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Watch how this plays out . . . we'll see what rules might apply.

What I'm looking for is the quality of your judgment.

My judgement is that this is selective outrage over meaningless tripe that happens all the time.

The only differences are degrees and which ox is being gored.

I have personally observed cops pass out whiskey and money for votes.
THAT bothers me.
THAT delegitimizes elections.

A Putin secretly leaking e-mails stories about Clinton e-mail getting hacked? Or secretly funding pro-Trump ads?

Nope. Screw that. Didn't fool me. If it fooled other fools, so be it - that's on them. If only rich white landowners can vote, there is a different set of problems. If everybody gets a vote, then fools can be fooled and thier vote counts too. Tough. Suck it up buttercups.

Show me the jobs plan or STFU.

Plus, the anti-Trumpers are delegitimizing Trump as fast and as hard as they can. So complaining about the "bad kind" of delegitimization while engaging in the other sorta strikes me as hypocritical.

Maybe the bastages shouldn't have demonized the good men and women who served, and a guy like Trump would not have gotten traction?

I guarandamntee Meryl Streep had more to do with Trump winning than I did.

Stop being shocked to find gambling in the casino.
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If Canada had helped Clinton win, you would be leading the charge of the light brigade here and now.

No - I wouldn't.

In fact, both French and Canadian Prime Ministers openly endorsed and advocated for Clinton.

So what?

If Castro secretly throws Bernie a bone, why do I care?
Why should I care?
Is that the kind of thing that would influence your vote?
As I've been saying for months and would appear to be obvious to everyone except this "Fifth Avenue" supporters. Wonder if we will ever see what it actually I and how compromising it is.

How does one blackmail a guy like Trump?

We already know he is an adulterer, gropes women, treats women like sex objects and more. The only thing we don't know are the salacious details of what he does in bed. Who cares? I don't think that is blackmail material.

We already know he has financial ties to Russian and Chinese banks. His tax returns were leaked. If there is anything there, somebody who hates his guts would have already leaked it. Moreover, the Clinton, Obama, and Democrat opposition research seems pretty good. Is there really something that hasn't already been leaked? These days when there are so many electronic records, so many hacks, so many leaks, and so many thefts of confidential data, I have to think if there is anything out there about Trump, we'd know. It isn't like Trump is goody-two-shoes so that nobody wanted to hurt the guy.

Finally the lynchpin of any blackmail scheme is to keep bad information under wraps. I don't know how we do that. I take that back, Hillary successfully did it. But in the case of Trump, the information must be known and existing in order to be blackmail material. That is not the same thing as data which has been bleach-bitted.

We had similar blackmail rumors about JFK, LBJ, and Gerald Ford, and maybe others. Nothing came of any of that. Oh and don't forget WJC. We still don't know the story about his broken leg in the middle of the night at Greg Norman's house.

This isn't to say there isn't any damaging material out there about Trump, one has to assume there is, just cuz Trump is Trump. But blackmail material? I have my doubts.
No - I wouldn't.

In fact, both French and Canadian Prime Ministers openly endorsed and advocated for Clinton.

So what?

If Castro secretly throws Bernie a bone, why do I care?
Why should I care?
Is that the kind of thing that would influence your vote?
If the accusation were merely that Putin helped Trump, you'd have a point. But it's not. The accusation is that Putin and Trump collaborated. That's serious stuff.

No it isn't.
You act like this kind of stuff is unusual.
Don't be naive.
This stuff is commonplace.
It's not like they assassinated people in the back of an armored personnel carrier.

You need a safe space?

Nations pursue what they see as in thier interests.
Been true since before Washington said it.

Maybe you guys should look into the Illuminati controlling the shape of clouds. Guaranteed there is evidence that support the argument, and it affects THE CHILDREN!!!

Putin helped Trump beat Clinton.
Water is wet.
That's serious stuff
Trump is so smart, and dumb at the same time. See, he colluded with Vladimir Putin to beat Clinton. Gotta be smart for that. But, remember when he told Russia on tv to find Hillary's missing emails? That was dumb.

Is it true aliens built Stonehenge alone, or did they merely assist?
No it isn't.
You act like this kind of stuff is unusual.
Don't be naive.
This stuff is commonplace.
It's not like they assassinated people in the back of an armored personnel carrier.

You need a safe space?

Nations pursue what they see as in thier interests.
Been true since before Washington said it.

Maybe you guys should look into the Illuminati controlling the shape of clouds. Guaranteed there is evidence that support the argument, and it affects THE CHILDREN!!!

Putin helped Trump beat Clinton.
Water is wet.

You don't see a problem with a presidential candidate(now president) secretly collaborating with an enemy of state?? Jesus.
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Trump is so smart, and dumb at the same time. See, he colluded with Vladimir Putin to beat Clinton. Gotta be smart for that. But, remember when he told Russia on tv to find Hillary's missing emails? That was dumb.

Is it true aliens built Stonehenge alone, or did they merely assist?
I'm not claiming the allegation is true. I'm just pointing out that it's a serious allegation.

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