Notes from the “You can’t make this up” file

The acceptable protest bar was set here by people like you in the summer of 2020. Call me when parents are truly attacking people on the streets and in restaurants and we'll talk. Until then, "I don't support the way they showed their anger but I understand the sentiment behind it."
That video is disgusting and it was happening all over the country
The pentagon brass is concerned about Chinese advances in all phases of military research, strategic planning, cyber capability, and weapons development. So what is the Biden defense department’s focus? Appointing a climate policy Czar. China is building coal-fired power plants, and we go all in on renewables made by China using coal power. China beats us like a piñata. You can’t make this up.

You'll draw the wrath of @Aloha Hoosier when you say China beats us like a piñata.

But we'll be the wokest military on the planet!
The economy is in a mess

The ports and transportation is in a mess.

The southern border is a mess, but transportation of illegal migrants is fine.

Violent crime is out of control with no end in sight

Property crime is not even investigated or prosecuted in many places.

Cop shortages all over

Labor shortages all over

Drug deaths at record levels

Education is not producing students competent language or math

Race relations strained.

Military has no way to respond to coming Chinese takeover of Taiwan.

Record numbers of Americans choosing not to work to support themselves.

National government is all about expanding power and authority.

Government by consent of the governed is irrelevant.

Big tech masters have their thumbs on the public opinion scale.

Pandemic response fraught with dishonesty.

Corruption everywhere

So much for leaders to do. We have no leaders.

So . . . . VP Harris launches national gender equality and equity initiative.

You can’t make this stuff up.
And when it becomes a loss, does the government give it back?
My guess it will be like a Snap On ratchet socket wrench. It only goes one way until an intervention causes the rotation to go counter to the previous rotation. Probably some of the government taxation folks will come up with a theory that potential losses should have been cooked into into the original risk analysis and so any positive return must be considered a real gain and any loss must have been a theoretical correction back to the norm that should have been baselined in the original pricing….or some such nefarious nonsense.
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It’s not that “things” are horrible. The issue is the total lack of ability and unwillingness for dolts like Harris, Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Blinken, Garland, Yellen, Pelosi, Schumer, et al to deal with any of this. And The President lives in lala land. We have a whole of government failure. The entire administration and congress is singularly focused on advancing Democratic dogma while the country is fraying at the seams in dozens of ways. Nobody in government is taking these issues seriously nor assuming responsibility to fix a damn thing. We get massive infrastructure bills that are not really infrastructure but are more dogma including stupid-assed proposals to tax income not received.

Fentanyl continues to pour across the border and the overdose deaths are on the rise.
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