Let's Go Dar-win

You seem to have a really curious obsession that is way over the top. Its not even really a vaccine. They told us it was now saying boosters and boosters so just believe it is all safe? I got first one thats it. Hearing more and more from people I know about more adverse reactions to boosters. Do you act this way to every person you see outside of your bubble and how do they react to your obsession?
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You seem to have a really curious obsession that is way over the top. Its not even really a vaccine. They told us it was now saying boosters and boosters so just believe it is all safe? I got first one thats it. Hearing more and more from people I know about more adverse reactions to boosters. Do act this way to every person you see outside of your bubble and how do they react to your obsession?
English please?
Celebrating COVID deaths is in pretty poor taste. These aren’t evil people.
Made an exception for the people with a platform that spead false information to really stupid people and killed them.

This is a murderer not a victim...indeed and "evil" person.
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I was really prepared to scroll down your post and see, way down there, that you had typed, "The windshield".

I'm bad.

Celebrating COVID deaths is in pretty poor taste. These aren’t evil people.
I don't know Ranger. I respect everyones personal decisions, but spreading totally inaccurate information, when you have a platform in which people listen to you, is not right. This guy isn't the first anti-vaxer, with a platform, to die from COVID. Quite frankly I am getting quite frustrated with the idiocy that is coming from the far right, and in the end, they are the one group that can totally screw the right in the elections of 2022 and 2024.
I don't know Ranger. I respect everyones personal decisions, but spreading totally inaccurate information, when you have a platform in which people listen to you, is not right. This guy isn't the first anti-vaxer, with a platform, to die from COVID. Quite frankly I am getting quite frustrated with the idiocy that is coming from the far right, and in the end, they are the one group that can totally screw the right in the elections of 2022 and 2024.
I agree, and I hope that others do as well, regardless of party affiliation.
I don't know Ranger. I respect everyones personal decisions, but spreading totally inaccurate information, when you have a platform in which people listen to you, is not right. This guy isn't the first anti-vaxer, with a platform, to die from COVID. Quite frankly I am getting quite frustrated with the idiocy that is coming from the far right, and in the end, they are the one group that can totally screw the right in the elections of 2022 and 2024.
Hopefully the news of his demise will have greater impact on people who trusted him than his message while living.
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Made an exception for the people with a platform that spead false information to really stupid people and killed them.

This is a murderer not a victim...indeed and "evil" person.
I don’t know the specifics of what he told people. But if he simply questioned
I don't know Ranger. I respect everyones personal decisions, but spreading totally inaccurate information, when you have a platform in which people listen to you, is not right. This guy isn't the first anti-vaxer, with a platform, to die from COVID. Quite frankly I am getting quite frustrated with the idiocy that is coming from the far right, and in the end, they are the one group that can totally screw the right in the elections of 2022 and 2024.
it depends on the “anti-vax” message. By now it should be crystal effing clear that the vaccine isn’t slowing the spread yet the COVID religious would call me an anti-vaxxer because I’m not going to vaccinate my perfectly healthy elementary aged kids as some BS “civic duty” that isn’t going to do anything.

If his message is “vaccines are the spawn of satan and they’ll give you a microchip” well that’s one thing. But typically the COVID religious don’t allow any nuance of vaccine resistance.
I don’t know the specifics of what he told people. But if he simply questioned

it depends on the “anti-vax” message. By now it should be crystal effing clear that the vaccine isn’t slowing the spread yet the COVID religious would call me an anti-vaxxer because I’m not going to vaccinate my perfectly healthy elementary aged kids as some BS “civic duty” that isn’t going to do anything.

If his message is “vaccines are the spawn of satan and they’ll give you a microchip” well that’s one thing. But typically the COVID religious don’t allow any nuance of vaccine resistance.
Please vax your kids
Hopefully the news of his demise will have greater impact on people who trusted him than his message while living.
This has indeed happened a number of times and a simple search will point to some. I suspect many of the sheep will simply look to another source of the information they want to hear.
If his message is “vaccines are the spawn of satan and they’ll give you a microchip”
He was a full on nutter. Claimed that it wasn't COVID but a bioterrorism attack unleashed the the attendees at the recent vaccine nutter event, where he caught "bronchitis"
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in more Darwin Award News....

Weldon focused on attacking vaccines and other efforts to fight COVID-19, saying in one video that Dr. Anthony Fauci “needs to be hung from a rope.” She claimed the vaccine killed people, and even recorded herself yelling at people standing in line to receive vaccines.

In late December, however, Weldon started showing symptoms of coronavirus infection. In her last video, posted on Dec. 28, Weldon struggled through her remarks about the coming overthrow of the United States government, coughing and complaining that she was exhausted.

Three days later, Weldon was hospitalized in Camarillo, California. She posted a picture of herself wearing an oxygen mask to Instagram and claimed she had “bacterial pneumonia.” Weldon wrote in a post on the social media network Telegram that she refused to take coronavirus treatment remdesivir, calling it “Dr Fauci’s Resmedervir (sic).”


Thoughts and prayers!
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He was a full on nutter. Claimed that it wasn't COVID but a bioterrorism attack unleashed the the attendees at the recent vaccine nutter event, where he caught "bronchitis"
Gotcha. That’s kind of funny actually.
I don't know Ranger. I respect everyones personal decisions, but spreading totally inaccurate information, when you have a platform in which people listen to you, is not right. This guy isn't the first anti-vaxer, with a platform, to die from COVID. Quite frankly I am getting quite frustrated with the idiocy that is coming from the far right, and in the end, they are the one group that can totally screw the right in the elections of 2022 and 2024.
I hope you hold our Supreme Court justices to the same standard?
Celebrating a death because you disagree with the deceased on the Covid Vaccine is bad taste. Karma could be a bitch.
I didn’t celebrate I labeled. What happened was 24 karat karma. He has some fans here
Please vax your children. Put your politics aside for a moment.
I got my kids vaxed (14 and 11) but I get where Ranger is coming from.

A little data here:

For risk assessment purposes:

"As one example: The number of children under 18 who died in vehicle crashes from January through September in recent years was nearly six times higher than the number of children who died of Covid-19 from January through September of this year."
I got my kids vaxed (14 and 11) but I get where Ranger is coming from.

A little data here:

For risk assessment purposes:

"As one example: The number of children under 18 who died in vehicle crashes from January through September in recent years was nearly six times higher than the number of children who died of Covid-19 from January through September of this year."
Let me be clear. I don’t have any untoward thoughts if one chose to get their kids vaccinated. I am happy for them.

I saw the writing on the wall as to how ineffective the vaccines were becoming at slowing spread by the time the 5-11 age group opened up. Pair that with how the virus is extremely mild in healthy kids and I made the decision not to do it.

My wife and I are boosted and she caught COVID 10 days ago. I am not using hyperbole when I say that I cannot name one person I know in my friends and their families who hasnt gotten COVID sometime in the last five months (most are December/now) and except for one family we’re all vaxxed.

I have zero civic duty to vaccinate my kids.

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