Let's Go Dar-win

I read the article and linked the Supreme Court Justice article as an example of bad information being espoused by supposed smart people.

No one on this earth has a clue what this vaccine might or might not do to kids or adults for that matter. The odds on kids getting extremely sick with Covid are slim. Parents should be able to decide what’s best for their kids. Our authoritarian government and stupid people like Sotomayor are trying to deny Americans that right.

I have all three jabs. That was my choice. Choice is the key word.

Schools require vaccines. No choice. Nothing to do with authoritarian governments, and outside of some very conservative religious groups, it goes unquestioned. Why is this one suddenly questioned? Oh yeah, months of programming to not trust the doctors or scientists.

We never know the full extent of long term side effects in any newer form of med.

Think it through, Stoll. Your son (the only one I know you might have more kids) had to be vaccinated to get into Washington schools. Not only that, they had to be updated through his time. I bet you didn't question it one bit.

Think it through. Come back to the light.
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Who brought up 'politics'?

I wasn't a mod until the fall of 2020. I don't remember you at all, let alone what you were banned for. In that time, I've yet to ban anyone for scuffling with me. They get banned for attacking other posters or profanity.

A couple of times I've replied on topics without knowing another mod locked them, because it allows me to, and I only access the post via my notifications.

Sorry you were cancelled on various social media platforms.

Here's a basketball story I occasionally get to with a family, whose son has a history (likely due to their influence and not his sole decision) of jumping summer teams that we end up taking a chance on. Let's assume I'm the dumbest coach your son has played for. We can't all be wrong.


If you were banned on here by anyone, you would've had the chance to communicate.

All these years of harboring memories and bad feelings. It wasn't me. So here we are, after I didn't ban you, I reply to a post, and instead of sticking to the topic at hand, you bring up a memory that had zero to do with me.

You be a better person. Get back on topic and answer my question above.

Who brought up 'politics'?
You are a mess...

Courtsensetwo said:
Please vax your children. Put your politics aside for a moment.

Hopefully you will reconsider and set politics aside.

Bloom said
Not sure why COVID is as political as it is. I mean I know why, but it doesn't make it any less incredulous.
the death rates among kids is lower than older people with the vaccines.

And now that vaccines are demonstrating inability to prevent transmission, there is really little need to get them vaccinated. We got our daughter (only eligible kid) vaccinated for that reason and to keep her in school because of misguided quarantining rules.

there’s zero chance I’m getting our three year old vaccinated, regardless of whether or not there is an eventual approval for under 5. There are no longer any meaningful benefits for that age.

Death rates among kids are lower for sure. There is still a chance of transmitting the virus to other people, and while those who are vaccinated can still shed Omicron, it's a much less potent version of it.

Quit whining about politics and freedom. Your daughter had to have other vaccines to get into schools, at least if she's in public school. You probably didn't whine then.
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What is it about vaccines, relative to other medicines , that drives people bonkers?

I used to think that it was the aspect of being injected with something, that perhaps that seems more of an intrusion than swallowing a pill. But that can't be it, given the love affair with injected monoclonal antibodies.

It's not "big pharma" fear, since big pharma makes all the pills and the antibodies.

Is it that you can somtimes notice a bodily reaction to a vaccination (your immune response), and that freaks people out?

What is it? I genuinely don't quite follow.
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Have you ever gone to the CDC website and looked at the reports of side effects of the Covid Vaccine?
I've read the labels (public info) and the clinical trial reports / research papers.

There are always "adverse events" in any clinical trial. I have read about the treated groups. I have read about the control groups (the one who got placebo, unknowingly), who in almost all cases had the same reported adverse events with the same frequency.

If someone is fed tons of misinformation about (say) what a sugar pill is going to do to them, I can imagine that person having panic attacks and heart problems after taking that sugar pill. Unwarranted fear is a dangerous thing.
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What is it about vaccines, relative to other medicines , that drives people bonkers?

I used to think that it was the aspect of being injected with something, that perhaps that seems more of an intrusion than swallowing a pill. But that can't be it, given the love affair with injected monoclonal antibodies.

It's not "big pharma" fear, since big pharma makes all the pills and the antibodies.

Is it that you can somtimes notice a bodily reaction to a vaccination (your immune response), and that freaks people out?

What is it? I genuinely don't quite follow.

They've been told not to trust the government, not to trust big business, not to trust big pharma. It happens on both extremes. On the left, they're called conspiracy theorists. On the right, they're call freedom fighters. The fringe on both ends are the true sheep.
Have you ever gone to the CDC website and looked at the reports of side effects of the Covid Vaccine? I know of two people you will never convince the families they didn’t die from the vaccine. I know three that had were scared to death with heart issues after the booster.

Did you go to the CDC website when you had your children vaccinated for school?

Did your parent even think about the CDC, established in the 1940's, before you were vaccinated?
Death rates among kids are lower for sure. There is still a chance of transmitting the virus to other people, and while those who are vaccinated can still shed Omicron, it's a much less potent version of it.

Quit whining about politics and freedom. Your daughter had to have other vaccines to get into schools, at least if she's in public school. You probably didn't whine then.
Omicron is less potent period. Full stop. Saying what they shed is less potent if a breakthrough is not in keeping with the science. That’s propaganda.
I don’t know the specifics of what he told people. But if he simply questioned

it depends on the “anti-vax” message. By now it should be crystal effing clear that the vaccine isn’t slowing the spread yet the COVID religious would call me an anti-vaxxer because I’m not going to vaccinate my perfectly healthy elementary aged kids as some BS “civic duty” that isn’t going to do anything.

If his message is “vaccines are the spawn of satan and they’ll give you a microchip” well that’s one thing. But typically the COVID religious don’t allow any nuance of vaccine resistance.
CDC's data show that vaccinated people are less likely to be infected. The data posted through Nov 20 show 474 per 10k infections for unvaccinated people, and 99 per 10k for vaccinated. This is pre-Omicron, but includes Delta experience.

A lower infection rate would indeed slow the spread.
I’ll tell you what. I’ll vaccinate my kids if you promise to never drive yours around in a car.

Please don’t drive your kids. It’s how we protect them.
Such a lazy response.

**** QANON or whomever you are getting this crap from and do the right thing.
CDC's data show that vaccinated people are less likely to be infected. The data posted through Nov 20 show 474 per 10k infections for unvaccinated people, and 99 per 10k for vaccinated. This is pre-Omicron, but includes Delta experience.

A lower infection rate would indeed slow the spread.
Completely obsolete Bawlmer. We’ve been through this. Delta started the breakthroughs. Omicron tears right through it.
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CDC's data show that vaccinated people are less likely to be infected. The data posted through Nov 20 show 474 per 10k infections for unvaccinated people, and 99 per 10k for vaccinated. This is pre-Omicron, but includes Delta experience.

A lower infection rate would indeed slow the spread.
From the CDC director even when speaking on delta @Bloom.

“As CDC Director Rochelle Walensky put it last summer, the viral load in the noses and throats of vaccinated people infected with Delta is “indistinguishable” from that of unvaccinated people, and “what [the vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
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Death rates among kids are lower for sure. There is still a chance of transmitting the virus to other people, and while those who are vaccinated can still shed Omicron, it's a much less potent version of it.

Quit whining about politics and freedom. Your daughter had to have other vaccines to get into schools, at least if she's in public school. You probably didn't whine then.
Replied to the wrong post below.

As CDC Director Rochelle Walensky put it last summer, the viral load in the noses and throats of vaccinated people infected with Delta is “indistinguishable” from that of unvaccinated people, and “what [the vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
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Death rates among kids are lower for sure. There is still a chance of transmitting the virus to other people, and while those who are vaccinated can still shed Omicron, it's a much less potent version of it.

Quit whining about politics and freedom. Your daughter had to have other vaccines to get into schools, at least if she's in public school. You probably didn't whine then.

What a stupid response. I'm not whining about politics and freedom and neither was Ranger.

The other vaccines actually work, perhaps start there for comparisons' sake. Secondly, it's not only that death rates are lower among kids, disease severity is massively lower. I don't know a single person who's had a kid that has been seriously physically affected by COVID. I can't say the same about adults, particularly those with co-morbidities.

If we are being truthful, this is a selfish response and attitude, which is no surprise coming from a gym teacher and youth basketball coach. You aren't concerned about your kids or their mental state, but rather, you own self-interests.

There's nothing genuinely wrong with that, humans are inherently focused on self-survival first. But, let's at least call it what it is.
What a stupid response. I'm not whining about politics and freedom and neither was Ranger.

The other vaccines actually work, perhaps start there for comparisons' sake. Secondly, it's not only that death rates are lower among kids, disease severity is massively lower. I don't know a single person who's had a kid that has been seriously physically affected by COVID. I can't say the same about adults, particularly those with co-morbidities.

If we are being truthful, this is a selfish response and attitude, which is no surprise coming from a gym teacher and youth basketball coach. You aren't concerned about your kids or their mental state, but rather, you own self-interests.

There's nothing genuinely wrong with that, humans are inherently focused on self-survival first. But, let's at least call it what it is.

I'm a gym teacher? Crap, don't tell my development clients that.
They've been told not to trust the government, not to trust big business, not to trust big pharma. It happens on both extremes. On the left, they're called conspiracy theorists. On the right, they're call freedom fighters. The fringe on both ends are the true sheep.
Talk about labeling people......
Duplicitous much??
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What is it about vaccines, relative to other medicines , that drives people bonkers?

I used to think that it was the aspect of being injected with something, that perhaps that seems more of an intrusion than swallowing a pill. But that can't be it, given the love affair with injected monoclonal antibodies.

It's not "big pharma" fear, since big pharma makes all the pills and the antibodies.

Is it that you can somtimes notice a bodily reaction to a vaccination (your immune response), and that freaks people out?

What is it? I genuinely don't quite follow.
That's actually a really, really good question. As you pointed out, it's not an anti-big pharma thing; most people ingest medications, therapeutics, et al on a relatively regular basis. Almost no one totally eschews from medications when they feel like they need them - most of which are produced by the companies that produce the vaccines.

I honestly don't know what the hesitation is.
From the CDC director even when speaking on delta @Bloom.

“As CDC Director Rochelle Walensky put it last summer, the viral load in the noses and throats of vaccinated people infected with Delta is “indistinguishable” from that of unvaccinated people, and “what [the vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
Yes, but the data seem to show fewer infections for vaccinated people.
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I don't know a single person who's had a kid that has been seriously physically affected by COVID

Writing that down to support your argument against vaccines and then in the very next paragraph accuse someone of being selfish because they see vaccines as a net positive to society is probably the least self-aware thing I've ever seen on this board.
Writing that down to support your argument against vaccines and then in the very next paragraph accuse someone of being selfish because they see vaccines as a net positive to society is probably the least self-aware thing I've ever seen on this board.

If it were selfish, I would be doing it for me. Not for my kids.
If the less potent strain is what's being shed, then that's what the receiver contracts.
I don’t know where you’re getting that from but it’s not true.

I don’t know where you’re getting that from but it’s not true.

Not to mention the fact that kids have MUCH lower viral loads, meaning if they do infect, it leads to milder disease.
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Yes, but the data seem to show fewer infections for vaccinated people.
Current estimates for omicron are 30% effectiveness. I think that number will come down. I am not hyperbolizing when I tell you I can’t point to one family or even person in or near and extended social circles that hasn’t been infected in last two to five months.
Writing that down to support your argument against vaccines and then in the very next paragraph accuse someone of being selfish because they see vaccines as a net positive to society is probably the least self-aware thing I've ever seen on this board.
Novelty, needles, effort, history, politics, survival rates - etc
Current estimates for omicron are 30% effectiveness. I think that number will come down. I am not hyperbolizing when I tell you I can’t point to one family or even person in or near and extended social circles that hasn’t been infected in last two to five months.
Link to 30%? My experience is the opposite. It's why national data is most useful.
Not to mention the fact that kids have MUCH lower viral loads, meaning if they do infect, it leads to milder disease.
I haven’t read their viral load compared to adults but I’ve read several studies that show that children don’t spread as much as adults.

The COVID religious - from their ivory towers - twist themselves into pretzels about this stuff. They have to lash out and accuse questioners of being Q people. Mass. Formation. Psychosis.
Link to 30%? My experience is the opposite. It's why national data is most useful.
I live in a pretty populated county in an MSA of a large . We’re not dense but definitely around a lot of people.

edited to correct “city”
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Writing that down to support your argument against vaccines and then in the very next paragraph accuse someone of being selfish because they see vaccines as a net positive to society is probably the least self-aware thing I've ever seen on this board.
Your response, while maybe you typed it hastily, is exactly why there’s a problem and a lack of discourse. Using the phrase “against vaccines” is lazy and not accurate. I don’t think Jamie is against vaccines. I’m not against vaccines. We are just not rushing to vaccinate our children against a disease that they can a) still easily spread while vaccinated and b) will not hurt them.

that is not “against vaccines” unless you’re the Grand Dragon of the Knights of the COVID Klan.
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Your response, while maybe you typed it hastily, is exactly why there’s a problem and a lack of discourse. Using the phrase “against vaccines” is lazy and not accurate. I don’t think Jamie is against vaccines. I’m not against vaccines. We are just not rushing to vaccinate our children against a disease that they can a) still easily spread while vaccinated and b) will not hurt them.

that is not “against vaccines” unless you’re the Grand Dragon of the Knights of the COVID Klan.
You're right. Presumably you both aren't against all vaccines, as I'm sure your kids have been in school prior to and during the COVID outbreak.
You're right. Presumably you both aren't against all vaccines, as I'm sure your kids have been in school prior to and during the COVID outbreak.
I’m all for vaccines. I’m not for sticking my kids (who hate being stuck so I reserve it for when it’s necessary like MMR, dTap, etc) twice and into perpetuity against a disease that while dangerous to some, is not dangerous to them and they can still easily spread it. It makes zero sense to me. If it makes sense to others, more power to them.

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