Let's Go Dar-win

Let me be clear. I don’t have any untoward thoughts if one chose to get their kids vaccinated. I am happy for them.

I saw the writing on the wall as to how ineffective the vaccines were becoming at slowing spread by the time the 5-11 age group opened up. Pair that with how the virus is extremely mild in healthy kids and I made the decision not to do it.

My wife and I are boosted and she caught COVID 10 days ago. I am not using hyperbole when I say that I cannot name one person I know in my friends and their families who hasnt gotten COVID sometime in the last five months (most are December/now) and except for one family we’re all vaxxed.

I have zero civic duty to vaccinate my kids.
Hopefully you will reconsider and set politics aside.
dont let COVID turn you into an insufferable poster
The Covid/Vaccine cult has really screwed up a lot of people. We have people happy about non vaxxer deaths on here. Now this. Ranger is a horrible parent because he made the judgement not to vax his young kids.
The Covid/Vaccine cult has really screwed up a lot of people. We have people happy about non vaxxer deaths on here. Now this. Ranger is a horrible parent because he made the judgement not to vax his young kids.
Shit I've had the vid twice and I'm a 60 year old asthmatic. First time, rough, before we knew what to do. 2nd time 4 days and over. I ain't getting vaxed and if anyone has a problem with that too bad. I would never EVER Vax my kids for Covid. They have all the other vaccines as per the doc.

I also have an autistic kid. Do I think it's from a single Vax? No, but a vaccine cocktail they do these days? Maybe. Not gonna argue with uneducated assholes about it either. I've learned plenty.

Kids will kick Covid in the ass. This is not something that affects children. It's absolutely stupid to give your children a poke for Covid.
You seem to have a really curious obsession that is way over the top. Its not even really a vaccine. They told us it was now saying boosters and boosters so just believe it is all safe? I got first one thats it. Hearing more and more from people I know about more adverse reactions to boosters. Do you act this way to every person you see outside of your bubble and how do they react to your obsession?

You realize other vaccines compel boosters over time too, right? And those booster shots are required by schools, right? They're even recommended to get boosted as adults. Granted, not every 8-9 months like this, but this is a new strain.

Not sure why COVID is as political as it is. I mean I know why, but it doesn't make it any less incredulous.
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The Covid/Vaccine cult has really screwed up a lot of people. We have people happy about non vaxxer deaths on here. Now this. Ranger is a horrible parent because he made the judgement not to vax his young kids.

The only cult of those equating not getting a COVID vaccine to freedom, when they and their children have received required vaccines over the entirety of our lives.
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Let me be clear. I don’t have any untoward thoughts if one chose to get their kids vaccinated. I am happy for them.

I saw the writing on the wall as to how ineffective the vaccines were becoming at slowing spread by the time the 5-11 age group opened up. Pair that with how the virus is extremely mild in healthy kids and I made the decision not to do it.

My wife and I are boosted and she caught COVID 10 days ago. I am not using hyperbole when I say that I cannot name one person I know in my friends and their families who hasnt gotten COVID sometime in the last five months (most are December/now) and except for one family we’re all vaxxed.

I have zero civic duty to vaccinate my kids.
We're at and have always been at war with this thing.

The vax on the first wave was supposedly pretty effective of preventing transmission of the disease.

Delta not as much and obviously Omnicron it seems to be not preventing much at all in regards to transmission but still effective at keeping you out of the hospital.

In the war on Covid there was a belief that if we could pull together and freeze the virus out via masking/distancing and vaccinating we'd give the virus a tough place to survive.

By not doing those things just gave the virus fuel to fester, adjust and mutate.

With any contagion it's all about having hosts and having a way to travel between hosts, which is why saying 'I'm young and healthy so I don't need to do this' doesn't really matter from my POV as you're still a host.

So what we're seeing playing out is that 'conspiracy theory'. We've had way too many deniers, anti maskers, anti gov trust and anti vax that these war tactics have lost their effectiveness in fighting this war....and it's a war without borders. This is a world war.

Like in any war you need a committed strategy. Obviously being a military man you know all about the importance of executing orders when it comes to the success and failure of a mission.

Anyway, I believe that ship has sailed and so now I'm just hoping that the virus will peter out one of these days on it's terms.

It just proved (to me) that any existential threat that you can't directly see is going to be impossible to unify until it's way too late. Yes I'm talking climate but that's a different thread.

Anyway, that's why I believe masking/distancing and vaxxing are/were civic duties.

I don't really care anymore, the war is lost. My mindset is try to put the odds on my side as much as I can but get the shot/ don't get the shot or mask/don't mask....whatever.

But this guy who has broadcasted what I believe as dangerous and stupid propaganda that , again I believe, probably killed some people who followed him so I have no empathy for as he died because of his misguided beliefs (IMO).
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Shit I've had the vid twice and I'm a 60 year old asthmatic. First time, rough, before we knew what to do. 2nd time 4 days and over. I ain't getting vaxed and if anyone has a problem with that too bad. I would never EVER Vax my kids for Covid. They have all the other vaccines as per the doc.

I also have an autistic kid. Do I think it's from a single Vax? No, but a vaccine cocktail they do these days? Maybe. Not gonna argue with uneducated assholes about it either. I've learned plenty.

Kids will kick Covid in the ass. This is not something that affects children. It's absolutely stupid to give your children a poke for Covid.

Glad you survived.

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The only cult of those equating not getting a COVID vaccine to freedom, when they and their children have received required vaccines over the entirety of our lives.
This vaccine seems to be quite unsuccessful compared to the others. Do we need to go back and rehash all the promises that Biden and others made about the vaccine?

We have no idea what side effects might me.

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We're at and have always been at war with this thing.

The vax on the first wave was supposedly pretty effective of preventing transmission of the disease.

Delta not as much and obviously Omnicron it seems to be not preventing much at all in regards to transmission but still effective at keeping you out of the hospital.

In the war on Covid there was a belief that if we could pull together and freeze the virus out via masking/distancing and vaccinating we'd give the virus a tough place to survive.

By not doing those things just gave the virus fuel to fester, adjust and mutate.

With any contagion it's all about having hosts and having a way to travel between hosts, which is why saying 'I'm young and healthy so I don't need to do this' doesn't really matter from my POV as you're still a host.

So what we're seeing playing out is that 'conspiracy theory'. We've had way too many deniers, anti maskers, anti gov trust and anti vax that these war tactics have lost their effectiveness in fighting this war....and it's a war without borders. This is a world war.

Like in any war you need a committed strategy. Obviously being a military man you know all about the importance of executing orders when it comes to the success and failure of a mission.

Anyway, I believe that ship has sailed and so now I'm just hoping that the virus will peter out one of these days on it's terms.

It just proved (to me) that any existential threat that you can't directly see is going to be impossible to unify until it's way too late. Yes I'm talking climate but that's a different thread.

Anyway, that's why I believe masking/distancing and vaxxing are/were civic duties.

I don't really care anymore, the war is lost. My mindset is try to put the odds on my side as much as I can but get the shot/ don't get the shot or mask/don't mask....whatever.

But this guy who has broadcasted what I believe as dangerous and stupid propaganda that , again I believe, probably killed some people who followed him so I have no empathy for as he died because of his misguided beliefs (IMO).
All fair
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Fair but these folks won’t concede there are legitimate reasons why parents don’t want their kids to receive the vaccine.

It’s not even about science anymore.
Didn't I concede in my way too long and boring post?

Didn't Uncle Mark concede?

I just tried to give a recap of my point of view.

This whole thing has always been about hosts and traveling between viable hosts.

The gameplan has always been about restricting the amount of hosts and restricting how it travels from hosts.

Which is why the tactics always made sense to me while the arguments against them didn't.

I'll still chime in on it if it comes up in conversation but I definitely concede that they've been halfheartedly used and ineffective so the only move now is probably just to plow ahead and let God sort it out.

Post edit: I actually understand the have empathy for the trepidation to getting small children vaxxed. I really do. It's uneasy when a kid is developing and changing so quickly. There's a reason why there are children's versions of everything. I get that.

Still, kids have always been unbelievable hosts for viruses.
The death rate is what??? I don't feel it's a threat and I don't think I'm any more of a threat than a vaxed person.

When I first got it it was like a bad bronchitis that I'm used to dealing with. After a month of coughing Doc told me there is some new dry cough that they can't figure out yet. After a couple antibiotics the doc gave me doxcycline and some inhalers. It worked.

2nd time massive vitamin intake immediately. 10,000 MG of C a day and a ton of zinc. 4 days and out. Wife got it ignored the vitamins (dumb) and it lasted awhile.

Anyways as far as kids go? They don't need a shot for this shit. It's no more a threat to them than a common flu.

Oh and BTW. The main reason I chose not to vax is ADE. Not sure if that will occur but I dont want to chance it.
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This vaccine seems to be quite unsuccessful compared to the others. Do we need to go back and rehash all the promises that Biden and others made about the vaccine?

We have no idea what side effects might me.

Did you actually read this article? LOL Not sure what you linked has to do with what you said. It sounds like a Supreme Court justice didn't have a grasp of hospitalization stats, but that has nothing to do with what you said.

This is from the article:
“First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren’t vaccinated,” she said, pushing the Biden administration’s mantra that the unvaxxed are fueling the continued pandemic."

So yet again, we seem to have the unvaccinated still bearing the brunt of the disease, and in the cases of kids, they can pass it as easily as adults. I'm assuming these kids still have parents and most of them still have grandparents.

I've never worried about getting COVID. I've been far more concerned over what happens if I spread it to my mother and grandmother.
The death rate is what??? I don't feel it's a threat and I don't think I'm any more of a threat than a vaxed person.

When I first got it it was like a bad bronchitis that I'm used to dealing with. After a month of coughing Doc told me there is some new dry cough that they can't figure out yet. After a couple antibiotics the doc gave me doxcycline and some inhalers. It worked.

2nd time massive vitamin intake immediately. 10,000 MG of C a day and a ton of zinc. 4 days and out. Wife got it ignored the vitamins (dumb) and it lasted awhile.

Anyways as far as kids go? They don't need a shot for this shit. It's no more a threat to them than a common flu.

The death rate among those who get it is vastly greater among the unvaccinated vs. vaccinated.

Kids can still transmit it to other people, including their parents and grandparents.
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The death rate among those who get it is vastly greater among the unvaccinated vs. vaccinated.

Kids can still transmit it to other people, including their parents and grandparents.
It is what it is.. Ive already dealt with it as well as my wife and children. All have had it. My 91 year old mom is vaxed and boosted. Her choice. She's comfortable around us and us her.

Yes I know vaxed and unvaxed that have died.

We're good and NOT SCARED. AND it's not f*cking politics. We've done our research and choose to live healthier lives.
It is what it is.. Ive already dealt with it as well as my wife and children. All have had it. My 91 year old mom is vaxed and boosted. Her choice. She's comfortable around us and us her.

Yes I know vaxed and unvaxed that have died.

We're good and NOT SCARED. AND it's not f*cking politics. We've done our research and choose to live healthier lives.

I'm not scared either and didn't need to put it in all caps for emphasis. Getting vaccinated wasn't a political decision. The only time I mention politics is when an unvaxed person mentions you did. The unvaxed usually quick to bring up you did.

Unvaxed have died at a much higher rate.
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It is what it is.. Ive already dealt with it as well as my wife and children. All have had it. My 91 year old mom is vaxed and boosted. Her choice. She's comfortable around us and us her.

Yes I know vaxed and unvaxed that have died.

We're good and NOT SCARED. AND it's not f*cking politics. We've done our research and choose to live healthier lives.
Sounds mucho healthier with the bronchitis and covid and asthma. ;)
I'm not scared either and didn't need to put it in all caps for emphasis. Getting vaccinated wasn't a political decision. The only time I mention politics is when an unvaxed person mentions you did. The unvaxed always quick to bring up politics.

Unvaxed have died at a much higher rate.
Politics is being brought up in this thread. Caps. Just want to make my stance clear. Chill out.

Funny I have been a Rivals member on and off on other boards (Buff board) since 2005. The first time I ever got banned was a debate with you on the bball board. Unreal. You cancelled me coz you stepped on yourself. I quit every form of social media over a year ago because of being canceled or put in time outs. One of my good friends a very liberal criminal murder attorney up in Chicago saw a post that I got cancelled for on Facebook and went off on Facebook for it. He ended with we got along for years without you (Social media) and we can move forward without you. He joined me and quit too.

This is the only avenue(social media) I continue to use because I am interested In IU sports. The other day I used a word on this blog that I was unaware was not allowed. I got a banned message but a communication line and discussed the word was not pointed at a person but a document. He undid the ban. I took the word down.

You never gave me that chance or communicated you just banned me. You should learn from your error.

Be a better person. You and your views are not always right and there are other opinions. Just sayin.

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Did you actually read this article? LOL Not sure what you linked has to do with what you said. It sounds like a Supreme Court justice didn't have a grasp of hospitalization stats, but that has nothing to do with what you said.

This is from the article:
“First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren’t vaccinated,” she said, pushing the Biden administration’s mantra that the unvaxxed are fueling the continued pandemic."

So yet again, we seem to have the unvaccinated still bearing the brunt of the disease, and in the cases of kids, they can pass it as easily as adults. I'm assuming these kids still have parents and most of them still have grandparents.

I've never worried about getting COVID. I've been far more concerned over what happens if I spread it to my mother and grandmother.
I read the article and linked the Supreme Court Justice article as an example of bad information being espoused by supposed smart people.

No one on this earth has a clue what this vaccine might or might not do to kids or adults for that matter. The odds on kids getting extremely sick with Covid are slim. Parents should be able to decide what’s best for their kids. Our authoritarian government and stupid people like Sotomayor are trying to deny Americans that right.

I have all three jabs. That was my choice. Choice is the key word.
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Yes... there aren't any, to speak of. If any new ones emerge, now 19 months after the first Pfizer doses, it would be unprecedented in the history of medicine. How many BILLIONS of doses are we up to now, worldwide
That's not true at all. There have been many things that we've used routinely in this country that we later found out was bad for us and I'm not necessarily talking about vaccines but they (vaccines) don't get an exemption from the possibility of having long term effects. Asbestos and talcum powder are good examples of things that we routinely used in the past but turned out to be bad. All that said it doesn't mean that I am against the vaccine because I've had 3 shots. It boiled down in my mind that I feared the long term effects of getting covid more than the possibility of having long term effects from the vaccine. BUT "long term" to me is not too long term. :)
There have been dangerous vaccines developed and recalled. In all cases, side effects were detected in 3-4 months. For side effects to emerge for the first time after 19 months would indeed be unprecedented. Perhaps part of that is due to the nature of vaccines. Everything in it is gone from your body in a day, so comparing it to something dangerous due to repeated years-long constant exposure, such as asbestos, is truly silly.
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For risk assessment purposes:

"As one example: The number of children under 18 who died in vehicle crashes from January through September in recent years was nearly six times higher than the number of children who died of Covid-19 from January through September of this year."
Yes, and if there was somehow (like with C19) a simple way to prevent car crash deaths we would do it.

Well, most of us would do it...some here might be convinced not to by Tucker Carlson, QANON or the Pillow Guy.
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The death rate among those who get it is vastly greater among the unvaccinated vs. vaccinated.

Kids can still transmit it to other people, including their parents and grandparents.

the death rates among kids is lower than older people with the vaccines.

And now that vaccines are demonstrating inability to prevent transmission, there is really little need to get them vaccinated. We got our daughter (only eligible kid) vaccinated for that reason and to keep her in school because of misguided quarantining rules.

there’s zero chance I’m getting our three year old vaccinated, regardless of whether or not there is an eventual approval for under 5. There are no longer any meaningful benefits for that age.
Did you actually read this article? LOL Not sure what you linked has to do with what you said. It sounds like a Supreme Court justice didn't have a grasp of hospitalization stats, but that has nothing to do with what you said.

This is from the article:
“First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are unvaccinated, and for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know they are most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren’t vaccinated,” she said, pushing the Biden administration’s mantra that the unvaxxed are fueling the continued pandemic."

So yet again, we seem to have the unvaccinated still bearing the brunt of the disease, and in the cases of kids, they can pass it as easily as adults. I'm assuming these kids still have parents and most of them still have grandparents.

I've never worried about getting COVID. I've been far more concerned over what happens if I spread it to my mother and grandmother.
No, he didn't "read the article". Too many big words and "thinky stuff"

Much easier to just say whatever Pillow Guy tells them to think.
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This short term study only tells us one thing-- taking the vax can/may affect the menstrual cycle...It tells us nothing about why, or in whom. Is it related to stress, hormonal changes or cellular changes in the ovum itself?

Always be careful of using averages-- "The Average Human Being" has.... Is the change noted large, but occurring only in some women, or is it little and occurring in many?...and we still don't know about effects on fertility or fetal development.

Has anybody reported these same changes with other vaccines?
There have been dangerous vaccines developed and recalled. In all cases, side effects were detected in 3-4 months. For side effects to emerge for the first time after 19 months would indeed be unprecedented. Perhaps part of that is due to the nature of vaccines. Everything in it is gone from your body in a day, so comparing it to something dangerous due to repeated years-long constant exposure, such as asbestos, is truly silly.
Have you ever gone to the CDC website and looked at the reports of side effects of the Covid Vaccine? I know of two people you will never convince the families they didn’t die from the vaccine. I know three that had were scared to death with heart issues after the booster.
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Politics is being brought up in this thread. Caps. Just want to make my stance clear. Chill out.

Who brought up 'politics'?

Funny I have been a Rivals member on and off on other boards (Buff board) since 2005. The first time I ever got banned was a debate with you on the bball board. Unreal. You cancelled me coz you stepped on yourself. I quit every form of social media over a year ago because of being canceled or put in time outs. One of my good friends a very liberal criminal murder attorney up in Chicago saw a post that I got cancelled for on Facebook and went off on Facebook for it. He ended with we got along for years without you (Social media) and we can move forward without you. He joined me and quit too.

I wasn't a mod until the fall of 2020. I don't remember you at all, let alone what you were banned for. In that time, I've yet to ban anyone for scuffling with me. They get banned for attacking other posters or profanity.

A couple of times I've replied on topics without knowing another mod locked them, because it allows me to, and I only access the post via my notifications.

Sorry you were cancelled on various social media platforms.

Here's a basketball story I occasionally get to with a family, whose son has a history (likely due to their influence and not his sole decision) of jumping summer teams that we end up taking a chance on. Let's assume I'm the dumbest coach your son has played for. We can't all be wrong.

This is the only avenue(social media) I continue to use because I am interested In IU sports. The other day I used a word on this blog that I was unaware was not allowed. I got a banned message but a communication line and discussed the word was not pointed at a person but a document. He undid the ban. I took the word down.


You never gave me that chance or communicated you just banned me. You should learn from your error.

Be a better person. You and your views are not always right and there are other opinions. Just sayin.

If you were banned on here by anyone, you would've had the chance to communicate.

All these years of harboring memories and bad feelings. It wasn't me. So here we are, after I didn't ban you, I reply to a post, and instead of sticking to the topic at hand, you bring up a memory that had zero to do with me.

You be a better person. Get back on topic and answer my question above.

Who brought up 'politics'?
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While I have the attention of the sum total "b'cause freedum" crowd here....

Trump lost to a doddering placeholder and a misspeaking racist
and bigly.

Well done.
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