Judge puts Trump out of business in NY?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2001

And in a stunning development, the judge has already ordered the complete dissolution of the fabled Trump Organization–the tycoon’s pride and joy, the empire that made him famous and elevated him into the White House. The Trump Organization and its sister companies will be sent into receivership to be under the control of a court-appointed officer.

And in a stunning development, the judge has already ordered the complete dissolution of the fabled Trump Organization–the tycoon’s pride and joy, the empire that made him famous and elevated him into the White House. The Trump Organization and its sister companies will be sent into receivership to be under the control of a court-appointed officer.
Here's the Associated Press and CNN stories:

The court-ordered monitor makes me think of the Trump University case.

And, the ruling says "the remaining issues for trial are determining liability on other claims in the lawsuit, as well as how much Trump and the other defendants should pay." The CNN story says Leticia James claimed "that Trump reaped a “substantial” financial benefit by putting forward faulty information in his financial statements, including $150 million in the form of favorable interest rates he obtained from the banks that the attorney general said his team misled."

Somewhere, Michael Cohen is laughing his ass off.

And in a stunning development, the judge has already ordered the complete dissolution of the fabled Trump Organization–the tycoon’s pride and joy, the empire that made him famous and elevated him into the White House. The Trump Organization and its sister companies will be sent into receivership to be under the control of a court-appointed officer.
Here's the judge's ruling:

Why come on man? Any reasonable person knows Mar A Lago is only worth $18M. I'm surprised Doc Hoops hasn't bought it out from under him by now.

I posted on the other thread, the problem appears to be how it is zoned impacts its value. As it stands, it is a club and not a residence. Just what I saw explaining why the state appraised it at the much lower value.
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Did Trump never meet any Good Fella's in all of his time in NYC that could start to clean all of this stuff up for him? There is a justice that some are about to exact as this continues.
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i think Trump is total scum.

that said, do banks and insurance companies not do their own due diligence of property values when dealing with such sums?

seems like the term "willing dupes" applies here.

someone at the bank wanted to make that loan so didn't question the valuation of someone they knew was a pathological liar, and the same with the guys selling insurance.
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Did Trump never meet any Good Fella's in all of his time in NYC that could start to clean all of this stuff up for him? There is a justice that some are about to exact as this continues.
Seriously? Trump knows plenty of good fellows.
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And in a stunning development, the judge has already ordered the complete dissolution of the fabled Trump Organization–the tycoon’s pride and joy, the empire that made him famous and elevated him into the White House. The Trump Organization and its sister companies will be sent into receivership to be under the control of a court-appointed officer.
Wow. This is a big deal. This order could finish Trump. The Judge is pissed at Trump, Don Jr, Eric, and all their attorneys. If the judge really did find that Mar A Lago is worth south of 20 million that doesn’t seem right, but I know zero about what the judge saw. Deciding real estate values without a trial id pretty unusual. I didn’t see anything in the the links about whether the alleged victims of fraud complained. Also unusual.

If this Order holds, I don’t see how Trump survives. Getting rid of him without a vote is not good.
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Wow. This is a big deal. This order could finish Trump. The Judge is pissed at Trump, Don Jr, Eric, and all their attorneys. If the judge really did find that Mar A Lago is worth south of 20 million that doesn’t seem right, but I know zero about what the judge saw. Deciding real estate values without a trial id pretty unusual. I didn’t see anything in the the links about whether the alleged victims of fraud complained. Also unusual.

If this Order holds, I don’t see how Trump survives. Getting rid of him without a vote is not good.
I'm not disagreeing with your last statement, but do you believe that Trump would accept a loss in the next US presidential election? I don't and I don't think that's good for the country at all. I also don't think him legitimately winning would be good for the country either.
Why come on man? Any reasonable person knows Mar A Lago is only worth $18M. I'm surprised Doc Hoops hasn't bought it out from under him by now.

This reminds me of a Golden Gloves fight I saw. One fighter clearly dominated and it was obvious who won. But when the bell rang, the loser started dancing around like Muhammad Ali throwing flurries of shadow punches into the air. A guy behind me yelled, "It's too late now!!" and the whole section erupted in laughter.

So, did Eric Trump timely submit all his Tweet evidence to the judge that he's whining about, or isn't he just throwing practice punches into the air after he already lost? Those photos in his Tweets don't look like copies of trial records to me.

Eric Trump is an actual losing defendant in that case along with Daddy Trump, Brother Donny Junior, Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney. They are now exposed to several million dollars worth of liability.

So, Eric had the right to submit evidence no matter what his Daddy wanted to do. But he apparently prefers just claiming to be a victim after he failed to submit enough evidence.

"It's too late now!!
I'm not disagreeing with your last statement, but do you believe that Trump would accept a loss in the next US presidential election? I don't and I don't think that's good for the country at all. I also don't think him legitimately winning would be good for the country either.
I’m not talking about Trump. We’ve got bigger problems with public officials ignoring or bending laws than Trump’s election denial. I’m talking about the 10’s of millions who would like to vote for him but couldn’t.
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Don't be gullible..

Again, there is no indication that this material was actually introduced in the court as evidence. The Trumps can't blame the judge for not considering evidence their attorneys failed to submit. They had their chance and blew it.

And, by the way, their attorneys were each sanctioned about $7,500 for filing bogus arguments in their filings opposing Leticia James summary judgment. It's in the ruling I linked. Trump hires nothing but the best people.
Wow. This is a big deal. This order could finish Trump. The Judge is pissed at Trump, Don Jr, Eric, and all their attorneys. If the judge really did find that Mar A Lago is worth south of 20 million that doesn’t seem right, but I know zero about what the judge saw. Deciding real estate values without a trial id pretty unusual. I didn’t see anything in the the links about whether the alleged victims of fraud complained. Also unusual.

If this Order holds, I don’t see how Trump survives. Getting rid of him without a vote is not good.

What does this have to do with Trump surviving (politically)?
No comment of his Trump Tower penthouse being listed at 3x its actual square footage and valued at over $200M?
The banks who loaned him money and were paid back should be pissed his figures were wrong. Why aren't they party to this lawsuit as opposed to the state who has no skin in this?

This kind of stupid hackery has got me to the point where if he is the nominee I hope to God he wins. The system needs wrecked, both parties. I hope he gets in and treats all his political enemies on both parties EXACTLY like they are doing to him. I would love to see this "If they are guilty..." thing play out for everyone, not just the politically disconnected. Biden, McConnell, Pelosi, Romney, Cruz, Schumer....just give them all the same treatment. Let's get allllll the sweetheart deals, not just the guy we hate.
The banks who loaned him money and were paid back should be pissed his figures were wrong. Why aren't they party to this lawsuit as opposed to the state who has no skin in this?

This kind of stupid hackery has got me to the point where if he is the nominee I hope to God he wins. The system needs wrecked, both parties. I hope he gets in and treats all his political enemies on both parties EXACTLY like they are doing to him. I would love to see this "If they are guilty..." thing play out for everyone, not just the politically disconnected. Biden, McConnell, Pelosi, Romney, Cruz, Schumer....just give them all the same treatment. Let's get allllll the sweetheart deals, not just the guy we hate.
These are banks worth billions and billions with a whole wing full of ivy League educated lawyers and accountants. All we're paid back in full, on time, with all interest. The disclaimer even told them not to rely on Trump's assessment and do their own due diligence. Complete banana Republic.