Judge puts Trump out of business in NY?

The reality is that once people that live paycheck to paycheck (I don't really like that term, as I do it too, but intentionally) start hitting the wall.... It hits everyone.

It's become obvious to my family, doing zero baseline personal budgeting, that things are much more expensive. And without wage gains that offset that, which they aren't, standard of living will drop in the short term. That's not really a bad thing, and by itself should self control inflation. That combined with the Fed actions will have the intended outcome. Hopefully.

Saw that Disney has started running commercials on how to 'save' on a Disney World trip. Good baramoter on the economy. When people can no longer spend $1k / day to hang out in hordes of crowds in FL, you'll know things are self adjusting
Things are indeed more expensive. I’ve been reading that corporate profits are way up, which tells me what they’re charging is outpacing what their expenses are…which tells me they’ve figured out what we’re willing to pay…which tells me prices aren’t coming down even if inflation disappears and oil goes to $1 per barrel. Just my humble opinion.
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I'll just say that the last time I was at point in life where I was scratching my head about how expensive things were, particularly housing costs... And wondering how people were getting by was about 2006.

I don't think we will see a 2008 relapse as lending standards are much tighter than they were in the crazy times of the 2000s where anyone breathing was given giant liar loans for homes, but I do think there will be some really rough waters in the next couple of years once the consumer hits the breaking point. I could be wrong, but I just don't see how things are just going to coast through. I've noticed the uptick in living expenses personally, while also seeing how my business margins have gotten tighter. And I'm not exactly living on the margins.
Concur. Will likely be a good time to be a bankruptcy lawyer
Things are indeed more expensive. I’ve been reading that corporate profits are way up, which tells me what they’re charging is outpacing what their expenses are…which tells me they’ve figured out what we’re willing to pay…which tells me prices aren’t coming down even if inflation disappears and oil goes to $1 per barrel. Just my humble opinion.
I think so too. These new prices are just baked in now.
Things are indeed more expensive. I’ve been reading that corporate profits are way up, which tells me what they’re charging is outpacing what their expenses are…which tells me they’ve figured out what we’re willing to pay…which tells me prices aren’t coming down even if inflation disappears and oil goes to $1 per barrel. Just my humble opinion.

I think so too. These new prices are just baked in now.

Good thing the offsetting wage gains are baked in too.
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For everyone bitching about their pocketbooks and inflation, I can’t find a goddamn parking spot at almost any store I go to, be it retail or grocery. Unless everyone is there just browsing.
Yeah, the economy sucks.

Yeah, the economy sucks.

That’s called credit. Biz hurting too

Yeah, the economy sucks.

Biden is a drooling, vapid moron who should be in a home. I can’t imagine the destruction they would do with another 4 years and you know Dbm you are really culpable too bc trump is the only pub he has a chance against. Any other pub would destroy him. I know they aren’t your ideal but getting rid of Biden is more impt than electing trump. It’s a really risky and stupid path trump supporters are putting us on
Supporting this admin is just lunacy. They put all their eggs in a far left basket of alphabet soup and don’t have a single clue how to govern
Who's "supporting this administration?" Not many people I know. But I know a shit-ton of people like me who voted against Trump in 2020 and will be doing the same in 2024. We saw the shit he pulled throughout his presidency and we're not interested in a con man/crook/felon running the show. And we're not fans of strongman regimes, which is what we'll all be looking at if he's back in the White House.

I don't care what the polls are showing now. Republicans still have a chance to restore sanity to the party. A Christie or Haley win in New Hampshire and/or Iowa, coupled with hefty anti-Trump ad spending, could quickly change the dynamic and make this an actual race. If they push the angry old man through, though, they'll lose again in 2024. Bigly.
Who's "supporting this administration?" Not many people I know. But I know a shit-ton of people like me who voted against Trump in 2020 and will be doing the same in 2024. We saw the shit he pulled throughout his presidency and we're not interested in a con man/crook/felon running the show. And we're not fans of strongman regimes, which is what we'll all be looking at if he's back in the White House.

I don't care what the polls are showing now. Republicans still have a chance to restore sanity to the party. A Christie or Haley win in New Hampshire and/or Iowa, coupled with hefty anti-Trump ad spending, could quickly change the dynamic and make this an actual race. If they push the angry old man through, though, they'll lose again in 2024. Bigly.
None of that impacts my daily living. Or my family. . Biden and progressives do. They’ve made life more expensive and brought murderers to our neighborhood. I’ll vote trump all day long.

Let the Dems fix their own dog shit party. Get rid of Biden and the far left. Follow manchin. No sane person should support the Dems after the last three years. The party needs an overhaul
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None of that impacts my daily living. Or my family. . Biden and progressives do. They’ve made life more expensive and brought murderers to our neighborhood. I’ll vote trump all day long.

Let the Dems fix their own dog shit party. Get rid of Biden and the far left. Follow manchin. No sane person should support the Dems after the last three years. The party needs an overhaul
No one should support Trump after what we've witnessed his entire adult life, and it's only gotten worse since he entered the political arena. He admires autocrats and despots, he's got a fascist bent, and he's a dictator wannabe. And the "wannabe" qualifier goes away if he's back in the White House and presiding over the Chaos and Revenge administration, but I'm confident he won't be. The American people, collectively, aren't that stupid.
No one should support Trump after what we've witnessed his entire adult life, and it's only gotten worse since he entered the political arena. He admires autocrats and despots, he's got a fascist bent, and he's a dictator wannabe. And the "wannabe" qualifier goes away if he's back in the White House and presiding over the Chaos and Revenge administration, but I'm confident he won't be. The American people, collectively, aren't that stupid.
the amount of people i know who will vote for trump increases monthly with biden at the helm. and i too will vote for him. not even a question at this point. biden imo is infinitely worse in that his actions/behaviors/rhetoric have a material impact on our daily lives.
the amount of people i know who will vote for trump increases monthly with biden at the helm. and i too will vote for him. not even a question at this point. biden imo is infinitely worse in that his actions/behaviors/rhetoric have a material impact on our daily lives.
Sell your soul for a few pounds of crab legs.
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Sell your soul for a few pounds of crab legs.
it's for all people actually. people are struggling. big time. worrying about "mean things" and "unseemly character" and "democracy" when everythign is in place is selling your soul. i support helping the masses not the cucks in universities who are offended. the ability to pay for college. a home. safety in your community
the amount of people i know who will vote for trump increases monthly with biden at the helm. and i too will vote for him. not even a question at this point. biden imo is infinitely worse in that his actions/behaviors/rhetoric have a material impact on our daily lives.
If your life sucks so bad you need to look in the mirror about choices you've made.

Blaming Biden on everything like you do makes you look like a victim.
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If your life sucks so bad you need to look in the mirror about choices you've made.
how f*ucking stupid are you? no one said their life sucks so bad. they said every marker from eggs to houses has gotten appreciably more expensive under biden and that makes life harder. throw in the border, progressive bs with crime, an inept admin of nominees, and on and on. your still supporting biden just makes you look like a partisan dumbass, which you clearly are if you support biden.

we already know biden's contribution to inflation. it would have been worse but for manchin. we already know the shitty consequences of far left policy. hell manchin condemns biden for his bs. wake up dude. it's okay to say yes this admin is pure dog shit. let's find a better dem to replace them. you won't melt. you'll seem like you might have a brain
how f*ucking stupid are you? no one said their life sucks so bad. they said every marker from eggs to houses has gotten appreciably more expensive under biden and that makes life harder. throw in the border, progressive bs with crime, an inept admin of nominees, and on and on. your still supporting biden just makes you look like a partisan dumbass, which you clearly are if you support biden.

we already know biden's contribution to inflation. it would have been worse but for manchin. we already know the shitty consequences of far left policy. hell manchin condemns biden for his bs. wake up dude. it's okay to say yes this admin is pure dog shit. let's find a better dem to replace them. you won't melt. you'll seem like you might have a brain

A 12 pack of eggs at my Kroger right now is $1.29.

This administration sucks, but they're not the fault of everything.
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A 12 pack of eggs at my Kroger right now is $1.29.

This administration sucks, but they're not the fault of everything.
No they are not. They are A factor. But as I said it’s more than just inflation. I’m all for replacing trump. He’s s scumbag. But priority one has to be to get Biden out and any far left type. They impact our daily lives directly.
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A 12 pack of eggs at my Kroger right now is $1.29.

This administration sucks, but they're not the fault of everything.
I realize Trump is a complete moron (Moran) that only cares about himself, is a con man, is under multiple indictments and tried to forcibly overturn an election, but gas is $3. Time to burn it all down.
I realize Trump is a complete moron (Moran) that only cares about himself, is a con man, is under multiple indictments and tried to forcibly overturn an election, but gas is $3. Time to burn it all down.
except it's not only that. it's a referendum on all of the dem bullshit over the last three years. their contributions to inflation, identity politics, bail projects, draconian covid response, attacks on cops, insanity with migrants. as the leader of the team, biden gotta go
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except it's not only that. it's a referendum on all of the dem bullshit over the last three years. their contributions to inflation, identity politics, bail projects, draconian covid response, attacks on cops, insanity with migrants. as the leader of the team, biden gotta go
We need to concentrate on the GOP primary. Nominating Trump means a Democrat as President for four more years. I think that’s guaranteed.
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We need to concentrate on the GOP primary. Nominating Trump means a Democrat as President for four more years. I think that’s guaranteed.
depends on the dem. i think trump beats biden at this point. things can change. but today. biden is a god awful president and hardly likeable. he's his own pos, just in different ways. if the dems picked a centrist that dem would destroy trump. i htink if you look at the country as a whole if the dem picked a centrist they likely win against any repub. but biden is so disliked at this point trump i believe today would beat him.

depends on the dem. i think trump beats biden at this point. things can change. but today. biden is a god awful president and hardly likeable. he's his own pos, just in different ways. if the dems picked a centrist that dem would destroy trump. i htink if you look at the country as a whole if the dem picked a centrist they likely win against any repub. but biden is so disliked at this point trump i believe today would beat him.

I don’t think Trump can beat Biden. Far too much baggage for much more than the Trumpsters to vote for Trump. Haley would likely win going away.
I like bcc but there is no reason to back Biden. And I get trump is dirty. It’s like who would you rather have kelvin sampson or Archie Miller. I’ll take Sampson
I like you too and have enjoyed your posts over the years, even when I didn't agree. I hated what I posted and I should have just deleted it But you are also part of the reason I left this board.

You've grown so dark and negative of late. So much hate to Biden and the left for every issue. I could handle it from Dan, DMB, FTW, Joe and others but it has sucked you in too. I know the key difference being you don't worship Trump.

I don't think many of us like Biden, but if the choice is inflation or possibly losing our political foundations under a Trump second term, I'll choose inflation every time. I'm sure some will call by a pu$$y, but what Trump is signaling for his second term scares the bejezus out of me.

At this point, I would take any Republican not named Trump or Desantis (I don't trust anyone who focuses so much on woke) that over Biden.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest. Back to mainly lurking. Happy Holidays.
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losing our political foundations under a Trump second term,
i don't think that's the reality inasmuch as we see trump participating in the legal process as we speak vs being holed up on the island behind a militia. nevertheless you and bowl and i will never see eye to eye on that. as for my hatred toward the left and biden i wouldn't call it hatred but i certainly dislike them every bit as much as bowl and cosmic and shooter and others dislike trump. and i don't like trump but....

i'm not sure this board is actually a good thing. i only very rarely discuss politics w/ my friends and usually it's just in passing. here, where you argue/debate/fight with those of differing opinions, and contrary to the board's assertion you may not like or be friends with in real life, brings disdain to the surface and gives it a presence that probably wouldn't exist but for participation on the board. anyway your post is interesting and happy holidays to you too
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Who's "supporting this administration?" Not many people I know. But I know a shit-ton of people like me who voted against Trump in 2020 and will be doing the same in 2024. We saw the shit he pulled throughout his presidency and we're not interested in a con man/crook/felon running the show. And we're not fans of strongman regimes, which is what we'll all be looking at if he's back in the White House.

I don't care what the polls are showing now. Republicans still have a chance to restore sanity to the party. A Christie or Haley win in New Hampshire and/or Iowa, coupled with hefty anti-Trump ad spending, could quickly change the dynamic and make this an actual race. If they push the angry old man through, though, they'll lose again in 2024. Bigly.

Read good advice several years ago on what to really look for in an American President. Every candidate tries to sell us on a plan but each and every administration will fail to deliver on most of their promises because of Congress and another much bigger issue/ event inevitably overriding their agenda. Every president seems to face an unforseen event that defines their presidency: Trump had Covid (figuratively, literally), Obama had the Great Recession, Bush had 9/11, etc. Make your choice based on their percieved ability to respond to that defining crisis. Knock on wood, we'll someday likely say Biden's presidency was defined by a resurgent Russia and maybe the ME post 10/7. I dunno, but I doubt in 5 years we'll say it was inflation.
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I like you too and have enjoyed your posts over the years, even when I didn't agree. I hated what I posted and I should have just deleted it But you are also part of the reason I left this board.

You've grown so dark and negative of late. So much hate to Biden and the left for every issue. I could handle it from Dan, DMB, FTW, Joe and others but it has sucked you in too. I know the key difference being you don't worship Trump.

I don't think many of us like Biden, but if the choice is inflation or possibly losing our political foundations under a Trump second term, I'll choose inflation every time. I'm sure some will call by a pu$$y, but what Trump is signaling for his second term scares the bejezus out of me.

At this point, I would take any Republican not named Trump or Desantis (I don't trust anyone who focuses so much on woke) that over Biden.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest. Back to mainly lurking. Happy Holidays.
Now is not the time for lurking. You’re a reasonable voice here and we need more of those. Don’t let anyone shout you down.
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Sounds like something someone here might say...

“As part of our due diligence, we subject a client’s asset value to adjustments,” Williams said. “It’s part of our underwriting process. We apply it to every client regardless of what’s reported.”

“Is a difference of opinion in asset values between the client and the bank a disqualifying factor to extend credit?” Suarez asked Williams.

“No,” he replied.

“Why not?”

“It’s just a difference of opinion. … I think we expect clients to provide information to be accurate.” But Williams added that such financial statements are made “largely relying on the use of estimates.”

“It’s just a difference of opinion" …
Assigning a value number for an accurately-defined property indeed could be an opinion.

But lying about basic facts on the property, such as incorrectly and knowingly reporting its square footage too high by a factor of 3, is simply not an opinion at all. It's outright fraud.
Assigning a value number for an accurately-defined property indeed could be an opinion.

But lying about basic facts on the property, such as incorrectly and knowingly reporting its square footage too high by a factor of 3, is simply not an opinion at all. It's outright fraud.


It's immaterial.

Easily verifiable, if we actually care.

State the instances where that occurred w Trump, and explain why it was critical to DB's credit analysis. 😄
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No one should support Trump after what we've witnessed his entire adult life, and it's only gotten worse since he entered the political arena. He admires autocrats and despots, he's got a fascist bent, and he's a dictator wannabe. And the "wannabe" qualifier goes away if he's back in the White House and presiding over the Chaos and Revenge administration, but I'm confident he won't be. The American people, collectively, aren't that stupid.
Your schools failed you. I learned about checks and balances at an early age…
Assigning a value number for an accurately-defined property indeed could be an opinion.

But lying about basic facts on the property, such as incorrectly and knowingly reporting its square footage too high by a factor of 3, is simply not an opinion at all. It's outright fraud.
To prove fraud you have to prove damages. What are the damages? The banks said they'd love to keep doing business with Trump.
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it's for all people actually. people are struggling. big time. worrying about "mean things" and "unseemly character" and "democracy" when everythign is in place is selling your soul. i support helping the masses not the cucks in universities who are offended. the ability to pay for college. a home. safety in your community
People are always struggling. Biden didn't cause it, and Trump won't fix it.

Oversimplification alert: ignoring the unseemly character and concerns for democracy, you really only need to ask two questions to decide whom to vote for: whom do you want picking judges, and whom do you want deciding when to bomb someone? Because whichever geriatric turd wins in 2024 is unlikely to have any lasting effect beyond those two things.

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