Ivermectin a promising drug...

Have you used Ivermectin?
I have for both animals, several times, and myself once about a year ago, but not for the Covid. About a year ago I had a rash on my ankles and the Doc though I may have picked up some mite or something from a hotel room. It wasn't though.
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I have for both animals, several times, and myself once about a year ago, but not for the Covid. About a year ago I had a rash on my ankles and the Doc though I may have picked up some mite or something from a hotel room. It wasn't though.
Then how would you explain how it worked for me?
Then how would you explain how it worked for me?
I think you are taking my comment totally wrong, actually I am sure you are. I was being serious. I think there is enough "smoke" now to show that it does have positive effect. I have no idea how, It just seems that it effects something that helps with the spread.
Now do you believe that I was serious? Why are you being irritable today? I'm team lucy.
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I think you are taking my comment totally wrong, actually I am sure you are. I was being serious. I think there is enough "smoke" now to show that it does have positive effect. I have no idea how, It just seems that it effects something that helps with the spread.
Now do you believe that I was serious? Why are you being irritable today? I'm team lucy.
My reading comprehension is a little off today, But I wasn’t completely honest with you about my use of Ivermectin.
Hello, this thing on.. tap tap tap...

Can you hear me now? hello.
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If the media is so in the hip pocket, why is this cheap drug being touted?

I personally know at least 6 people that would swear ivermectin saved them from Covid. Four of the six are college educated. Not that it should matter. I don’t know if it did or not. I just know they were very ill and getting worse by the day. The one couple were getting extremely worried. They called the doctor who prescribed their original treatment and asked for ivermectin. The Doc is also their neighbor. The Doc told them he had Covid and was taking ivermectin. He prescribed it for the couple. The wife had a drastic improvement by the next day. It took longer for the husband. You would never convince them ivermectin didn’t cure them.
If the media is so in the hip pocket, why is this cheap drug being touted?

I guess I don't understand your point, Unless your point is; I said "rocks are hard" and your reply is " Trump is a horible person because he tweets things". What did I not understand from your reply?
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I guess I don't understand your point, Unless your point is; I said "rocks are hard" and your reply is " Trump is a horible person because he tweets things". What did I not understand from your reply?
Your OAN article spoke of the media covering up ivermectin. Why are they doing that when the drug I linked, and steroids and plasma have been touted. Steroids were touted since last summer and are cheap
Your OAN article spoke of the media covering up ivermectin. Why are they doing that when the drug I linked, and steroids and plasma have been touted. Steroids were touted since last summer and are cheap
Ok i think I understand now. But, when have the drug you linked, and steroids and plasma been "TOUTED". The only damn thing touted is the (prophylactic) vax shots. Everything else, including your misdirection drug(s) have been a poorly covered back page story. And your misdirection here is only helping to do the same thing.
Are you on the take? if so is it the $ take, the political take, the ideology take or the Trump touched this so I hate it take?
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when have... steroids... been "TOUTED".
Since early summer 2020

Since early summer 2020

I mean...but other than that, when was it touted? 🤣

How come you didn't ask if he was on the take? 😇
Hello, this thing on.. tap tap tap...

Can you hear me now? hello.
That story and the resulting comments/letters accompanying it are a great representation of how inconvenient facts are and how we've devolved into a country where people just create their own. No one in the story even mentions Brazil, the country that is second to the US in Covid deaths, as well as the most prominent nation in terms of Ivermectin use...

It's really strange that pro-Ivermectin folks in the US never mention Brazil, since many of the people who continue to hype Ivermectin's use in the US are connected with Brazil. One of the leading "scientists" promoting Ivermectin is Brazilian, and he was very instrumental in pushing Ivermectin use in Brazil. So let's examine that phenomenon...

Here is an Aug 2020 story which details the prominent use of Ivermectin in Brazil, which the pro-Ivermectin sources in the US always seem to ignore. This is the experience of Itajai, a coastal city in Southern Brazil in July 2020...

"In early July, Mayor Volnei Morastoni — who also happens to be a doctor — took to social media to announce a massive giveaway of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin. The aim of the program was to protect residents against a disease rampaging across the country."

"Proclaiming ivermectin “another weapon in our war against the coronavirus,” Morastoni urged everyone to embrace its use, avoid crowds and wear masks. Soon after, people began to line up outside the city’s 200,000 square foot events center to collect their allocation of the miracle immunity-boosting pills. Some had even taken a ferry from a neighboring municipality."

Now by the end of the month they had handed out (for FREE) 1.5 million Ivermectin pills at a cost to the town of over $800.000. At the time Itajai launched their all-out Ivermectin blitz they had 2138 Covid cases and 45 deaths. A month later the case numbers were basically doubled with 5020 cases deaths had more than tripled at 144. Not exactly a medical miracle...

Now this is before the vaccines, and admittedly a small sample size. But that city which promoted the use of Ivermectin for over a year, (and lagged on vaccine rate until recently) currently sits at 1.2 million confirmed cases and 19,000 deaths. And that's just a single example in a country where Brazil's adverse history with vaccines along with Bolsonaro's anti-vaccine/mask attitude meant that the vaccine was largely dismissed for much of the past year.

But don't most pro-Ivermectin advocates in the US combine their advocacy of Ivermectin with an anti-vax/mask predisposition as well? Does it seem likely that (anecdotal examples aside) Ivermectin would provide a miracle cure in the US, despite it having the exact opposite result in Brazil, where it was WIDELY distributed for the past year? Didn't most if not all of the prominent anti-vax crowd who got the Delta variant over the past 6 mos and died embrace the use of Ivermectin?

What should we "talk about", the fact that Ivermectin didn't work as either a deterrent or treatment in a country that not only promoted it above everything else, but basically gave it away for free? Do the people promoting Ivermectin in the US just not know the situation in Brazil? Here is an update from June 2021, which includes a picture of Bolsonaro holding up a box of hydrochloroquine, another miracle drug he has touted...

"In Brazil, where more than 488,000 people have already died due to COVID-19 — second only to the United States — pseudoscience has become government policy. Bolsonaro regularly promotes repurposing unproven and cheap drugs to his nearly 40 million social media followers as he continues to minimize the gravity of the pandemic and dismiss its victims. Meanwhile, his administration has spent millions of dollars to produce, purchase and promote pills such as the lice medication ivermectin, the antimalarial chloroquine and popular antibiotic azithromycin as well as anticoagulants, painkillers and a set of vitamins. The Ministry of Health and numerous doctors endorsed using a combination of these medications to treat COVID-19, even though there is no solid evidence that it works."

While there are several similarities with regards to Trump and Bolsonaro, esp on covid policies, I'm not ready to say that Trump's endorsement of unproven "remedies" was as cynically based as Bolsonaro's.

"David Nemer, a Brazil political analyst and assistant professor at the University of Virginia, agrees. "Bolsonaro is doubling down on his bet on early treatment to give people a sense of security to keep going to work," said Nemer, adding that Bolsonaro's strategy appears to favor an open economy over health and to distract citizens from his vaccine failures. "He needs something to contain his rising rejection rates."

Now, Bolsonaro and his anti-vax, pro-pseudoscience "cures" have been widely repudiated. The Senate has recommended he be charged with "crimes against humanity" for his pandemic non-response, though it's unlikely he'll actually be indicted. But the main takeaway is that cities and states in Brazil which encouraged and embraced Ivermectin and other pseudoscience snake oil cures for nearly a year have completely rejected the same miracle drugs being touted by the Right here in the US.

Here is an article discussing Brazil's tragic Ivermectin frenzy

Here is a counter to that article from a group called Trial Site. I can only read about a sentence or two without paying these folks, and they seem to be connected with Steve Kirsch, who went from early on covid trial funder to being recognized as a super spreader of covid misinformation. They try to discredit her article, but the fact that covid basically ran rampant in Brazil while Ivermectin was widely promoted and distributed, would seem to undermine any idea that it's some sort of massive anti-covid weapon. But I'll include it so people can judge for themselves...
That story and the resulting comments/letters accompanying it are a great representation of how inconvenient facts are and how we've devolved into a country where people just create their own. No one in the story even mentions Brazil, the country that is second to the US in Covid deaths, as well as the most prominent nation in terms of Ivermectin use...

It's really strange that pro-Ivermectin folks in the US never mention Brazil, since many of the people who continue to hype Ivermectin's use in the US are connected with Brazil. One of the leading "scientists" promoting Ivermectin is Brazilian, and he was very instrumental in pushing Ivermectin use in Brazil. So let's examine that phenomenon...

Here is an Aug 2020 story which details the prominent use of Ivermectin in Brazil, which the pro-Ivermectin sources in the US always seem to ignore. This is the experience of Itajai, a coastal city in Southern Brazil in July 2020...

"In early July, Mayor Volnei Morastoni — who also happens to be a doctor — took to social media to announce a massive giveaway of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin. The aim of the program was to protect residents against a disease rampaging across the country."

"Proclaiming ivermectin “another weapon in our war against the coronavirus,” Morastoni urged everyone to embrace its use, avoid crowds and wear masks. Soon after, people began to line up outside the city’s 200,000 square foot events center to collect their allocation of the miracle immunity-boosting pills. Some had even taken a ferry from a neighboring municipality."

Now by the end of the month they had handed out (for FREE) 1.5 million Ivermectin pills at a cost to the town of over $800.000. At the time Itajai launched their all-out Ivermectin blitz they had 2138 Covid cases and 45 deaths. A month later the case numbers were basically doubled with 5020 cases deaths had more than tripled at 144. Not exactly a medical miracle...

Now this is before the vaccines, and admittedly a small sample size. But that city which promoted the use of Ivermectin for over a year, (and lagged on vaccine rate until recently) currently sits at 1.2 million confirmed cases and 19,000 deaths. And that's just a single example in a country where Brazil's adverse history with vaccines along with Bolsonaro's anti-vaccine/mask attitude meant that the vaccine was largely dismissed for much of the past year.

But don't most pro-Ivermectin advocates in the US combine their advocacy of Ivermectin with an anti-vax/mask predisposition as well? Does it seem likely that (anecdotal examples aside) Ivermectin would provide a miracle cure in the US, despite it having the exact opposite result in Brazil, where it was WIDELY distributed for the past year? Didn't most if not all of the prominent anti-vax crowd who got the Delta variant over the past 6 mos and died embrace the use of Ivermectin?

What should we "talk about", the fact that Ivermectin didn't work as either a deterrent or treatment in a country that not only promoted it above everything else, but basically gave it away for free? Do the people promoting Ivermectin in the US just not know the situation in Brazil? Here is an update from June 2021, which includes a picture of Bolsonaro holding up a box of hydrochloroquine, another miracle drug he has touted...

"In Brazil, where more than 488,000 people have already died due to COVID-19 — second only to the United States — pseudoscience has become government policy. Bolsonaro regularly promotes repurposing unproven and cheap drugs to his nearly 40 million social media followers as he continues to minimize the gravity of the pandemic and dismiss its victims. Meanwhile, his administration has spent millions of dollars to produce, purchase and promote pills such as the lice medication ivermectin, the antimalarial chloroquine and popular antibiotic azithromycin as well as anticoagulants, painkillers and a set of vitamins. The Ministry of Health and numerous doctors endorsed using a combination of these medications to treat COVID-19, even though there is no solid evidence that it works."

While there are several similarities with regards to Trump and Bolsonaro, esp on covid policies, I'm not ready to say that Trump's endorsement of unproven "remedies" was as cynically based as Bolsonaro's.

"David Nemer, a Brazil political analyst and assistant professor at the University of Virginia, agrees. "Bolsonaro is doubling down on his bet on early treatment to give people a sense of security to keep going to work," said Nemer, adding that Bolsonaro's strategy appears to favor an open economy over health and to distract citizens from his vaccine failures. "He needs something to contain his rising rejection rates."

Now, Bolsonaro and his anti-vax, pro-pseudoscience "cures" have been widely repudiated. The Senate has recommended he be charged with "crimes against humanity" for his pandemic non-response, though it's unlikely he'll actually be indicted. But the main takeaway is that cities and states in Brazil which encouraged and embraced Ivermectin and other pseudoscience snake oil cures for nearly a year have completely rejected the same miracle drugs being touted by the Right here in the US.

Here is an article discussing Brazil's tragic Ivermectin frenzy

Here is a counter to that article from a group called Trial Site. I can only read about a sentence or two without paying these folks, and they seem to be connected with Steve Kirsch, who went from early on covid trial funder to being recognized as a super spreader of covid misinformation. They try to discredit her article, but the fact that covid basically ran rampant in Brazil while Ivermectin was widely promoted and distributed, would seem to undermine any idea that it's some sort of massive anti-covid weapon. But I'll include it so people can judge for themselves...
I personally know at least 6 people that would swear ivermectin saved them from Covid. Four of the six are college educated. Not that it should matter. I don’t know if it did or not. I just know they were very ill and getting worse by the day. The one couple were getting extremely worried. They called the doctor who prescribed their original treatment and asked for ivermectin. The Doc is also their neighbor. The Doc told them he had Covid and was taking ivermectin. He prescribed it for the couple. The wife had a drastic improvement by the next day. It took longer for the husband. You would never convince them ivermectin didn’t cure them.

Maybe one of your college educated friends can explain correlation vs. causation. Then again, maybe they can't.

Maybe one of your college educated friends can explain correlation vs. causation. Then again, maybe they can't.
In one post he will shout that 6 of 6 people were "saved" from Covid, then the next he will spout off about a made-up number 99.9% of people recovering from COVID, which equates to 5.994 out of the 6 recovering. But let's say 98% recover. That still 5.88 out of 6.

So of course it would be meaningful looking at 6,000 people taking it, 6,000 takign placebo, and looking for a difference.

6 people isn't proof of anything.

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