Interesting Political Poll


Hall of Famer
Jun 25, 2005
Hope it hasn't already been posted (it may have been). I was surprised at the scores, but certainly can point to a few areas where there were limited opportunities to truly express my beliefs (e.g. immigration questions only focused around illegals, not reform and easier access for legal immigration).

Hope it hasn't already been posted (it may have been). I was surprised at the scores, but certainly can point to a few areas where there were limited opportunities to truly express my beliefs (e.g. immigration questions only focused around illegals, not reform and easier access for legal immigration).

I side with Republicans on most political issues
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Parties you side with...

on foreign policy, immigration, education, economic, domestic policy, social, environmental, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


Constitution Party
on economic, immigration, foreign policy, education, social, environmental, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


on economic, domestic policy, immigration, and environmental issues.
compare answers


no major issues.
compare answers
Also important to note that some categories have more than 3 questions and you have to click the more questions icon.
Its a survey. There is no science to the demographic pool of respondents as far as I can find. However, the questions are very good an allow for a wide variety of responses rather than mere yes or no. The data by state is also interesting. I'd like to have that kind of detailed information if I was, for example, managing a Congressional Campaign.
some questions were either poorly worded, or deceptive.

and as with any poll, if you tweak the wording you affect the result.

in addition, those questions in each section above the "more questions" link, get more weight if they have more responses.

that said, is there anyplace one can view the results for each question?
I've taken that poll in the past. Of all the political identity polls I've seen, it's probably the best, although it's clearly not perfect. I don't think that's a perfectable product.

Anyway, I always come out very strongly aligned with the Greens, less so with the Dems, and the Libertarians are always #3. Constitution party is always at the bottom. I can't remember who wins out between the GOP and the socialists, but all three of them have such low numbers on my results, they might as well be 0%.
where are you seeing the results of the questions?

what are the parameters that dictate what answer to what question aligns or doesn't align with what party?

where was the survey originally put in play?

and again, one could tweak the wording of many of the questions and significantly affect the responses.
still looking for the results of all the questions, and how they determined what answer gets aligned where.

by the wording of the questions, and where they are aligning some of the answers, i'll presume this is a right wing generated poll.
Now you know damn good and well that I don't partake in Fox news.
It's amazing how often Fox News is mentioned on here. I very, very seldom watch Fox News or go to their web site. I look at the headlines on CNN and USAToday to see if I see anything interesting and if so I read the article. Since my home page is on Yahoo I normally scan their headlines for interesting stuff.
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some questions were either poorly worded, or deceptive.

and as with any poll, if you tweak the wording you affect the result.

in addition, those questions in each section above the "more questions" link, get more weight if they have more responses.

that said, is there anyplace one can view the results for each question?
Its not a "poll" rather an opinion survey of voluntary respondents. The detail and wide variety of ways to respond make it interesting but its not polling science.
Its not a "poll" rather an opinion survey of voluntary respondents. The detail and wide variety of ways to respond make it interesting but its not polling science.

you can call it whatever you want, (but it's still a poll), but how you word the questions WILL affect the responses, and some of those were flat out poorly worded.

or should i say, "deceptive", and purposefully worded to elicit a particular response, rather than gauge someone's position on the subject. .

again, i have no doubt that "survey", has a GOP origin.
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It's a project, the purpose of which is to allow independent voters to find out which candidates they align more closely with. It's not a poll, or a survey, and I don't think it's really partisan at all. It's just an experiment in political identification.
It's a project, the purpose of which is to allow independent voters to find out which candidates they align more closely with. It's not a poll, or a survey, and I don't think it's really partisan at all. It's just an experiment in political identification

There ye go Goat. You're right. And as someone else said, wording of questions can bias responses. Right again, sure can. That's why campaigns never use biased questions for their own internal information polling. They do not want to lie to themselves and spend money - lots of money - based on bad information.
It's a project, the purpose of which is to allow independent voters to find out which candidates they align more closely with. It's not a poll, or a survey, and I don't think it's really partisan at all. It's just an experiment in political identification.


please tell me you're joking.
As suspected, I'm still Republican and remain one of the more moderate people here (despite the claims of some of the resident moonbats) and I actually do agree with the other side on some issues:
