If a man should force you to walk a mile for him....

It's not that he's okay with bigotry, it's that he's not okay with you...

being an ass. For the life of me, I don't get how you don't see that you're just behaving like the liberal GreenBossierIrontreeBoulevard.

And just because I agree with more of your opinions doesn't mean that it's any less ugly and stupid.

A big part of the problem is that you (and the likes of GBIB) see the discussions here as "sides". People are convinced of things all the time here, but it has nothing do with "changing sides". You're just too lead-headed to see it happening.
Go join ISIS

Did you see the polling data that a majority of people in Indiana back the law?
How do you change people

You seem to think getting in their face and yelling works. If it did, the US foreign policy since WWII would have worked perfect. What we have discovered is yelling and calling names has pretty much alienated the world.

I do not doubt that the icky factor is a big part, and suggest so below. But the other part is that some have been raised in a church that long says it is a sin. I agree, it is greatly cherry picking from people wearing polyester, eating pork, uncircumcised people. But applying logic to faith is difficult.

In the meantime, I believe (to steal a biblical concept) the scales will fall from their eyes more easily with engagement. I cannot imagine just calling someone a bigot will make them reconsider their view. To get them to change, we need to at least get them to engage.

We know under 30 is pretty much all in. Some of that will filter up, see Arkansas' governor citing his son for the veto.

I am thinking Gandhi and not Che. There are times to storm the bastille. Gay marriage with the legal rights that comes with was that moment. Repealing don't ask was another. But those are changing laws. Changing minds is more difficult. Reagan worked for the cons where Goldwater did not because Reagan appeared kindly, Goldwater scary. Scary attracted the Kool aid drinkers, Reagan peeled off people who had been lifetime dems.

To steal from evangelicals, hate the sin but love the sinner. Hate bigotry, but the enemy is not the bigot. It is the fear and/or lack of knowledge that creates bigotry. Let's attack that. Attacking the person will just cause them to tune out. Engage and enlighten.
I don't know that Jesus ever turned his back on people in need

But I would assume he didn't accept every carpentry job that we was offered. I guess the point is whether you see a same sex couple as needing a cake. If a same sex couple came to any Christian and said they were starving and needed relief, you would have a different story. Never mind about this point though. The government has preempted the field.
I Find It Interesting Who Interpreted Your Post Literally vs. Symbollically

I did not think you were literally saying "bake them two cakes - and give them away".
I took you to mean "Bake the cakes and do it cheerfully - with the same giving heart you would anyone."

The point being "the heart" not "the cake."

Which is why Jesus taught in parables.
"Conservatives Think Gays Are Gross"

All of them?

There you go again.

I'll mention only Barry Goldwater, one of the founders/leaders of modern conservatives.

Your prejudices are amazing.
You are a living anti-example.
If we are talking about activity which one believes to be wrong then this

text would not apply. Jesus is not saying that you sell out your morals to make peace or impress others. There are people who believe gay marriage to be wrong thus sinful. How can they participate in something that is in their minds sinful? On the other hand if we are talking about non moral situations then the force of Jesus' statement applies. Ultimately what Jesus is saying is that generosity of spirit does a lot of good. Again, these are in non moral situations.
I don't think he wants to see any more of you . . .

so joining ISIS would be counterproductive.

BTW, if you want to hang out here, then you'll need to step up your game. You're waaay off base . . . .
BUT, Van, Riddle Me This

If the same very religious baker - who feels he/she cannot "condone" sin by providing cake service to a same sex wedding - knows that a regular wedding will serve booze, and maybe even to an alcoholic, i.e. knows that "sin" will occur at this wedding too - must they refrain from this cake too?
When someone's beliefs involve not recognizing the Constitution

and how it protects the exercise of religious beliefs ... what do we call that?

What other parts of the Constitution do you ignore - in your superior wisdom and intellect, of course?
Is selling cake "selling out your morals"?

Jesus was all about performing moral acts with so-called immoral people.
You must agree that selling cakes is not immoral, even if you think gay marriage is.
They aren't asking you to feed it to them while they perform gay sex.

Besides, aren't we all a mixture of moral and immoral behavior?
And wouldn't you agree that judging others is immoral? Jesus seemed to say that.
If so, then refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple would be immoral.
There is a difference between refusing to sell

a cake to a gay couple and refusing to sell a cake for a gay couple's wedding. I'm sorry, there just is.

It's no different than the example below about the lesbian-owned business. She has no problems selling her services to people opposed to gay marriage, but she said she'd have to decline providing services for an anti-gay marriage rally.

This idea that Jesus turned a blind eye to sin and just let be is silly. Jesus absolutely judged others "actions".
what if it's a pie baker, and I tell the pie baker that I want a nice....

warm cherry pie, and I ask her to make a hole in the middle of the pie so that I can, um, recreate a scene from a movie I once saw?
Or ...

What if two heterosexual guys come in and are getting married so they can enjoy the tax benefits?

Or a KKK couple wants a cake that says 'We hate [the plural n-word]"?

Or a hetero couple wants a picture of a sex act on their wedding cake?

Or a group of unmarrieds wants a picture of a group sex act on their party cake?

Or an IRA member wants a picture of a dead Protestant?

Or Fred Phelps family wants a cake that says "God Hates F**s"?*

Are there ANY circumstances in which we could ALL agree that a person's genuinely-held religious beliefs should be honored, and they should be permitted to say "nope - won't do that."

Hell, I went to college with people who wouldn't DANCE due to their religion.
One guy is dead because he believed in faith healing and wouldn't go to a doctor.

Do we BELIEVE in religious freedom, or do we just SAY we believe in it?
Only when its easy?

* interesting that Rivals would not accept f a g s spelled out.
This post was edited on 4/8 4:38 PM by MyTeamIsOnTheFloor
They would have the right to not do it. At our church if you want to use

our building for a wedding or some other social function you have to sign an agreement that you won't have any alcohol,drugs,or tobacco products. We do this because we don't want our building used for such purposes.
Another example of your ignorance.....

'Christians' came of course, after the birth of Jesus Christ.

Literally every reference to stoning is found in the OLD TESTAMENT, narratives of Judaism before Christ..

Jesus, in the Bible, does not condone stoning.....

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

This post was edited on 4/8 7:22 PM by Mas-sa-suta
I think you know now, . . .

if you didn't know before, who is at the top of the list of most disrespectful posters from your side of the aisle on the WC. That was the perfect display in this thread.

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