Ukraine and NATO(US) Are Done.

When Trump tried to root out Ukrainian corruption, he was impeached.
Can you elaborate on how Trump attempted to "root out" corruption in Ukraine?

In a truly remarkable coincidence all of the figures within Ukraine that assisted Trump to try and push the Biden/Ukraine corruption narrative were later discovered to have ties to Russian Intelligence...

Like Medvedchuk...Who was a close ally of Putin, and co-chair of the largest pro-Russian party in Ukraine,while Trump was POTUS...From a 2019 Time account...

"Starting last fall, Medvedchuk and the political party of which he is co-chairman, Opposition Platform – For Life, also attempted to air their unsubstantiated claims of corruption against Biden in the Ukrainian parliament. They failed to get enough votes to open a parliamentary inquiry in Kyiv. Instead these claims about Biden found a far more prominent platform in the U.S. Senate." (ie Ron Johnson)...

So that's how Trump attempted to "root out" corruption in Ukraine? By relying and amplifying the claims of someone like Medvedchuk?

From an account of the Mariupol POW exchange...

"In return, Russia received 55 prisoners from Ukraine, including the former Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, an ally of Vladimir Putin accused by Ukraine of high treason."

See how this all ties in to that fake DF-1023? And that "trusted FBI informant" Alexander Smirnov?...For a while, people speculated that Medvedchuk was the author of the DF-1023. Instead of just a vital cog in another Russian disinformation operation with numerous players involved...
You sometimes refute your own propaganda. You chirp about the 'small country' , while admitting
that outside mercenaries are contracted . You know damn well that without NATO(US) money (borrowed) Ukraine will fold up like a cheap card table.
And it's coming..
When did I ever say NATO isn't supporting Ukraine?

But no NATO troops are involved. If they were, this war would be over in 2 week and Russia would be kicked out of Ukraine entirely.
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Can you elaborate on how Trump attempted to "root out" corruption in Ukraine?

In a truly remarkable coincidence all of the figures within Ukraine that assisted Trump to try and push the Biden/Ukraine corruption narrative were later discovered to have ties to Russian Intelligence...

Like Medvedchuk...Who was a close ally of Putin, and co-chair of the largest pro-Russian party in Ukraine,while Trump was POTUS...From a 2019 Time account...

"Starting last fall, Medvedchuk and the political party of which he is co-chairman, Opposition Platform – For Life, also attempted to air their unsubstantiated claims of corruption against Biden in the Ukrainian parliament. They failed to get enough votes to open a parliamentary inquiry in Kyiv. Instead these claims about Biden found a far more prominent platform in the U.S. Senate." (ie Ron Johnson)...

So that's how Trump attempted to "root out" corruption in Ukraine? By relying and amplifying the claims of someone like Medvedchuk?

From an account of the Mariupol POW exchange...

"In return, Russia received 55 prisoners from Ukraine, including the former Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, an ally of Vladimir Putin accused by Ukraine of high treason."

See how this all ties in to that fake DF-1023? And that "trusted FBI informant" Alexander Smirnov?...For a while, people speculated that Medvedchuk was the author of the DF-1023. Instead of just a vital cog in another Russian disinformation operation with numerous players involved...
Read the transcript. Even Zelensky knows the US was backing the prior regime and its corruption.

President Zelenskyy: I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. First of all, I understand and I’m knowledgeable about the situation. Since we have won the absolute majority in our Parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate, who will be approved, by the parliament and will start as a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look into the situation, specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.
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When did I ever say NATO isn't supporting Ukraine?

But no NATO troops are involved. If they were, this war would be over in 2 week and Russia would be kicked out of Ukraine entirely.
I believe 'no NATO(US) troops are involved' is a lie. Hundreds if not several thousand NATO(US) military are in the Ukraine, operating Patriot systems, surveillance, HIMARS, Starlink,
Aviation and other technology.

Which NATO(US) units would be ready to throw at the Rus meatgrinder?

The answer is none.
I believe 'no NATO(US) troops are involved' is a lie. Hundreds if not several thousand NATO(US) military are in the Ukraine, operating Patriot systems, surveillance, HIMARS, Starlink,
Aviation and other technology.

Which NATO(US) units would be ready to throw at the Rus meatgrinder?

The answer is none.
It's quite possible we have CIA forces in there and maybe some Special Forces advisors - I don't doubt that. But not enough to enable Ukraine to withstand the onslaught they're facing.
He implemented a remain in Mexico policy, which was very effective. He also made it known illegal immigration was not welcome. His PR campaign against illegal immigration was effective.

No government is going to stop 100% of the illegals coming through. But, as has been noted here, even Obama exported more illegals than even Trump did, without the type of legislations wanted by Democrats - the 'Dream Bill' as Goat called it. lmao
I think a lot of time we have an issue visualizing what is actually occurring at the border. We use terms like illegal immigration and border crisis. We have this picture of people entering thru the unforgiving landscapes that make up a part of our southern border. Does that happen? Absolutely. But mostly that isn’t what is happening