"Fire that Son of a B!tch"

I didn't say the typical NFL fan was a Republican. I said he was a Trump supporter. These are the deplorables who handed much of the rust belt to Trump. This kneeling for the anthem stuff won't play well in that crowd.


For those that love irony like I do, you really gotta love how the people who literally crap their pants over players not standing for the anthem have ZERO problem with Trump working with f-ing Russia to win an election.
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For those that love irony like I do, you really gotta love how the people who literally crap their pants over players not standing for the anthem have ZERO problem with Trump working with f-ing Russia to win an election.
You’re right,I have no problem with President Trump:p
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But I did just say they're down. And they are.

That NASCAR's are down too doesn't have the first thing to do with that.

The NFL ratings are down and there are two teams in Los Angeles. The NFL ratings must be down BECAUSE there are two teams in Los Angeles. The fact that almost all live sports programming ratings are down is besides the point. It's a multi-billion-dollar industry...I can't figure for the life of me why COH and crazed aren't getting a piece of the action since it's all so simple.
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Entire Cowboys team - including Jerry Jones - takes knee together before the anthem. They then stood back up and kept their arms linked during the anthem itself.

I think that would surprise a few people from earlier in this thread.
I bet none on the Cowboys will kneel. Jerry already made it clear on what he expects. Too bad more of the owners don't have the balls.
Good call:

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No one is talking about it but Trump calling them "sons of bitches" probably pissed off the players the most. You don't talk about mothers like that.
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No one is talking about it but Trump calling them "sons of bitches" probably pissed off the players the most. You don't talk about mothers like that.

I sure hope somebody asks Trump, "You had a meltdown when you were called a white supremacist and demanded that woman apologize and be fired. Will you apologize to all those moms for calling them bitches?"

Of course he won't.......which will prove, once again, he's a racist hypocrite.

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