Constitutional Theory - Apropos Today


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
So, I'm sitting home with kidney stones and a stent, waiting for removal, and taking pain meds. Awake at all the wrong hours, etc.

Watching C-Span 1, 2 or 3 as usual for a law nerd.

This one touched on a semi-relevant point:

The question was about the "perpetuality" of the Union and Constitution at the time of the Civil War. Lincoln had long-argued that the Constitution does not provide for any "dissolution" or "secession" - to counter the argument of the Secesh that "we joined and we can quit, you tyrant bastard."

Small point, but worthy - the Articles of Confederation expressly referred to the "perpetual Union" of the colonies they were banding together. The Constitution made no references to such a "perpetual" Union, but DID state an attempt to form a "more perfect" union.

This same group also discusses some things that CRT and Project 1619 folks won't like - the redemptive and "sin cleansing" and "re-birth" impact of the Civil War on both the Constitution and white America's (North and South, inclusive) "sin" of slavery and paying the price ("woe") therefore. The conclusion was that the Constitution initially allowed slavery, then the war and post-amendments "fix" it - cleansed the original sin - and allowed the perpetual Union to move forward anew - in a manner akin to Christian "re-birth" ala Jesus.

It's worth 50 minutes.
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I wonder if the south wanted to succeed today what the north would do. We might miss Florida and texas. The rest?.. see ya!

Obviously kidding. Still I wonder...
So, I'm sitting home with kidney stones and a stent, waiting for removal, and taking pain meds. Awake at all the wrong hours, etc.

Watching C-Span 1, 2 or 3 as usual for a law nerd.

This one touched on a semi-relevant point:

The question was about the "perpetuality" of the Union and Constitution at the time of the Civil War. Lincoln had long-argued that the Constitution does not provide for any "dissolution" or "secession" - to counter the argument of the Secesh that "we joined and we can quit, you tyrant bastard."

Small point, but worthy - the Articles of Confederation expressly referred to the "perpetual Union" of the colonies they were banding together. The Constitution made no references to such a "perpetual" Union, but DID state an attempt to form a "more perfect" union.

This same group also discusses some things that CRT and Project 1619 folks won't like - the redemptive and "sin cleansing" and "re-birth" impact of the Civil War on both the Constitution and white America's (North and South, inclusive) "sin" of slavery and paying the price ("woe") therefore. The conclusion was that the Constitution initially allowed slavery, then the war and post-amendments "fix" it - cleansed the original sin - and allowed the perpetual Union to move forward anew - in a manner akin to Christian "re-birth" ala Jesus.

It's worth 50 minutes.
Get well soon from the kidney stones. They are a bear. Had them in college, and I literally screamed out loud at times.
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