Allow Me To Complain About A Government Treating MY Money as Theirs


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
I get paid. I pay income tax.
I buy groceries at Kroger. I pay sales tax.
Kroger sends 3% of my twice-taxed money to my kid's HS, who puts it an account that funds his senior trip with his band, and lessens the amount I have to pay later, when the trip actually occurs. Sort of a savings account that pays 0% interest.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky has now forced a redistribution of this wealth.
They "found" this money in this account while auditing the schools.
Now, instead of MY purchases funding the trip of MY kid, the state has said the funds in these accounts must be SHARED EQUALLY among all kids going on the trip, or the individual must pay further taxes on this "income" received from Kroger.

We've been "saving" in this account for 2 years, paying for his other trips to save this money for the BIG senior trip. We could have used the money when he was on any of the trips, but didn't/

Now because we had more money than the average, we lose $800 to the folks who did not save ths much, or who spent it in an earlier year.

One of you pro-gubmint liberals please explain how this is not tyranny.
A), when did govt ever not treat tax money as theirs?

B), sorry, but i couldn't make out what the heck you are trying to say here.

C), "welcome valued customer"

is the 3% you're paying Kroger sales tax money?

if it's sales tax money, why does it go to your kid's HS for a band trip, and how would they possibly know how much came from you.

if not sales tax money, what the heck is it?

where the heck is your "savings account" located, and where and how does it get it's funds?

what the heck does Kroger have to do with this?

if it's tax money, how is this some personal savings account for a band trip for your kid?
Wait, what?

Are you saying that you invested your kids' money at the customer service counter of a local Kroger grocery store? (Did you get a prospectus?) And you blame the gubmint because this obviously rock solid investment didn't pay out?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe when you figure it out, this tale of hillbilly finance will make more sense. Please keep us up to date on this breaking story of the Kentucky drug store marching band financing scandal.
I normally just get groceries when I go to Kroger. I had no idea. . .

They provided financial planning. I need to pay more attention.

changed their community payback program in our area a couple of years ago. Neither the new or the old contained individual accounts. Organizations received the money not individuals.
This Was Through the Community Payback Program

But the purpose of this specific "program" was helping fund kid's band trips. Since the purchases by each kid's family differed in amount, Kroger reported the amount of purchases (and the corresponding donation amount) back to the school by individual.

It was pretty easy for them.
Each family got one of those re-loadable gift cards.
Thus, each card could be/was easily associated with a specific kid.
Every purchase associated with that gift card resulted in a donation which could be reported by to the school "for" that kid.

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