Worst Beer...

How about we go the other way; best value beers? I know many of my friends liked Busch for a budget buzz in college, but I never liked it, unless it was a keg. I'm old, and one of my roommates had a tap for Stroh's kegs (it was a different that had a probe that extended into the keg, versus the ball type) and I think at the time (circa 1984) we were getting kegs for $30 at Big Red Liquors, so that was popular for weekends when I lived off campus. In college for "regular" drinking my first value choice was Old Style. Think it was often $6.99/case. And then Old Milwaukee if we were going cheaper than that. Now I drink Yuengling most often from a value perspective (ie, right now, while my 23 yo son is back living with me!).

Another value option was we'd go to the Burger King and see if they'd allow us to get ice from their ice machine (a roommate knew a manager there). I remember one warm spring day we pooled our change and got that case of Old Style and filled our cooler with ice from BK, so we were about $8 all-in for 3 of us (think we also each got a $.99 BK jr bacon too) and headed to the quarries. Awesome day out there, too many stories to recount from that day, but most involved bewbs and it was good enough to stick with me 35 years later and bring a smile!

Admittedly, I rarely drank the super cheap varieties. I almost always worked and I liked saving money, but if it involved my feeling like shit or having the shits, I vetoed those choices.
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There are many, mostly during the years at IU. Wisconsin Club has to be the worst. Weidemann, Falls City, Iron City, Black Label among those truly awful beers.
Red White and Blue. Skunk beer is better@
There are many, mostly during the years at IU. Wisconsin Club has to be the worst. Weidemann, Falls City, Iron City, Black Label among those truly awful beers.
Schaeffer Light $3.99/case in the late 80's, paired with a $3.50 sausage and jalepeno pizza from Pizzago. Can't believe my ass was actually still intact upon graduation with that combo in play a few times/week.
Schaeffer Light $3.99/case in the late 80's, paired with a $3.50 sausage and jalepeno pizza from Pizzago. Can't believe my ass was actually still intact upon graduation with that combo in play a few times/week.
I think there were folks on here questioning that same thing without even knowing about your beer and gastro preferences! That does sound like a sphinchter burning combo!
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Genesee Cream Ale because it came in 16 oz bottles instead of 12 oz, for the same price.

It was bad, but you got more of it, which made it good. I guess. Until the next day, when the "Genny Jumpers" came.
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Hamms, Keystone (literally any variant) and, of course, Steel Reserve (you bitch).

Coors rates really high on the shit list b/c it's pervasive and people that don't like beer drink the shit out of it. I'm hoping it gets replaced by hard seltzers.
Hamms, Keystone (literally any variant) and, of course, Steel Reserve (you bitch).

Coors rates really high on the shit list b/c it's pervasive and people that don't like beer drink the shit out of it. I'm hoping it gets replaced by hard seltzers.
Keystone Light > Bud light
Keystone Light is essentially Coors Light but cheaper and can buy in the 30 pack which makes it almost magical.
There are many, mostly during the years at IU. Wisconsin Club has to be the worst. Weidemann, Falls City, Iron City, Black Label among those truly awful Beers.
I have have lived long enough to have sample those delicacies. I could drink Falls City until the last two swigs. I think it was brewed in the New Albany area…odd they could figure out whiskies but flunked on the beer test.m
Falstaff and red white and blue!
I would have ranked PBR in that category but it has made a resurgence. The PBR brewery complex with the brewery, a museum, hote/pub/ restaurant right up the street from the Bucks venue and water street makes it cool again. Taste is still weak and if you are going for the beer..head up any of the micros.
Loved Little Kings.


Is that what they call them nowadays?
Falstaff and red white and blue!
I think Falstaff owned or operated those massive grain/hops silos east of the Dan Ryan and near the Cal harbor. some times they are a background for CPD episodes when Hank wants to do a shakedown or a private inquisition. Made me think Falstaff was an industrial operation and the beer tasted a mixture of steel and gas given the environment.
Easily Keystone as the worst. The taste is like week old stale beer.

The second, at least from memory, would be a cheap Trader Joe’s brand IPA or double IPA. Had to just dump it out.

I few have mentioned Bud Light tasting like piss water, etc. I don’t really think Bud Light or Natty Light have much taste so they can’t be worse than Keystone.
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I used to get the runs every time I drank Buds from kegs in Bloomington. Put me off it ever since. Aside from that, the taste is awful -- piss water.
Reminds me of a joke I heard from the Aussies durin my brief rugby career. Probably repeated often over the years but some of the craft beer crowd may have been insulated from the joke. And it describes many of the previously mentioned brews.
Q. How is making love in a canoe like American beer ?
A. Both are f....g near water.
And this whole time i thought i was the show pony of this's been a rough day
I worked the member desk at the Baxter YMCA some through school, mainly for free workout time maybe to chat up MILFs before the term existed, but one of the things I had to do was oversee lost and found. I coined a term then, that I think applies here: "That's like saying you are the best looking shirt in the lost and found!" Congrats!
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Stroh's > Bud
Yeah, the Stroh's hate took me aback a little. Firstly, was the aforementioned keg deal where we had a Stroh's tap, so all we had to do was get the keg $, which at Big Red was around $30. We'd often get a keg with 5-6 of us pooling money, knowing we'd then have beer the whole weekend and it would get girls over.... "yeah, we got a keg, come help us drink it!" Many a fine party started that way in the Big Red House! Secondly, when I was a wee young 13-14 year old, we discovered a neighbor kept about 8 cases of Stroh's in his detached and unlocked garage at all times. We reasoned that if we took part of a case, he'd notice it missing (I think he brought a case in at a time and kept it inside) so we began taking a whole case at a time and stashing it in a buddy's tree house. Many a time when bad things have happened to me, I wonder if it's karma from stealing cases of beer from my neighbor!
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Yeah, the Stroh's hate took me aback a little. Firstly, was the aforementioned keg deal where we had a Stroh's tap, so all we had to do was get the keg $, which at Big Red was around $30. We'd often get a key with 5-6 of us pooling money, knowing we'd then have beer the whole weekend and it would get girls over.... "yeah, we got a keg, come help us drink it!" Many a fine party started that way in the Big Red House! Secondly, when I was a wee young 13-14 year old, we discovered a neighbor kept about 8 cases of Stroh's in his detached and unlocked garage at all times. We reasoned that if we took part of a case, he'd notice it missing (I think he brought a case in at a time and kept it inside) so we began taking a whole case at a time and stashing it in a buddy's tree house. Many a time when bad things have happened to me, I wonder if it's karma from stealing cases of beer from my neighbor!

I landed up in a Greek jail -- the Island of Rhodes for stealing beer once from a bar -- I think it was my sophomore year.
I remember the dumb detective asked me where I lived? Alpha, Delta, Omega something something something street!!
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Are the two worst beers still Icehouse and Miller High Life?

The worst beer in history was Red White and Blue. Late 70's early 80's. It was the dregs beer of Pabst Blue Ribbon. $3 a case. It could only be consumed after bringing it close to freezing temperatures. Truly so awful we threw many cans away after one drink
Many of the beers listed here were the “good” beers in college. Here are the worst:

Natty Bo
Genny Cream
Golden Anniversary
Red Label

The Beast was 100x better than any of these beers.

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