Why is this board so liberal?

I assume a good amount of you live(d) in indiana. Seems mathematically impossible.

And don't give me the "oh we're not that liberal, Trump is just a mad man" Seriously. What gives?
Liberal moderators have run conservatives off the board. It's their way of controlling the narrative when they can't handle the merits of an alternative viewpoint.
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Reading comprehension. It's an art.

I didn't say he was. I said the Tea Party became such. And he had to back away from his accomplishments (of which you were so proud) to assuage them.

Try living withou CD...just once.

Hm, you said the tea party caused you to not vote for Romney, then you said the tea party was anti-intellectual and anti-science. Pretty clear to me that you imputed those two things to Romney. And once again, I never heard Romney say anything to suggest he was "assuaging" your alleged anti-science or anti-intellectual proclivities of the tea party. I think you made that up.

You need to get off of that CD baloney. I don't think you know what it means and you only use it because you really have nothing to say. I stand by my observation that you using the tea party as a reason not to support an accomplished person like Romney is pretty weak sauce.
Liberal moderators have run conservatives off the board. It's their way of controlling the narrative when they can't handle the merits of an alternative viewpoint.
Aren't 2/3 of the moderators here conservatives?
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I think I'm always right? Says the person who will turn himself into a pretzel and change the argument with everyone on here. We aren't talking about who is right and who is wrong. We are talking about this being a big movement , much more than your constant dismissive women in hats marching. And, as I've said more than a dozen times, I'm doing much more than marching, as nearly every woman I know. Remember when I told you about some of what the group was doing? But you of course, in your infinite wisdom, wanted to tell the group what they should be focusing on.
Good for you and the same is happening where I live...bigly. Some of what you do will work, some won't. But the social network effects seem pretty intense from what I can see. People are CLOSELY following what is going on with Trump and they are encouraging each other towards action. They get lots of positive support for acting and feel like they are letting the team down if they aren't.
Sorry but Hillary was responsible for her own character assassination.
In what way? The media focused on emails that proved absolutely nothing. The fact that Comey knew about the Russian hacking and didn't think the public needed to know that, but did think they needed to hear more about emails, that proved to be nothing 10 days before the election. That wasn't her fault.

If you are going to imply that the media was out to get Hillary you're nuts... media was clearly behind her all the way. And just because FBI did not recommend charges does not mean emails were "nothing" (sorry for all the negatives there). Comey actually listed all of the things she did terribly wrong and then flipped on a dime and said he wouldn't recommend charges. I don't wanna go into a back and forth about her culpability, it doesn't matter. She was pressed (by a few) because there was a lot of ammunition. ALOT . Pay to play, emails, Benghazi, the list goes on.
I was a conservative Republican until they embraced Trump. That allowed me to listen to the other side better.

Fact: Trump is a madman and he's going to get a lot of people killed if he remains in office.

But even before that I was becoming disenchanted with the supposed leaders on the right.
Liberal moderators have run conservatives off the board. It's their way of controlling the narrative when they can't handle the merits of an alternative viewpoint.
Can you give specifics about that, please?
If you are going to imply that the media was out to get Hillary you're nuts... media was clearly behind her all the way. And just because FBI did not recommend charges does not mean emails were "nothing" (sorry for all the negatives there). Comey actually listed all of the things she did terribly wrong and then flipped on a dime and said he wouldn't recommend charges. I don't wanna go into a back and forth about her culpability, it doesn't matter. She was pressed (by a few) because there was a lot of ammunition. ALOT . Pay to play, emails, Benghazi, the list goes on.[/QUOTE
I'm talking about when Comey came out 10 days before the election. And then two days before said never mind. But decided the Russian hacking wasn't a big enough story. The email stories dominated the press, especially compared to the numerous Trump stories of corruption and scandal. The media treated Trump like a joke until it was too late, because they thought he had no shot at winning. Benghazi? Lol. How many hours did she go under investigation for that? And nothing. And when does the investigation start for Trump's rushed, disasterous first mission? And his corrupt Foundation that was told to cease and desist?

I try to be pragmatic. If today's top marginal tax rate were 70%(as in Nixon's day), I could probably be convinced that's a little high. Not that tax rates define where one falls on the political spectrum.
Probably? Taking 70% from anybody is theft plain and simple. In actuality when the rate is really high the rich put their money in tax shelters. The best thing for the economy is to lower the rate a lot and take away the tax shelters.
Probably? Taking 70% from anybody is theft plain and simple. In actuality when the rate is really high the rich put their money in tax shelters. The best thing for the economy is to lower the rate a lot and take away the tax shelters.
That seems to be a big debate, between the two parties doesn't it? What is fair vs what is best for the economy, might not be the same thing, in some people's eyes. What was the highest historical rate?
That seems to be a big debate, between the two parties doesn't it? What is fair vs what is best for the economy, might not be the same thing, in some people's eyes. What was the highest historical rate?
Wasn't it something like 90% in the late 50's or early 60's? Of course the rich never paid it because only crazy people would pay such an amount. They placed it in tax shelters. Kennedy lowered the rate to spur on economic activity.
Wasn't it something like 90% in the late 50's or early 60's? Of course the rich never paid it because only crazy people would pay such an amount. They placed it in tax shelters. Kennedy lowered the rate to spur on economic activity.


In some instances, what you call a tax shelter, other people called a wage. Not always, but sometimes.
Sigh. Anybody who has spent 5 minutes studying the lack of women in STEM understands the contribution of women’s studies in addressing the problem. Unless, I suppose, that person is a man who criticizes women for wearing pussy hats, and votes for someone who brags about grabbing women by the pussy.

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I'm still confused by twenty's post. Call me i/o, sure, but I'm not sure who the other dude is.

And yes, that table is a perfect example of things I've argued before.
I have no recollection of BrickShooter, but looking at his posting history, he did give us the greatest Bump in the history of Bumps.


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