Gotta ask the Goat about Drumpf.
I like all your suggestions but I wasn’t looking for uniqueness, tools he uses to service his ego (perpetual lie machine, conspiracies), gratuitously insulting names, age-related infirmities.
Instead I’m looking for the basic character flaw that drives an intelligent, articulate, even peace-loving (evidently) family man to wreak so much societal damage and on a personal level to be so mean, as my sister eloquently describes him. “He’s just so mean.”
Sure a lot of people have huge egos but…
He pretends to be Mr. Barron calling Forbes and tells them he’s worth billions despite his bankruptcies.
He pays a ghost writer to write The Art of The Deal to create a false image of his business and negotiating acumen.
He bankrupts company after company while trying to be the big casino owner, the big beauty pageant owner, the big NFL team owner, the big WWE owner, the man whose name appears in gigantic letters on five-star hotels around the world.
Meanwhile he refuses to pay those who work for him, including lawyers, because…he’s The Man.
He gets so deeply into debt that banks would rather inflate his outward egomania which has a perverse workability in the US and give him a monthly stipend to make him appear rich to avoid total loss of their assets.
Part of his lousy real estate portfolio is golf courses so he can commingle with the NY rich who otherwise despise his fake shallow character.
He runs for POTUS because Obama ridiculed him at the DC Writer’s Ball.
He weasels his way into the good graces of a certain evangelical leader so he can pretend he’s a Christian and win their votes. Then he proceeds to talk like the second coming of Jesus, which also perversely works only in America.
He tries to subvert US transition of power because he lost an election.
He pardons police killers because they supported his coup attempt.
He consorts with the psychotic second coming of Stalin so he can broker a peace deal to win a Nobel Prize because Obama did.
He flips out at Z because people say Putin helped him beat Hillary.
He halts arms supplies to Ukraine because Z won’t kiss his ass.
Others can probably list hundreds of more examples off the tip of their tongue.
His supporters here will say a lot of what I listed show how smart he is. I agree. Not easy getting elected POTUS twice. Not easy becoming a billionaire (which I think he finally is because of his shares in Truth Social). My point is, it’s his ego that drives him, not any actual desire to MAGA.
The one commonality to all these is a egomaniacal drive to prove wrong all those who he perceived to have slighted him, which is anyone who either beats him, ridicules him or refused to kiss his ass, to prove he never loses, to prove he’s the greatest.
Yeah. For me it’s Ego Man until someone comes up with something more perfect. You could say it to him and he’d like it until he wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes it’s a profoundly deep-cutting insult. Then he’d sue you.