Why do you IU fans...

Hate Alford soooo much?? All because of the whole Pierre Pierce thing??..Hell l remember when Bob Knight was coaching the Pan American team and threw a reporter in a trash can, or when he said to Connie Chung "when rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it." Yet when you win..all things just go away..
I happen to believe that Alford is your best choice, people mature and change, plus he'll have instant credibility when he walks into any living room .in the state of Indiana..Just my 2 cents

I don't hate Steve Alford. I have a lot of great memories about the guy and don't want to spoil those.

I also don't want to be boxed in by outside expectations regarding who "should" be the coach of my school's basketball program. Isn't that what your question is based on, and expectation that IU "should" have Steve Alford as a coach "because" Alford is an "IU guy"?

Lemme ask you a question: Do you think of Coach K as an "Army guy"? Do you think of John Wooden as a "Purdue guy"? If Alford is more associated with IU now than he is with the school he's coaching what does that say about Alford?
Indiana ties had nothing to do with TJ Leaf's recruitment.
Tj leafs dad is from indy, played at Evansville and his grandma still lives in Indy. You guys are comical. Carry on. Oh and Jones, I saw u liked that comment which further supports your stupidity. I've seen a lot of dumb posters on boards, but I believe u take the cake.
No way Alford has a big recruiting advantage- parents do not count and kids now don't remember Alford except by name mentioned by parents.
Solid coach needed soon- up and coming , young enthusiastic coach would be better than old mediocre record retreads.
Marshals, Millers, Donovans, etc should have been signed by now if AD had done homework and due diligence before firing Crean.
IU could be looking at a long period of mediocrity if something doesn't happen soon. Illinois made a very good hire of young and up and coming coach.
A year of lost recruits and thin bench and defections could and will be very problematic for program for quite awhile.
Need someone in place to get to work - right the ship and move on. Glass to me looks less competent each day that passes. Teams left do not have many realistic options. Xavier's Mack- very likely not leaving a strong program. Gonzaga's Few not leaving-- has had many chances and happy where he is now. Butler, Florida, South Carolina coaches only other possibilities- all with no real good reason to come to IU.
Time to move on soon.

Why do people always presume kids now have no knowledge or sense of anything that happened before they were alive? Especially since information is 1000x easier to get than it used to be. None of you know anything about anyone that existed before you were born?

Indiana high school basketball players especially, i'm sure most are fully aware of who Steve Alford is. And Damon Bailey. And Shawn Kemp. And Larry Bird. And any other legend that played in that state.
Tj leafs dad is from indy, played at Evansville and his grandma still lives in Indy. You guys are comical. Carry on.

It was widely discussed during his recruitment that he was going to stay out west, his dad wanted it that way. I'll take recruiting experts over you anyday. I guess you're not as informed as you think are.
It was widely discussed during his recruitment that he was going to stay out west, his dad wanted it that way. I'll take recruiting experts over you anyday. I guess you're not as informed as you think are.
Haha. Now now don't get those panties in a bunch. I agree with you and it was pretty obvious what was going to happen, but there are some smaller points that did come into play is all. Guess it was just a coincidence that Alford was the coach and leaf had strong ties to Indiana. Very possible. Now u can gfy for bein lil beech
Tj leafs dad is from indy, played at Evansville and his grandma still lives in Indy. You guys are comical. Carry on. Oh and Jones, I saw u liked that comment which further supports your stupidity. I've seen a lot of dumb posters on boards, but I believe u take the cake.

LOL. I liked it because he went to the west coast for a reason, and that reason wasn't Steve Alford. You may want to get a bit more information before you lay various claims of intelligence.
LOL. I liked it because he went to the west coast for a reason, and that reason wasn't Steve Alford. You may want to get a bit more information before you lay various claims of intelligence.
Correct, the reason Wilkes went to UCLA instead of Indiana? The real reason?

Crean sucks!
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Correct, the reason Wilkes went to UCLA instead of Indiana? The real reason?

Crean sucks!

It's funny, last year when Virginia fans complaining about why Troy Williams went to IU, it was because Bennett sucked and ran a poor offense. Maryland fans asking why Oladipo went to IU a few years earlier, similar answer. Or how Los Angeles talent didn't go to UCLA and instead went to Arizona, Oregon or USC, the answer was Alford sucked. Same dumb answers from fans.
Why do people always presume kids now have no knowledge or sense of anything that happened before they were alive? Especially since information is 1000x easier to get than it used to be. None of you know anything about anyone that existed before you were born?.
Completely feel you. I knew so much thru elders alone about things that happened before me, then when I was about 16 and the web became commonly accessible. It furthermore sky rocketed from there.

However, in our day kids were excited for/respected things that took place before their time. Its a different time today. With the evolving era of snowflakes, theyre not researching as much/more self absorbed.
Thats just the way it is
LOL. I liked it because he went to the west coast for a reason, and that reason wasn't Steve Alford. You may want to get a bit more information before you lay various claims of intelligence.
Well coming from you that means very little. Claims of intelligence says Jones lmfao u stupid f**k
Hate Alford soooo much?? All because of the whole Pierre Pierce thing??..Hell l remember when Bob Knight was coaching the Pan American team and threw a reporter in a trash can, or when he said to Connie Chung "when rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it." Yet when you win..all things just go away..
I happen to believe that Alford is your best choice, people mature and change, plus he'll have instant credibility when he walks into any living room .in the state of Indiana..Just my 2 cents
I don't see hate of Alford. We just think there is a better coach out there. It would be like hiring Mike Brey. He wouldn't suck, but he wouldn't get us to the Final 4 either.
Yes, because 17 year old recruits always pick their school based on their parents having a crush on a player from 30 years ago.
Blah, blah, blah - the disdain for Alford is really something! Maybe you should be IU's coach.
This is not logical at all. No basis.

Alford has more upside. Crean is a mess. As a die hard UK fan, I'd rather have Alford than Crean all day and twice on Sunday. It's not even debatable.

But I wouldn't want either. If I was Indiana I'd be after Marshal personally. I think he'd have huge upside at Indiana. Not too big of a risk either imo. i also think he's obtainable. He has to leave soon if he's leaving, and Indiana is a big job relative to Wichita.
Because his college coaching record is very mediocre. Never been to Elite 8 or Final Four.

manchester university, iowa, nw mexico(not to be confused with the oft confused new mexico st.
a school that sounds like it's in england, a football school, and a school as remote as north dakota.
none are a hotbed for recruiting basketball players, huggins has coached as many years at bigtime schools and he only has 2 FF's and 2 E8's,,,that's 1 every 6yrs, and he's considered a great coach.
No way Alford has a big recruiting advantage- parents do not count and kids now don't remember Alford except by name mentioned by parents.
Solid coach needed soon- up and coming , young enthusiastic coach would be better than old mediocre record retreads.
Marshals, Millers, Donovans, etc should have been signed by now if AD had done homework and due diligence before firing Crean.
IU could be looking at a long period of mediocrity if something doesn't happen soon. Illinois made a very good hire of young and up and coming coach.
A year of lost recruits and thin bench and defections could and will be very problematic for program for quite awhile.
Need someone in place to get to work - right the ship and move on. Glass to me looks less competent each day that passes. Teams left do not have many realistic options. Xavier's Mack- very likely not leaving a strong program. Gonzaga's Few not leaving-- has had many chances and happy where he is now. Butler, Florida, South Carolina coaches only other possibilities- all with no real good reason to come to IU.
Time to move on soon.

Did you send this post by Western Union?
It was an LSU fan at the NCAA tourney correct?
Yes, it was the the NCAA tournament but I've read from players there that it is an exaggerated story. Shoving an obnoxiously drunk LSU fan taunting Knight when there happened to be a trash can behind him morphs into "Knight stuffs an LSU fan into a trash can." It's an old journalistic ploy, the exaggerated headline, designed to garner more readership. Likewise, the de Silva (?) incident about the Puerto Rican policemen who belligerently walks into IU's practice during the Pan Am games and demands the team vacate the premises immediately morphed into "Knight assaults PR police officer". This was blown up by the anti-American (at the time) PR press and picked up by the US press for the same reason mentioned above. The "assault" accusation was denied by a number of witnesses, actual players there in the gym. All that really happened was finger pointing in the face, and no one was actually poked in the eye. Also, let's not forget that Kentucky guard, Kyle Macy, had just had his jaw broken and subsequently wired shut in an earlier Pan Am game, if I am not mistaken.
Hate Alford soooo much?? All because of the whole Pierre Pierce thing??..Hell l remember when Bob Knight was coaching the Pan American team and threw a reporter in a trash can, or when he said to Connie Chung "when rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it." Yet when you win..all things just go away..
I happen to believe that Alford is your best choice, people mature and change, plus he'll have instant credibility when he walks into any living room .in the state of Indiana..Just my 2 cents

Winning cures all right? Hell, just look at the excuses cat fans make for Calipari.
Alford has more upside. Crean is a mess. As a die hard UK fan, I'd rather have Alford than Crean all day and twice on Sunday. It's not even debatable.

But I wouldn't want either. If I was Indiana I'd be after Marshal personally. I think he'd have huge upside at Indiana. Not too big of a risk either imo. i also think he's obtainable. He has to leave soon if he's leaving, and Indiana is a big job relative to Wichita.

Considering Crean's teams knocked Kentucky out of the NCAA tournament 3 or 4 times, I would say that too if I was a mildcat fan.
Considering Crean's teams knocked Kentucky out of the NCAA tournament 3 or 4 times, I would say that too if I was a mildcat fan.

Oh yea man, we UK fans were so happy when Crean was fired. He was a boatload. Too much to handle. I'll have nightmares about him for decades.

But for kissing his son. That was gross. And he's a freak. And he didn't put Kentucky out of the tournament "3or4" times either. But you keep on keepin on. Watch us in another final four!!! Hope you're rooting for us!!
Oh yea man, we UK fans were so happy when Crean was fired. He was a boatload. Too much to handle. I'll have nightmares about him for decades.

But for kissing his son. That was gross. And he's a freak. And he didn't put Kentucky out of the tournament "3or4" times either. But you keep on keepin on. Watch us in another final four!!! Hope you're rooting for us!!

He owned you in the NCAA tournament. How many times did he knock you guys out at Marquette? Two or three times? And last year, knocking you out. Beautiful to watch.
Did you make popcorn boxes and rings for his Marquette win against us?

I think they did, they are called Final Four rings. If I recall his team destroyed your number 1 mildcats to go to the Final Four, and yes Final Four rings likely were provided by the NCAA.
Hate Alford soooo much?? All because of the whole Pierre Pierce thing??..Hell l remember when Bob Knight was coaching the Pan American team and threw a reporter in a trash can, or when he said to Connie Chung "when rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it." Yet when you win..all things just go away..
I happen to believe that Alford is your best choice, people mature and change, plus he'll have instant credibility when he walks into any living room .in the state of Indiana..Just my 2 cents
I don't "hate" Alford, but Alford had a chance to come back to Indiana when he was still coaching at Iowa. He was pretty abrupt in rejecting the chance. So, in the past few weeks, I was pretty abrupt in dismissing the rumors that Alford was the leading candidate to replace Crean. Plus, Alford's coaching record is just not that impressive (though I thought this year's UCLA team was exceptional).

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