why are we favored on the road?

I was impressed with Coach Cig from the initial press conference. Seeing his intense scrutiny of every play from the sidelines during the first two games certainly bolsters my belief that he has a system in place and he is determined to make it a success at IU. Unlike other first year coaches (UCLA) he has advantage of nearly all of his former staff to build upon since his arrival. Others must piece together a staff and attempt to get everyone moving in the same direction before the season begins. I hope I do not have to come back here and eat crow on this one but I believe IU wins this game somewhat handily.
Lots more guess work this time of year with the opening betting lines. This one opened IU Vegas initially saw the best way to draw even bets on both sides is to predict IU as a slight favorite.

Since then, the betting has been heavier on IU, so the line has moved slightly to -3.

If the line moves back closer to UCLA in the next few days, that's a sign that the betting experts are more in on UCLA.
3 point spread is pretty much a toss up.
Cig has been pointing towards this game for a while now.
UCLA is looking at it as just another game,they know very little about IU except that we have pretty much sucked for over a hundred years.
Because this is not your father's Hoosiers football.

But does feel almost like it should be pick 'em. Maybe more excited Hoosiers fans putting money down then excited UCLA fans. Preseason I thought we'd come in a slight underdog. Don't mind being favored though.

I think we'll win, solidly. As in, should be a really great game, but Hoosiers lead just enough for fans to relax in the final few minutes. Going to be fun!
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Because this is not your father's Hoosiers football.

But does feel almost like it should be pick 'em. Maybe more excited Hoosiers fans putting money down then excited UCLA fans. Preseason I thought we'd come in a slight underdog. Don't mind being favored though.

I think we'll win, solidly. As in, should be a really great game, but Hoosiers lead just enough for fans to relax in the final few minutes. Going to be fun!
I would have guessed a PK too. We’ve looked a little better, but they’re talented and obviously could wake up, play well, and beat us. I’ve got no feel on how this game is going to go. Fingers crossed.
Yes, IU needs to win, jumps on them to discourage them in this game and we have coaches and players to do that. Let UCLA come out like they did against Hawaii and IU will show them we are just another team to play.
Here is my “I’m drinking the Kool Aid” version:

1. Late last year, UCLA list to a failing Arizona State.

2. Chip Kelly dumped UCLA for OSU rehab.

3. Our QB has more experience overall, handled our team well so far, and theirs threw 2 picks at Hawaii.

4. Their new coach was their RB coach for 7 years. They put up 71 rushing yards at Hawaii with NFL-alum Bieniemy at OC. Our stable put up 600+ rotating against lesser comp.

5. We look like we are on an upward trend. They look like they are trying to find footing.

Here is my cynical Hickory Barbershop version:

1. Follow the money. Vegas loves money. But (yawn) Big 10 UCLA doesn’t move the betting needle in LA. (Rams are rammin’! Ohtani went 0-4!) They are suckering Hoosier fans with feint praise and a light line - expecting early losing bets ‘cause they believe LA talent will win out in the end.
Rule #1 in sports betting is don't overreact to the results of the previous game. Because of this, I refuse to bet on this game.

I will put a bit of money on the under; however, as I don't believe either team's offense is particularly good.
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Here is my “I’m drinking the Kool Aid” version:

1. Late last year, UCLA list to a failing Arizona State.

2. Chip Kelly dumped UCLA for OSU rehab.

3. Our QB has more experience overall, handled our team well so far, and theirs threw 2 picks at Hawaii.

4. Their new coach was their RB coach for 7 years. They put up 71 rushing yards at Hawaii with NFL-alum Bieniemy at OC. Our stable put up 600+ rotating against lesser comp.

5. We look like we are on an upward trend. They look like they are trying to find footing.

Here is my cynical Hickory Barbershop version:

1. Follow the money. Vegas loves money. But (yawn) Big 10 UCLA doesn’t move the betting needle in LA. (Rams are rammin’! Ohtani went 0-4!) They are suckering Hoosier fans with feint praise and a light line - expecting early losing bets ‘cause they believe LA talent will win out in the end.
Wouldn’t suckering IU bettors look more like IU +1.5. Last line I saw was -3.5 … of course the reverse psychology is a reasonable “game theory strategy” too … like the puny feint praise, especially.
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