Who wants to put their money where their mouth is? seriously!

outside shooter

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 23, 2001
Several of you have called me a liar about my stated profession and about my academic credentials

I am willing to wager any dollar amount with anyone

We can have an honest, non-tool, non-turd third party we both can trust (Van Pastor Man, McNutt, TMP, Peach???) contact me and I will VERIFY EVERYTHING, and the 3rd party will confirm

Who all is up for a hundred dollar bet?
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GOIU, HA2740, Zizkov, RF, UTFO, iubud, others... I'm.talking to YOU

come our, come out, wherever you are!

man up
Take it easy, champ.

Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while...

This is an internet message board. Time to take it down a notch. Or ten.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
somebody calls me a liar, I ask them to stand behind their words

what is wrong with that?

unless their word isn't good for $hit
I don't appreciate being called a liar, so I'm asking people to man up

but they will be ball-less Coltish turds, curling up in a corner, unwilling to really take a stand

This post was edited on 1/24 9:21 PM by outside shooter
Bill, take it to Roger Goodell*


This post was edited on 1/24 9:23 PM by HOOS13R
anonymous internet entity calls another

Anonymous internet entity a liar.

No *real* damage is done. Unless you guys all know each other in real life.

FWIW, I believe your credentials. I, personally, just would never care if anybody here believed me or not.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
For real.

Maybe you need to take a break for awhile if you get this riled up about stuff no one here has any control over.
I Need More Info Before I Volunteer To Hold The Money

what profession and academic credentials do you claim?

we talking kept man? astrophysicist? pimp? tent preacher? author of golf books?

some things just are not believable, ya know....
by the way, if you doubt the science of deflategate, the definitive study

was just tonight posted on youtube

new, actual nfl balls, exact temperature control, exact pressurization

a very interesting factor considered: leather aborbing the water and expanding


study that establishes Patriots innocence
Wow, I'm headed out but very interested to see where this goes...

Should make for some good morning reading.

Have fun getting weird, Gents. Cheers.
Re: I Need More Info Before I Volunteer To Hold The Money

Here is what OS posted the other day. I remembered it because I gave him a hard time about Wabash.

From OS:

a BA degree from Wabash,
an MS from Yale.
a Ph.D from IU,

14 years in pharma, now 9 as a professor.

I deal in FACTS and correcting errors.

I feel as strongly about giving needed facts to new-Earth creationists as I do in correcting card-carrying anti-Patriots cultists.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
can we pin this thread for easy reference when I need to show Mrs Big

As crazy as other people on Peegs?

Good grief
Posted from Rivals Mobile
so, you're chicken. surprise, surprise - check this out:


This post was edited on 1/24 10:20 PM by outside shooter
You care to link a thread where I called you a liar...

...since you like to deal in facts?

You have pointed to everything you can to try to defend the cheatriots. That's what fans do...I've simply stated all along that they have now been caught cheating twice. Which is a FACT...

You pointed out that due to regular atmospheric conditions that the pressure in a football can drop 1.5 PSI in a situation like we had in the Colts/Cheats game...yet no explanation as to why the Cheatriots had 11 of 12 balls fail and the Colts had ZERO....again....ZERO.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fan that doesn't know when to give up. If anyone is a liar, it is the coach and all involved with the denial that any wrong doing wasn't intentional.

So, I'd suggest either getting YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT about who is calling who what....once you've done that, you can proceed to get my name, out your mouth...

Maybe you should try a little of might make you feel better.

That's great....but one thing that it does not explain... that why did 11 of the 12 Cheatriots footballs were affected by 2 psi....yet none....ZERO of the Colts balls were the EXACT SAME CONDITIONS.

Please find someone to explain that...
Which one of those...

...were won after they were found cheating the first time? Oh that's right, they haven't won a trophy since then.,,

Give them credit though, they were definitely on their way to another one this year...but again, they were caught cheating.

Were the Colt's balls also measured during/after the game?

Are we merely assuming there was no shrinkage of Colt balls in the cold wet Massatushets night?

Perhaps it was a conspiracy, and there was a third air man on the grassy knoll blowing up the Colts balls to make it look like only the Patriots had the shrinkage.

Even as third party observer, I have these questions...and a f'n Obama right to know!!
Yes...they were still up to 13 psi.

"My understanding is all 12 balls were under the 13 pounds, but 11 of them were more than two pounds under the 13 pounds,'' Austin said of the halftime inspection on the "Mike & Mike'' show on ESPN Radio Wednesday morning. "Both teams' balls were brought in at halftime, to my understanding, and all 24 balls were checked. The Colts' balls were still up to 13 pounds and the Patriots' balls were not.''

This post was edited on 1/24 10:50 PM by Rangeline Fan

Link to Story...
you are a freaking idiot and have SDS

Small d**k syndrome. You always gotta be right when the rest of planet earth could care less and simply know they cheated (cuz ALL sports team do as does every professional athlete in some way). So grow up and get a dang life
We don't know if they went from 13.5 to 12.5 or how much they DID change

the Coltermakers have refused to comment on any aspect of the controversy. One team is open and transparent, the other will only say "no comment"

It would appear that they inflated them not to 12.5 but to at least 13.5. As Belichick mentioned, different lots of balls respond very differently, different ball surface preparation procedures affect how the balls equilibrate to the environment, different balls even within a lot behave differently since we are not talking about a uniform synthetic material like rubber, but animal skin. There are an awful lot of variables. Perhaps the Colts balls that were not put in play were kept a bit drier than the Patriots balls that were not put in play and thus the waterlogging effect (see video) was not in play to the same extent .

We cannot discount the possibility that the Colts cheated and overinflated the footballs after inspection. It was their trap they were trying to spring in this Colts-created controversy. They cheated in '06, they cheated with crowd noise, they literally fixed games that decided playoff berths by tanking vs. contending teams, and of course they cherish their SUCK FOR LUCK campaign.

We simply do not know know the Colts prepared the footballs or to what psi they inflated them. Only they know that, and to my knowledge they have not been willing to comment on anything whatsoever.

The Patriots have re-created exactly what they did on game day and proved that the data from their footballs does not arise from ball tampering. Period. EXCLAMATION POINT!

Only the Colts are in a position to re-create what they did, because only they know what it is that they did, and it seems to be a big secret plan locked away in Irsay's meth lab somewhere.

This post was edited on 1/24 11:00 PM by outside shooter
a lot of the leaked info has been PROVEN wrong, so we need to hear that

from the NFL. Or maybe the Colts will cooperate (fat chance there).

Leaks like the assertion that the Ravens contacted the Colts about the ball pressure concerns- the Ravens clearly and emphatically asserted that leak to be 100% false

The Colts received all of the balls that may or may not have lost .5 psi. As the article I linked stated that they Colts balls were all measured at 13 psi.

Yet the Cheatriots had defective balls...excuse me, a "lot" of balls in which 11 of 12 of them lost 2 psi, under the exact same conditions that the Colts balls only lost .5 psi.

What do the Colts need to comment on? Their balls were within the regulations....Cheatriots, not so much.
You lie! They are cleared in this Colts-fabricated witch hunt

Lets hope that the Colts get punished.

Or maybe next year it can be 77-7.
I believe your academic credentials are legit...

You spent so much time in the class room that you didn't learn how to interact with people.

...Your facts are acceptable as facts.

...Information that paints a less than friendly light, well....let's wait for more info.

Again, if the Colts had balls that measured less than the appropriate psi, you don't think that information would have been leaked? You don't think the Cheatriots wouldn't have sources for that kind of thing? You don't think Boston writers are looking for every little thing to try to debunk this issue?
What is a lie?'ve posted multiple times that the Cheatriots have been cleared. I have yet to find a single story indicating that.

You deal in facts....Give us that one.

You've posted that myself specifically have called you a liar. I asked you to provide a link to that. You have not done so, instead you call me a liar.

Again, you dea in facts. Please link anything where I have called you a liar.
This post was edited on 1/24 11:16 PM by Rangeline Fan
you are a freaking idiot and have SDS

Small d**k syndrome. You always gotta be right when the rest of planet earth could care less and simply know they cheated (cuz ALL sports team do as does every professional athlete in some way). So grow up and get a dang life
I'm kind of afraid you're going to stroke out or something before the

Super Bowl. You might want to chill a bit here.
you linked the opinions of a person with third-hand knowledge

who qualified everything with "it bis my understanding" or "people have told me that"

The Patriots can only be asked to replicate what they did. Who knows what shenanigans the Colts were playing in their little witch hunt.

love this California TV guy calling out the Colts for this whole mess a few days back

At the time he didn't know the pats were going to be cleared, though

Rob Finnerty, KBAK, Bakersfield, CA
Good luck

not sure why it's important to wager on your own academic credentials.
This post was edited on 1/25 6:22 AM by Tony20
Re: GOIU, HA2740, Zizkov, RF, UTFO, iubud, others... I'm.talking to YOU

I haven't said boo about what you do for a living.

I don't even think Deflategate is that big of deal...funny more than anything.

Calm down.

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