Who from IU would make up the search committee for a new coach?


Aug 17, 2002
Dakich made a great point on his radio show yesterday talking about the 2008 search committee being an absolute JOKE!!

I took a look at the committee make up and he's right. The IU administration has been screwed up for at least 20 years and my money is on that they will screw this next hire up just like they did with Mike Davis, Kelvin Sampson and Tom Crean..
You dont need a committee to identify Stevens as the #1 target

Whether he would come, is debatable but he should be #1 and IU shouldn't take no for an answer. UM got their man in Harbaugh, who people said would never leave the NFL.
Just give Sea Money a blank check...

...and airfare to Boston. Destiny.
Re: You dont need a committee to identify Stevens as the #1 target

Stevens may not want the IU job. I would love it if he was IU's next coach but I think its a long shot at best.
McRobbie should be a committee of one....

unless you have Mark Cuban join him.
Then you give him an offer he can't refuse.....

.....he's a college bball coach at heart.....everyone knows this....and he knows this.

Like this?

Usually someone from Cook Inc is on the committee because they are usually paying some if not all of the money. Pretty sure they will be helping in the decision in some way.
Re: Then you give him an offer he can't refuse.....

How do you know he doesnt want it?

If we are going to bang on people for claiming they know he wants it...then i think people who claim he has no interest need to cite there sources too. Whether its insider source, quotes from old articles or speaking engagements or what.

No one really knows except for maybe a small handful of people.

I love the discussion about who may be a good coach, but none of us knows if any of these guys would ever want it. Its fun discussion, but people need to stop proclaiming they "know" anything, other than what their desires are...
Hoosier Fan 35, I agree.

I wish Glass would man up and be a committee of one. Take the responsibility!!! Could it go any worse than the decisions by committee that have occured over the last 20 yrs? Some of the IU gum shoes seem to revel in forming a committee to chose the actual committee. Remember the McNeely, Dinardo and Greenspan hirings? Popes have been chosen faster!!!

I thought he was a bit odd at times, but I admired how former Illini AD, Ron Guenther was THE hiring committee. Him, and only him. He did all the search work. Did the interviewing covertly. Made the decision and stood by it. He then Recomended his choice to the board and university president. He was a strong enough personality to take the responsibility and heat. Many were fine hires like, Makovic, Kruger, Self and Webber (albeit, not his first choice). Others, like Tepper were not. But regardless, he didn't mind making those kind of tough decisions. Nowadays, whenever the time comes, IU, like others, will hold some caucus to then pick the committee, who will then pick the coach. No One wants to stand up and take the heat if things don't work out (ala, Sampson, Greenspan, Herbert).