No, I refer you to the method that Marvin wants to do above (that I still am not on board with). The Democrats have large numbers of people who vote for them generally jammed into certain areas that are not reflective of life across the country. The popular vote gives places like LA, New York, and Chicago too much political power. Large cities like that are a world unto their own that isn't reflective of how most of the rest of the country lives.As the Stanford article discusses the population center excuse holds no water, and here and now, my guy is in office after a blowout election.
You want the rules to stay status quo because you feel that in the future, you will still be able to maintain power with elections decided with the “loser” actually winning with 10,000,000 less votes.
That could/would lead to decisions being made that cater to them at the detriment of the rest of us.