When was the last time you got in a fight?

I took my son's dog, who I'm petsitting, for a walk Friday and I walk past a row of duplex type townhomes and there's a family out on their porch with a small dog. As I pass, the door to the unit next to them opens and a couple steps out with a big German Shepherd on a leash. As soon as it sees the small dog, it sprints and pulls away from the lady and runs over, and it sounds like dogs fighting (I can't see because it's behind a hill and some landscaping). Suddenly the shepherd is running towards us, and my son's dog is nice, but she meets aggression with aggression and she's small for her breeds (chow and shepherd), but she's a badass. I now have a 90 lb shepherd running towards us and I'm thinking I'm going to have to break up a pretty wicked dog fight in another second or 2. I look up and the couple is just standing there watching this, and I get pissed and shout: "are you going to come get your dog?" The guy is a big ol' redneck (one you start to see when you live in the South) and literally his first words are "You want a piece of me?" and he comes steaming over and gets in my face. I'm 56 and thought my fighting days were well behind me, but I can see this guy is probably going to insist on a fight. We stood nose to nose for a couple minutes me basically saying "just come get your dog under control and don't stand there like a lump!" and eventually I felt he wasn't going to take a swing and walked away. It was about 8pm on a Friday, so I'm guessing he was liquored up. I'll be curious to see if he tries to start something again, because I walk by there several times a week.

Closest I've been to a fight in many years, and honestly I hoped I was past that, but I could feel the blood and nerves start to boil up. So, when was the last time you were in a fight and what would it take for you to throw hands again? I'd defintely do it if someone was disrespecting a lady, or physically threatening kids, etc.... I honestly don't remember the last time I was in a fight, but it would have been in my mid 20s I would guess.
Mid twenties(so 20 years ago). Had a clash of leaders on defense(football). He was a longtime friend(since passed-rip paul) and it didn't last long before his brothers pulled us both away and tossed us like we were nothing(linemen). I called the plays after that though. 😉....too old(and fragile) to fight now. I don't care enough about other people to get to the point of fighting,and if they come after me,I have a more efficient,and effective way of defense.
Mid twenties(so 20 years ago). Had a clash of leaders on defense(football). He was a longtime friend(since passed-rip paul) and it didn't last long before his brothers pulled us both away and tossed us like we were nothing(linemen). I called the plays after that though. 😉....too old(and fragile) to fight now. I don't care enough about other people to get to the point of fighting,and if they come after me,I have a more efficient,and effective way of defense.
Body odor?
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I took my son's dog, who I'm petsitting, for a walk Friday and I walk past a row of duplex type townhomes and there's a family out on their porch with a small dog. As I pass, the door to the unit next to them opens and a couple steps out with a big German Shepherd on a leash. As soon as it sees the small dog, it sprints and pulls away from the lady and runs over, and it sounds like dogs fighting (I can't see because it's behind a hill and some landscaping). Suddenly the shepherd is running towards us, and my son's dog is nice, but she meets aggression with aggression and she's small for her breeds (chow and shepherd), but she's a badass. I now have a 90 lb shepherd running towards us and I'm thinking I'm going to have to break up a pretty wicked dog fight in another second or 2. I look up and the couple is just standing there watching this, and I get pissed and shout: "are you going to come get your dog?" The guy is a big ol' redneck (one you start to see when you live in the South) and literally his first words are "You want a piece of me?" and he comes steaming over and gets in my face. I'm 56 and thought my fighting days were well behind me, but I can see this guy is probably going to insist on a fight. We stood nose to nose for a couple minutes me basically saying "just come get your dog under control and don't stand there like a lump!" and eventually I felt he wasn't going to take a swing and walked away. It was about 8pm on a Friday, so I'm guessing he was liquored up. I'll be curious to see if he tries to start something again, because I walk by there several times a week.

Closest I've been to a fight in many years, and honestly I hoped I was past that, but I could feel the blood and nerves start to boil up. So, when was the last time you were in a fight and what would it take for you to throw hands again Sharpdetailsilverspring? I'd defintely do it if someone was disrespecting a lady, or physically threatening kids, etc.... I honestly don't remember the last time I was in a fight, but it would have been in my mid 20s I would guess.
After watching things nearly kick off in the car park of Lidl last week, I realized I’ve never had a fight.

Unique or just a testament to my ability to run quickly? Am I missing out? Is it a rite of passage everyone should go through?

I have, for the record, been punched in the face on a bus by bigger boys.
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My best friend Joe and his young son and I went to Anderson to try and get into the basketball regional. After we parked we started walking to the Wigwam and I saw my friend stop for a second. Then I saw a guy get out of his car and yell in our direction. I looked at him and my friend and my friend was white as a ghost.

Well, we couldn't get into the games because they sold out quickly. As we walked back my friend told me to stay close to him. After we got back to the car he said he had cleared his throat and the guy thought he was spitting at his vehicle. He said he was no macho man and thought he might need my help in the possible confrontation!
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