When Even Hypocrites See The Hypocrisy …

Do the other 60 second videos posted last week or the week before count in this ranking? Or is this the greatest one EVER!!
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Only if you ignore quantity and magnitude of lies. Everything equals everything after all
Dems’ lies are indeed equal if not worse. You’re a dim shill incapable of recognizing same so there will be no meaningful acknowledgement of it just willful ignorance. When you refuse to tell the truth about national issues. When you double down on saying inflation was 9 percent. When you lie about the border. When you continue to lie about trump wanting a national ban on abortion. Social security. This walz goof falls right into place with his incessant lying. It’s a major problem. How are voters supposed to cull through the lies and find the truth. Further when walz comes out of the gates new to the national scene lying incessantly why would anyone believe what he says down the road. In addition to being just goofy as hell he’s wholly dishonest. Awful pick. Awful ticket.

We’re at a place where we can’t repose any trust in our representatives. Sad.
Dems’ lies are indeed equal if not worse. You’re a dim shill incapable of recognizing same so there will be no meaningful acknowledgement of it just willful ignorance. When you refuse to tell the truth about national issues. When you double down on saying inflation was 9 percent. When you lie about the border. When you continue to lie about trump wanting a national ban on abortion. Social security. This walz goof falls right into place with his incessant lying. It’s a major problem. How are voters supposed to cull through the lies and find the truth. Further when walz comes out of the gates new to the national scene lying incessantly why would anyone believe what he says down the road. In addition to being just goofy as hell he’s wholly dishonest. Awful pick. Awful ticket.

We’re at a place where we can’t repose any trust in our representatives. Sad.
Yea Right GIF

Thanks for your completely unbiased view. I will definitely reassess my thinking on how much republicans (and especially Trump) bull shit us. ;)
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This is willful ignorance. If you deny basic facts. Harris with a national ban on abortion. Walz lies. Biden on 9 percent. Why are you here? You know I can cite every lie they’ve shared. . How does anyone have discussion? You’re just literally behaving as a shill. Not conducive to a board for discussion. Are you part of the Dem party? Working for them?
Dems’ lies are indeed equal if not worse. You’re a dim shill incapable of recognizing same so there will be no meaningful acknowledgement of it just willful ignorance. When you refuse to tell the truth about national issues. When you double down on saying inflation was 9 percent. When you lie about the border. When you continue to lie about trump wanting a national ban on abortion. Social security. This walz goof falls right into place with his incessant lying. It’s a major problem. How are voters supposed to cull through the lies and find the truth. Further when walz comes out of the gates new to the national scene lying incessantly why would anyone believe what he says down the road. In addition to being just goofy as hell he’s wholly dishonest. Awful pick. Awful ticket.

We’re at a place where we can’t repose any trust in our representatives. Sad.

Let's start with the billionaires. Aren't those in MAGA quite obsessed with the "elite"? Why aren't Republican billionaires considered "elite". We hate the elite but by god let's lower their taxes is a strange route to take.
Dems’ lies are indeed equal if not worse. You’re a dim shill incapable of recognizing same so there will be no meaningful acknowledgement of it just willful ignorance. When you refuse to tell the truth about national issues. When you double down on saying inflation was 9 percent. When you lie about the border. When you continue to lie about trump wanting a national ban on abortion. Social security. This walz goof falls right into place with his incessant lying. It’s a major problem. How are voters supposed to cull through the lies and find the truth. Further when walz comes out of the gates new to the national scene lying incessantly why would anyone believe what he says down the road. In addition to being just goofy as hell he’s wholly dishonest. Awful pick. Awful ticket.

We’re at a place where we can’t repose any trust in our representatives. Sad.
Are they saying Trump wants a national ban on abortion? Or are they saying another Trump Presidency will lead to a national ban on abortion? Trump doesn't give 2 shits about it either way, he's flip flopped on it multiple times now. But he's sure set things up, that over the next 4 years it easily could happen with him in the White House.

Beyond that...mostly agree...they're all lying and pandering for favor with voters. Maybe it'll get interesting again in 2028? As I've posted matter who wins in 24, the losing side hopefully will hit the smelling salts and get behind more reasonable leadership.
Let's start with the billionaires. Aren't those in MAGA quite obsessed with the "elite"? Why aren't Republican billionaires considered "elite". We hate the elite but by god let's lower their taxes is a strange route to take.
Bit of a non sequitur. I’m not sure what you’re asking. Of course they are elite. But not sure how they are viewed matters. As for taxes yes. The entire code needs revision.
Are they saying Trump wants a national ban on abortion? Or are they saying another Trump Presidency will lead to a national ban on abortion? Trump doesn't give 2 shits about it either way, he's flip flopped on it multiple times now. But he's sure set things up, that over the next 4 years it easily could happen with him in the White House.

Beyond that...mostly agree...they're all lying and pandering for favor with voters. Maybe it'll get interesting again in 2028? As I've posted matter who wins in 24, the losing side hopefully will hit the smelling salts and get behind more reasonable leadership.

Musk flagged it. I know nothing about Vance other than he is odd and smart. Trump walz and Harris are horrible liars
Let's start with the billionaires. Aren't those in MAGA quite obsessed with the "elite"? Why aren't Republican billionaires considered "elite". We hate the elite but by god let's lower their taxes is a strange route to take.
It’s not a strange route to lower taxes. Individuals are better with capital than governments. It leads to greater growth and higher living standards. Governments do the opposite when they control capital.
Are they saying Trump wants a national ban on abortion? Or are they saying another Trump Presidency will lead to a national ban on abortion? Trump doesn't give 2 shits about it either way, he's flip flopped on it multiple times now. But he's sure set things up, that over the next 4 years it easily could happen with him in the White House.

Beyond that...mostly agree...they're all lying and pandering for favor with voters. Maybe it'll get interesting again in 2028? As I've posted matter who wins in 24, the losing side hopefully will hit the smelling salts and get behind more reasonable leadership.
Yea, I don't think he cares about the abortion vs choice debate either way. He had to throw his base a bone though so he assisted by bringing in justices that would get rid of Roe vs Wade so that states could choose for women.

If a national ban on abortion would help Trump personally then he would do it in a heartbeat. That's pretty much the bottom line on most anything he does. He has no issue pretending to be religious, patriotic or anything to further his personal agenda. Sure, most politicians further personal goals to some extent....Trump just has no line that he would not cross.
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Yea, I don't think cares about the abortion vs choice debate either way. He had to throw his base a bone though so he assisted by bringing in justices that would get rid of Roe vs Wade so that states could choose for women.

If a national ban on abortion would help Trump personally then he would do it in a heartbeat. That's pretty much the bottom line on most anything he does. He has no issue pretending to be religious, patriotic or anything to further his personal agenda. Sure, most politicians further personal goals to some extent....Trump just has no line that he would not cross.
The issue is you. When people show you what was said and you deny it what is your purpose in posting? Why are you here?
It’s not a strange route to lower taxes. Individuals are better with capital than governments. It leads to greater growth and higher living standards. Governments do the opposite when they control capital.
Billionaires investing in artwork, bitcoin, travel to Monaco, etc, aren't investing in ways that create real growth. Greentree/Ironworks (whatever name he now uses) used to have rules that it requires production to create growth. It can be mining, it can be assembly lines, it can be making a movie. A lot of wealthy money is now tied up in non-production. Heck, Italy is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury super yachts, so even buying those isn't necessarily growing the American economy, especially when it will be staffed by a foreign crew.
Billionaires investing in artwork, bitcoin, travel to Monaco, etc, aren't investing in ways that create real growth. Greentree/Ironworks (whatever name he now uses) used to have rules that it requires production to create growth. It can be mining, it can be assembly lines, it can be making a movie. A lot of wealthy money is now tied up in non-production. Heck, Italy is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury super yachts, so even buying those isn't necessarily growing the American economy, especially when it will be staffed by a foreign crew.
I don’t know how we treat the fabulously wealthy with taxes. What’s fair and equitable. I don’t think it fair to take 50 billion etc bc someone is a genius in their field and give it to a high school teacher from Chadon state and a bar flunky to piss away on social worker programs etc. I don’t know the solution.
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Billionaires investing in artwork, bitcoin, travel to Monaco, etc, aren't investing in ways that create real growth. Greentree/Ironworks (whatever name he now uses) used to have rules that it requires production to create growth. It can be mining, it can be assembly lines, it can be making a movie. A lot of wealthy money is now tied up in non-production. Heck, Italy is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury super yachts, so even buying those isn't necessarily growing the American economy, especially when it will be staffed by a foreign crew.
Why the jealousy of Billionaires? I don’t know any Billionaires personally but the multimillionaire friends and clients I have all worked their assess off for what they have. They continue to grow their businesses and their employees are well paid.
I don’t know how we treat the fabulously wealthy with taxes. What’s fair and equitable. I don’t think it fair to take 50 billion etc bc someone is a genius in their field and give it to a high school teacher from Chadon state and a bar flunky to piss away on social worker programs etc. I don’t know the solution.
My main problem with taxing is both how the money is being used, and the lack of transparency with how the money is being used.

I'm o.k. with the tiered tax rate system...and maybe a minimum tax percentage for businesses. But the budget should be simplified, and people and businesses should have much more clarity and knowledge of where their tax money is going.

I think there'd be much less resentment, on both sides of the aisle, and less efforts to cheat the tax codes, if people knew where their money was going...AND if someone barely making a living wage, struggling to get ahead, knows for certain that the Billionaire that lives on the other side of town is paying more than they are in to the tax system.
Dems’ lies are indeed equal if not worse. You’re a dim shill incapable of recognizing same so there will be no meaningful acknowledgement of it just willful ignorance. When you refuse to tell the truth about national issues. When you double down on saying inflation was 9 percent. When you lie about the border. When you continue to lie about trump wanting a national ban on abortion. Social security. This walz goof falls right into place with his incessant lying. It’s a major problem. How are voters supposed to cull through the lies and find the truth. Further when walz comes out of the gates new to the national scene lying incessantly why would anyone believe what he says down the road. In addition to being just goofy as hell he’s wholly dishonest. Awful pick. Awful ticket.

We’re at a place where we can’t repose any trust in our representatives. Sad.
I’m convinced Hickory doesn’t have the sense to pour piss out of a boot. The dumbest of the dumb.
Billionaires investing in artwork, bitcoin, travel to Monaco, etc, aren't investing in ways that create real growth. Greentree/Ironworks (whatever name he now uses) used to have rules that it requires production to create growth. It can be mining, it can be assembly lines, it can be making a movie. A lot of wealthy money is now tied up in non-production. Heck, Italy is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury super yachts, so even buying those isn't necessarily growing the American economy, especially when it will be staffed by a foreign crew.
When I get a chance I’ll give you a longer answer. Your issue is with the monetary system we have in place.
My main problem with taxing is both how the money is being used, and the lack of transparency with how the money is being used.

I'm o.k. with the tiered tax rate system...and maybe a minimum tax percentage for businesses. But the budget should be simplified, and people and businesses should have much more clarity and knowledge of where their tax money is going.

I think there'd be much less resentment, on both sides of the aisle, and less efforts to cheat the tax codes, if people knew where their money was going...AND if someone barely making a living wage, struggling to get ahead, knows for certain that the Billionaire that lives on the other side of town is paying more than they are in to the tax system.
Concur. And when the ones wanting the money have a combined 100 plus years of work and less than one in the private sector it’s hard to believe they appreciate how this money is earned and the importance of being a responsible steward of it.
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Why the jealousy of Billionaires? I don’t know any Billionaires personally but the multimillionaire friends and clients I have all worked their assess off for what they have. They continue to grow their businesses and their employees are well paid.
Why are you jealous of elites?

I am positive there are good, hard-working, civic-minded billionaires. They exist. Bob Cratchit exists too. Billionaires are no different than anyone else, there are good and bad. You don't see me make fun of Gates or other billionaires, I see a lot of people on your side hate on them though.

My point is not about the billionaires but what they do with their money. We have different tax rates, right now a billionaire who holds onto an asset for more than a year and sells it is taxed at the capital gains rate which is far less than what your average working Joe pays (0/15/20 are the brackets). That is great for investments that create. Somebody buys stock, wonderful. Someone starts their own company, great. I am wondering if we should have the same low rates for the guy flipping a Picasso. That money isn't going to create growth. Same for bitcoin and many other investments today. Too much is going into the casino economy.

You want to buy into a tech stock, great, get the lower rate. You want to put it all on Red 7, and it hits, great, pay more in taxes.
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I don’t know how we treat the fabulously wealthy with taxes. What’s fair and equitable. I don’t think it fair to take 50 billion etc bc someone is a genius in their field and give it to a high school teacher from Chadon state and a bar flunky to piss away on social worker programs etc. I don’t know the solution.

See my reply above to Stoll. Treat investments that grow the economy with one rate, treat investments that do not with a higher rate. I don't care if Gates wants to own a Picasso. He's got the money. But if he flips it for a huge profit, have him pay a higher rate than if he owned stock.
Bit of a non sequitur. I’m not sure what you’re asking. Of course they are elite. But not sure how they are viewed matters. As for taxes yes. The entire code needs revision.

The argument in the clip was that Bernie hate billionaires but not Democratic Billionaires. I am just pointing out that exact same sentiment exists in the GOP.
See my reply above to Stoll. Treat investments that grow the economy with one rate, treat investments that do not with a higher rate. I don't care if Gates wants to own a Picasso. He's got the money. But if he flips it for a huge profit, have him pay a higher rate than if he owned st
I am positive there are good, hard-working, civic-minded billionaires. They exist. Bob Cratchit exists too. Billionaires are no different than anyone else, there are good and bad. You don't see me make fun of Gates or other billionaires, I see a lot of people on your side hate on them though.

My point is not about the billionaires but what they do with their money. We have different tax rates, right now a billionaire who holds onto an asset for more than a year and sells it is taxed at the capital gains rate which is far less than what your average working Joe pays (0/15/20 are the brackets). That is great for investments that create. Somebody buys stock, wonderful. Someone starts their own company, great. I am wondering if we should have the same low rates for the guy flipping a Picasso. That money isn't going to create growth. Same for bitcoin and many other investments today. Too much is going into the casino economy.

You want to buy into a tech stock, great, get the lower rate. You want to put it all on Red 7, and it hits, great, pay more in taxes.
I hear ya. My first objective would be to get the gov lean and mean. As for taxes I don’t know what is fair. But I largely agree. Guy on a W2 doesn’t have many options. Can’t use debt. Can’t go buy equipment on and on
Yea, I don't think cares about the abortion vs choice debate either way. He had to throw his base a bone though so he assisted by bringing in justices that would get rid of Roe vs Wade so that states could choose for women.

If a national ban on abortion would help Trump personally then he would do it in a heartbeat. That's pretty much the bottom line on most anything he does. He has no issue pretending to be religious, patriotic or anything to further his personal agenda. Sure, most politicians further personal goals to some extent....Trump just has no line that he would not cross.
The problem here...she IS, at best, being disingenuous... no one knows what Trump will do on abortion.

I suppose we're at a point where both sides have to fight fire with fire. An honest position on all this would require her to explain why Trump's such a danger to those that care about women's rights, and abortions specifically. That he's flipped on it already, that he's shown he doesn't care about the issue, that at best, under his leadership 3/4 of the states in the country will ban it...and at worst, he'll allow a national ban to happen. But that's way too much explaining. And the other side doesn't bother themselves either with truth or facts.

Trump showed in 2016 that you can win Elections based off fear and lots and lots of lying. He's been fact checked, and fact checked, and fact checked...thousands upon thousands of lies. Some egregious, some innoculous. But none of it has led to him being disqualified as a candidate.

I think it’s important that lies are still called out. But the pearl clutching, on both sides, is becoming more than a little annoying. Though I’ll admit it’s a little more annoying coming from Trump supporters. Lying is lying, and it’s sucks there’s a need to keep score on it. But there’s never been a bigger and more willing liar in politics than Trump. It’s to the point where basically nothing he says is fully rooted in truth any more.
The problem here...she IS, at best, being disingenuous... no one knows what Trump will do on abortion.

I suppose we're at a point where both sides have to fight fire with fire. An honest position on all this would require her to explain why Trump's such a danger to those that care about women's rights, and abortions specifically. That he's flipped on it already, that he's shown he doesn't care about the issue, that at best, under his leadership 3/4 of the states in the country will ban it...and at worst, he'll allow a national ban to happen. But that's way too much explaining. And the other side doesn't bother themselves either with truth or facts.

Trump showed in 2016 that you can win Elections based off fear and lots and lots of lying. He's been fact checked, and fact checked, and fact checked...thousands upon thousands of lies. Some egregious, some innoculous. But none of it has led to him being disqualified as a candidate.

I think it’s important that lies are still called out. But the pearl clutching, on both sides, is becoming more than a little annoying. Though I’ll admit it’s a little more annoying coming from Trump supporters. Lying is lying, and it’s sucks there’s a need to keep score on it. But there’s never been a bigger and more willing liar in politics than Trump. It’s to the point where basically nothing he says is fully rooted in truth any more.
You can say the same about Harris walz. On the biggest issues. As I said the Dems are no better. Say anything to win
You can say the same about Harris walz. On the biggest issues. As I said the Dems are no better. Say anything to win
False equivalent, in my opinion. And one that Trump, and his supporters, obviously will cling to. Harris/Walz are lying as well. But nothing to the level of Trump. His speeches and rallies are absurd these days. Starting to become incoherent, at times as well.

I guess if you tell a few big lies though, it’s very problematic. GOPers, unfortunately for them, are tied to Trump though. Your candidate has benefited from relentless attacks and lying. We’ll see if the other side does as well.
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False equivalent, in my opinion. And one that Trump, and his supporters, obviously will cling to. Harris/Walz are lying as well. But nothing to the level of Trump. His speeches and rallies are absurd these days. Starting to become incoherent, at times as well.

I guess if you tell a few big lies though, it’s very problematic. GOPers, unfortunately for them, are tied to Trump though. Your candidate has benefited from relentless attacks and lying. We’ll see if the other side does as well.
That’s an opinion I don’t agree with. If you are lying about inflation, the border, abortion, social security as the Dems have those are the biggest issues we face. That’s not a golf handicap. That’s fundamentally lying. Foundational lies
That’s an opinion I don’t agree with. If you are lying about inflation, the border, abortion, social security as the Dems have those are the biggest issues we face. That’s not a golf handicap. That’s fundamentally lying. Foundational lies
Your fella lies about EVERY SINGLE thing he talks about. So I’m sure there are some foundational lies in there too. Though I don’t think Trump has any foundational beliefs.

But your point is taken. It’s why I’ve said from the start it’s a really shitty choice.
Your fella lies about EVERY SINGLE thing he talks about. So I’m sure there are some foundational lies in there too. Though I don’t think Trump has any foundational beliefs.

But your point is taken. It’s why I’ve said from the start it’s a really shitty choice.
That’s why the which team lies more etc is silly. Both teams are horrible. But they do have a record. Harris has a voting record and 4 years of administration. Consider what she did on the border, prices, energy, crime, not her words her record, and compare it to trump on those same issues and imo that’s how a sane person votes. The data is there.

If they say Jan 6 is dispositive for them I don’t agree with it but do understand it

My 2 cents
What’s your point, it just shows what a huge tent the Dems have. What would’ve been hypocritical is not letting a billionaire on stage, as if they were trying to hide it. Who was the pubs “Bernie Sanders” and why were you hiding him? In other words, the republicans are much more homogeneous and everyone knows it.
Why are you jealous of elites?

I am positive there are good, hard-working, civic-minded billionaires. They exist. Bob Cratchit exists too. Billionaires are no different than anyone else, there are good and bad. You don't see me make fun of Gates or other billionaires, I see a lot of people on your side hate on them though.

My point is not about the billionaires but what they do with their money. We have different tax rates, right now a billionaire who holds onto an asset for more than a year and sells it is taxed at the capital gains rate which is far less than what your average working Joe pays (0/15/20 are the brackets). That is great for investments that create. Somebody buys stock, wonderful. Someone starts their own company, great. I am wondering if we should have the same low rates for the guy flipping a Picasso. That money isn't going to create growth. Same for bitcoin and many other investments today. Too much is going into the casino economy.

You want to buy into a tech stock, great, get the lower rate. You want to put it all on Red 7, and it hits, great, pay more in taxes.
Casino gambling winnings are taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Sales of Art Work at a gain are taxed at a high capital gain rate.

Who are “elites”?

Personally I am pretty much okay with the current tax code. I’d probably change the highest individual rate from 37% to 40%. I would get rid the “Business Income Deduction” which allows sole proprietorships and pass through entities to exclude 20% of their profit from federal income taxes.
Billionaires investing in artwork, bitcoin, travel to Monaco, etc, aren't investing in ways that create real growth. Greentree/Ironworks (whatever name he now uses) used to have rules that it requires production to create growth. It can be mining, it can be assembly lines, it can be making a movie. A lot of wealthy money is now tied up in non-production. Heck, Italy is the world's largest manufacturer of luxury super yachts, so even buying those isn't necessarily growing the American economy, especially when it will be staffed by a foreign crew.
You're entire premise is built on the notion that savings is bad. Billionaires (all of us) are investing in what they think will give them their best returns balanced on risk tolerance and etc. At times that might be a painting, real estate, or something else. The capital isn't gone, because they are storing it in a savings asset. They can still deploy it when they sell the painting. If their was an investment that could return more than storing it in artwork, most would take it. The notion that capital randomly (government taxation) is better invested in something that Kamala Harris thinks the market needs isn't going to grow the economy more than Musk deciding where it goes. I'll also add, if you make it impossible to invest in art work, they'll just monetize something else with the capital, like real estate, which would make housing even more affordable.

The underlining issue is caused by the fiat system and currency depreciation. Were all forced to chase growth. Of course, Bitcoin solves the issue. It demonetizes assets that shouldn't be monetize, like art, like real estate, like gold, and moves it to Bitcoin. Bitcoin, unlike precious art, gold, real estate, can be easily owned by all of us. When a Billionaire invest billions of dollars in the network, the gas station attendant benefits, because goods services decrease in cost to them, as their Bitcoin increases in value. It would also spur growth. In the current fiat system, it's not the case. The gas station attendant (roughly half of society) doesn't have access to almost all of those assets and continue to fall further and further behind as their wages don't keep up with asset inflation. Give it 20 years and it will make more sense as the network grows and people build on it.
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You're entire premise is built on the notion that savings is bad. Billionaires (all of us) are investing in what they think will give them their best returns balanced on risk tolerance and etc. At times that might be a painting, real estate, or something else. The capital isn't gone, because they are storing it in a savings asset. They can still deploy it when they sell the painting. If their was an investment that could return more than storing it in artwork, most would take it. The notion that capital randomly (government taxation) is better invested in something that Kamala Harris thinks the market needs isn't going to grow the economy more than Musk deciding where it goes. I'll also add, if you make it impossible to invest in art work, they'll just monetize something else with the capital, like real estate, which would make housing even more affordable.

The underlining issue is caused by the fiat system and currency depreciation. Were all forced to chase growth. Of course, Bitcoin solves the issue. It demonetizes assets that shouldn't be monetize, like art, like real estate, like gold, and moves it to Bitcoin. Bitcoin, unlike precious art, gold, real estate, can be easily owned by all of us. When a Billionaire invest billions of dollars in the network, the gas station attendant benefits, because goods services decrease in cost to them, as their Bitcoin increases in value. It would also spur growth. In the current fiat system, it's not the case. The gas station attendant (roughly half of society) doesn't have access to almost all of those assets and continue to fall further and further behind as their wages don't keep up with asset inflation. Give it 20 years and it will make more sense as the network grows and people build on it.
It won't matter. Let's use your gas station attendant. The price of the US dollar, that they are paid in, collapses Thursday. They get paid Fridey. They take their $243.28 and go to buy bitcoin, the price will be far higher than it was on Wednesday. They will be buying less bitcoin.
That’s why the which team lies more etc is silly. Both teams are horrible. But they do have a record. Harris has a voting record and 4 years of administration. Consider what she did on the border, prices, energy, crime, not her words her record, and compare it to trump on those same issues and imo that’s how a sane person votes. The data is there.

If they say Jan 6 is dispositive for them I don’t agree with it but do understand it

My 2 cents
Birther stuff was dispostive for me. Everything else after that further cements it. Including Jan 6.

The policy stuff has never fully given me pause, but I do understand how it could hold more sway on others. But for me, some of the specific moral fiber stuff with Trump disqualifies him.