What the hell are schools supposed to do to stop the war in Gaza

Funded, sure, but surely not by Soros (Jewish)

The Trumpers see boogeyman everywhere
You are incorrect.

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.

I have a Politico article for you too if you want to complain about the New York Post.
A buddy recently went to Portland for business. While on a walk downtown, he observed a lady taking a shit by a tree off the sidewalk.

How anyone can’t see this as a huge problem is beyond me. I went to Portland over 20 years ago and it was a fabulous place. How those who govern and live there have let it turn into the hell hole it currently is blows my mind.
I was in Portland last year and it looked like the same beautiful, quirky place it’s always been to me. Guess it depends on your area.
Looks like aftermath of Little 5 to me
I hope you’re joking. If any IU students caused that kind of destruction on campus during Little 5 they would all be arrested.

Did you frequently see little 5’ers sleeping overnight and causing chaos in Dunn Woods or the IMU?

We used to sit on the patio outside Tastings at the Conrad just watching the scene. Clean downtown. Bunch of urban yuppies and hipsters milling about. Storefronts clean and functioning. Vibrant, cool downtown on the move.

Summer of Love destroyed it. Storefronts closed or vandalized. Smell of piss in the air. Every other human looking like a vagrant, dealer, or wanna be gang banger.

Finally coming back around now a bit. We'll see.
You guys see what you want to see, as do I. I stayed downtown Indy last week. Walked to and from theater, down Mass Ave for dinner, back after play . Didn’t see anything or anyone untoward. Nice nights, lots of people and convention goers walking around.
I hope you’re joking. If any IU students caused that kind of destruction on campus during Little 5 they would all be arrested.

Did you frequently see little 5’ers sleeping overnight and causing chaos in Dunn Woods or the IMU?
Sleeping overnight? You bet. Or more likely passed out. Maybe I didn’t look closely enough but all I saw in that picture was a bunch of litter.
I was in Portland last year and it looked like the same beautiful, quirky place it’s always been to me. Guess it depends on your area.
I don’t understand the logic in turning a blind eye to stuff. You aren’t helping anyone or anything. Cortez wouldn’t make it up. Trust me. You’re like these prosecutors who think they are helping. They are actually doing a great disservice to the community
"Pryce Parker — an Ole Miss student who joined the counter protest — told WHBQ in regard to the pro-Palestinian protesters that "you can’t take over our campus like the campuses in the north. This is a southern campus. We believe in God and Jesus, and we don’t stand for that.”

And racism I guess, right?
I don’t understand the logic in turning a blind eye to stuff. You aren’t helping anyone or anything. Cortez wouldn’t make it up. Trust me. You’re like these prosecutors who think they are helping. They are actually doing a great disservice to the community
I think there are problems obviously. I think people overstate them and live in paranoia. Of course I don’t believe he made it up.
Bullshit. Those kinds of antics were never and would not be permitted on campus during L5.
Haha. You seriously don’t think people have passed out or slept in Dunn Meadow during L5? Had a whole group of kids who got lost on campus trying to walk from 3rd Street to Jordan. ( visiting from Michigan) Drunk, lost, tired, lost phone. Woke up Sunday morning. That’s just an example I know of. They weren’t causing trouble probably no one saw them.
Welp from my friends who live there, just like the large majority of cities, you know where to go and where not to go.
The problem is with progressive Dems that where not to go keeps expanding. To where zoos are closed. Renowned universities have to cancel events
That didn’t take long. They’re going after his parents, too:

What this kid did was horrible a day he should be punished by the school, but leave his parents out of this.

He's old enough to know right from wrong no matter what his parents did in their past.
Did you see the kid in the video going viral for making monkey sounds at the black protestor? He’s going to have trouble finding a job.
I have. I have seen posts attributed to him from like 2015 Twitter that are racist too but the dude would have been 13 at the oldest so I don't know if everything out there about him is true. Assuming the best for a normal person, I think he was making fun of her size and anger more than making a racial statement. Or all the other posts he made are a true reflection of him and he was making a racial point I won't defend.

All that being said, I don't think that counterprotest was racially motivated. I just think people are getting tired of the perpetual victim class (and those who wish they were) and their need to bother everyone else with their "horrible" of the month.
That didn’t take long. They’re going after his parents, too:

"And if that wasn't bad enough, she even endured "Lizzo" chants". 😄

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Yay... GW loves hamas

I don't seem any pro-Hamas stuff on George? am I missing something?

and do we really know the founding fathers would stand against Palestine? against campus protests? I actually think they'd take up the cause of stateless peoples being denied fundamental rights. I don't think Rabbi Wolpe really thought this one through...
What this kid did was horrible a day he should be punished by the school, but leave his parents out of this.

He's old enough to know right from wrong no matter what his parents did in their past.
I don't think the school can punish him b/c of the First Amendment.
Schools have been punishing kids for years for what could be considered free speech.

This one is from some time ago, but it has similarities, IMO.

Yeah, I hesitate on the legal issue and don't know the answer. It seems like clear punishment for expression of an unpopular viewpoint. Those kids might have had a case, but chose not to pursue it in an effort to get out of the limelight as quickly and silently as possible.

I hate what that kid did, but I hate the worst of what the Palestinian protestors say, too. I don't think govt. should be able to punish it, though.
Hmmmm, that gives this a run for the money. Revlon Raj LMAO

So it turns out the policy IU officials quoted in bringing out the state police isn't the policy. It was claimed the 1969 policy gave IU the right to form an ad hoc committee to change the rules and also prevented overnight structures in Dunn Meadow.

It turns out the actual policy does neither. However, in the 1980s a committee was formed to revise the policy for the apartheid protests. That committee made recommendations, those are two of them. The recommendations were never voted on, let alone approved

According to the story below, what IU has on the website are the recommendations and it should have been easy to tell because it contains wording such as "we recommend".

I wonder what this does to any lawsuit against IU? As a non-lawyer, I would think it really opens up IU. Maybe our real lawyers have insight.

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So it turns out the policy IU officials quoted in bringing out the state police isn't the policy. It was claimed the 1969 policy gave IU the right to form an ad hoc committee to change the rules and also prevented overnight structures in Dunn Meadow.

It turns out the actual policy does neither. However, in the 1980s a committee was formed to revise the policy for the apartheid protests. That committee made recommendations, those are two of them. The recommendations were never voted on, let alone approved

According to the story below, what IU has on the website are the recommendations and it should have been easy to tell because it contains wording such as "we recommend".

I wonder what this does to any lawsuit against IU? As a non-lawyer, I would think it really opens up IU. Maybe our real lawyers have insight.

This could be evidence that the state was retaliating against speech for the content vs. a valid time, place, and manner restriction if that’s the claim made.

I’d be surprised, though, if there were no restrictions on overnight camping on IUs campus.
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