What should Fred Glass do with Tom Crean?

What should Fred Glass do with Tom Crean?

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Think soft landing. As in Crean at LSU. year round tanning down there.
He will have a soft landing thats for sure. You can buy a nice comfortable living off 4 Mil or even 2 Mil negotiated. Not to mention close to 30 Mil he has received in salary already. He wont sit around and do nothing though. Im sure he will find some work but a head coaching gig could be hard to come by.
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Tom Crean will be hired based on perception of his coaching abilities at a Power 5. LSU, Missouri and others at that pitch level are definitely possible destinations. Crean is energetic and a salesman, he'll get a gig, money in the bank.
I simply do not see Tom Crean as the head coach at another Power 5 school....I can't see it.

Delusional thoughts if you're being serious. I want him gone as much as anyone but he is power 5 worthy. Albeit not by much. You seriously can't picture him at any power 5 team? Take a look at our own conference. You think Rutgers wouldn't look at Crean ? What about Boston College? Georgia? LSU? Texas Tech? The list goes on
Delusional thoughts if you're being serious. I want him gone as much as anyone but he is power 5 worthy. Albeit not by much. You seriously can't picture him at any power 5 team? Take a look at our own conference. You think Rutgers wouldn't look at Crean ? What about Boston College? Georgia? LSU? Texas Tech? The list goes on
lets review: "delusion if your serious"......."albeit not by much"? You must be a micro-surgeon.
Think soft landing. As in Crean at LSU. year round tanning down there.

This would be the ideal situation for Crean if he wants to remain in the Power 5. LSU's priorities aren't with basketball. He could be their Dale Brown 2.0, and LSU would be good with that outcome.
I do because if he goes to a second tier like LSU or Missouri they don't have great expectations. If he gets them to a few sweet 16's there they will give him a long contract.

not sure he'll get back to the sweet 16 that often without the talent IU afforded him. besides the ff run, he won exactly one NCAA game at Marquette. granted, MU doesn't have the deep pockets that LSU or Mizzou would but it was a basketball school.
He will def land at a power 5 school. He recruited and coached a team that was ranked #1 for a significant part of 2012-2013. Not a lot of coaches can say that. Of course he didn't take them far, but thats beside the point. Crean also has had IU at the top or near the top in offense nationally for the last 5-6 years. He has a resume that will get him in the door at more than a few places.
I simply do not see Tom Crean as the head coach at another Power 5 school....I can't see it.

Nor do I and I am sure that is why he will fight tooth and nail to stay at IU. I do not think he is going anywhere without a fight to stay at IU. If he does not leave on his own I think he will be pacing the sidelines again next year.
Too rough?

I do because if he goes to a second tier like LSU or Missouri they don't have great expectations. If he gets them to a few sweet 16's there they will give him a long contract.
Hard to ever see him getting to a sweet 16 again imo because he wont have the talent he did at IU when he made it.
This would be the ideal situation for Crean if he wants to remain in the Power 5. LSU's priorities aren't with basketball. He could be their Dale Brown 2.0, and LSU would be good with that outcome.

Isn't there a funny quote from RMK about Dale Brown?

Found it. "I was worried about losing until I looked down the floor and saw Dale Brown. Then I knew we had a chance." Bob Knight.

I think Crean could definitely be the next Dale Brown
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Isn't there a funny quote from RMK about Dale Brown?

Found it. "I was worried about losing until I looked down the floor and saw Dale Brown. Then I knew we had a chance." Bob Knight.

I think Crean could definitely be the next Dale Brown
Dale Brown did go to 2 final fours in 81 and 86 as a 10 seed.
Think soft landing. As in Crean at LSU. year round tanning down there.
His tan isn't real - it probably comes from a tube, a sprayer, or booth.

How freakin fake does someone have to be to do that? Seriously, it's a sure sign of lack of self awareness and twitty superficiality.

Orange people suck ..
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Tom Crean will be hired based on perception of his coaching abilities at a Power 5. LSU, Missouri and others at that pitch level are definitely possible destinations. Crean is energetic and a salesman, he'll get a gig, money in the bank.

I'm not a fan of Crean at all, but I think he could have a long semi-successful career at many other Power 5 schools. I have to completely disagree with Bignuts and say that he will definitely find a power 5 job. There are a lot of unsuccessful programs that would hire Crean in a heartbeat. He's not a terrible coach, he just not the level of coach for a program like IU.
I did just for a joke and i assume spongebob and chevy did for sure.

Well, you know what they say about "assume". The only bigger time waster than a message board is a secret ballot poll on a message board…unless, of course, you include commenting on time wasted on message board polls. :D
His tan isn't real - it probably comes from a tube, a sprayer, or booth.

How freakin fake does someone have to be to do that? Seriously, it's a sure sign of lack of self awareness and twitty superficiality.
My boss told this story recently (he's an Illinois grad/fan).

Said he was in Great Clips getting his hair cut (he's a cheapskate). During the chit-chat with the stylist, IU basketball was mentioned...

Stylist: "Tom Crean comes in here."
Boss: "Crean comes here to get his hair cut???"
Stylist: "No, he just comes in to buy hair care products. We're cheaper than his stylist."
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