Went to dinner with an ASU grad tonight


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 26, 2003
And a huge sports fan. When check came, I didn't reach for it. Looked at him and said, that's the least you can do for stealing our coach. He laughed and said he had no doubt it would be well worth a dinner. He's very excited about getting Coach. So at least I got a meal out of the deal....
I live here in the Phoenix area.

I have always followed ASU baseball since I was in HS in the late 80's. When I moved out here eight years ago, my wife and I have attended at least 2-3 games each season. We love college baseball. It was cool to see IU suddenly became a NCAA tourney team the past 5 years.
I have a friend who is an ASU fan. I have been selling him on IU baseball the past two years. He absolutely loves Coach Smith and what he was able to do at IU. I wanted to see ASU get going again, but not at IU's expense. He owes me a dinner as well as your friend owed you a dinner.
Cream and Crimson!
Fear the Fork!
Re: I live here in the Phoenix area.

I have a house in the valley and spend the winters in AZ. I remember a couple years ago ASU baseball had some issues with the NCAA. Have those been cleared up or is CTS walking into some problems?
Re: I live here in the Phoenix area.

We are back at full scholarships, and post season ban was done back in 2012. It was minor stuff that is now considered ok by the NCAA, but when it occurred it was against the rules. CTS will have no restrictions around scholly reductions or bans. Excited to have him aboard, and to see what he can do. Good luck on your coaching search! It's good to see the north with a power in baseball (and one that beats the Luckeyes). Go Devils!