We played ok…

If we're 4-0 heading into the Maryland game and it's close at the half, I guarantee fans will be in the stands all or most of the game.

Speaking as one who has sat on the student side, the heat gets to you in that kind of sun and humidity. In my day, you could practically carry in a keg for refreshment and no on cared. Students can't afford many $7 or $8 beers (or whatever they cost now). I think most didn't want to sit through the heat when it looked like IU was rolling.

That's not an excuse, but a possible reason. The other reason, of course, is..... have you seen how the girls are dressed? I'd be out chasing tail today, too, rather than sweat my ass off.
Oh that heat, good thing we are not in the SEC our fans would melt.
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I watched CCC as the team entered the field at the start of the game. He scanned the west stands. He did not have a positive look on his face.

I am afraid that recruiting will be difficult until IU can solve the attendance problem.
I was hoping for better. But the fans hearing great expectations on the forums are a small portion of who they need to attract.
Win and it'll get good. The year after finally beating a big name at home, Penn State, it started good.

I don't think it'll affect recruiting much at all. The attendance has been enough with it's sadness in the past that coaches who knew how to recruit did OK. Now it's the NIL era which will spread recruits around, and Cig and staff know how to recruit. And Dolson and co have put in upgrades. Indiana has a ton to sell, if they regularly get just moderately better than Saturday, and they will.
I think recruiting is going to become darn good with some success. Fans and atmosphere will help, yeah. But they have a lot to sell.
He must have some holes, he had some trouble staying in the starting line at Wisconsin, although he was a cog. You wouldn't think pass blocking would matter as much as road grading for them though.

The hope is Bostad is what he needs to round out his game. He must think it'll help. Glad we got him. Good to hear he did well on the run, the run grades were good as a line.
I don't think it'll affect recruiting much at all. The attendance has been enough with it's sadness in the past that coaches who knew how to recruit did OK. Now it's the NIL era which will spread recruits around, and Cig and staff know how to recruit. And Dolson and co have put in upgrades. Indiana has a ton to sell, if they regularly get just moderately better than Saturday, and they will.

You can have the nicest store in town, but if what you're selling is sub par you won't have many customers and good people won't want to work there.
He must have some holes, he had some trouble staying in the starting line at Wisconsin, although he was a cog. You wouldn't think pass blocking would matter as much as road grading for them though.

The hope is Bostad is what he needs to round out his game. He must think it'll help. Glad we got him. Good to hear he did well on the run, the run grades were good as a line.
I was certainly concerned about the number of times there was insta-pressure Route had to dodge. I couldn’t tell live whether they were sending the house or why, but it definitely happened multiple times.
I’m still firmly on the “we’ve got soft fans” camp, but one of my Facebook memories this morning is causing me to extend a little grace for Saturday’s showing.

2 years ago we opened with Illinois on a Friday night game. I was just looking at a video I took as the game ended and stadium looked about 40-45% full, maybe a little less, at the end. That was a tight, conference game, at night where weather wasn’t a big deal, and on a Friday night where it’s harder to draw a crowd anyway.

Compare that to Saturday where it was damn hot in the sun, against an un-sexy non-con, in a game that was never particularly competitive.

So, I DO wonder how the Maryland crowd will be in 4 weeks, because at that point we should have a better idea of the team we’ve got, the weather shouldn’t be a significant factor, and it’s an important game.

I’ll withhold judgment on whether the fans are turning the corner.

My big concern is that there’s gonna be a big game against a quality opponent that goes to the wire and it ends in front of 15k people.
Our fans are horse manure, by and large. Make no mistake about it.
Daughter? Never stated the gender.

Madison is nice as well, but not Btown. Lexington is awful. Been to both a lot. Wisky did what IU needs to do to fill the joint.

Stop blaming fans. This is a culture steeped for decades, steeped in decisions IU made.

Wanna change it? Change it.
Madison and Lexington are both superior to Bloomington these days. And I love Bloomington. Both are also considerably larger than Bloomington as well.
Aren't you part of that fan base? I am. You show me the next worst historically bad FB program and tell me how many fans they have show up.
I am part of that fanbase but I stay at the games. Maybe that makes me a “super fan” at a place like IU?
However, I still give no pass to the students. That is purely a cultural thing that must be passed down. Those kids have not been around long enough to experience decades of bad football. Many are out of state kids who didn’t grow up watching IU. Just like the weren’t born when the basketball program was actually any good. This leaving thing is because the weak IU culture tells them that is what to do and is acceptable. Plus, they have zero school spirit. Wisconsin was terrible for most of the time I recall growing up but their students showed up throughout the 70s and 80s and still made it an event.
I’m not even blaming fans for anything. Just calling it out for what it is: the worst fanbase in the conference. Hands down. Win or lose, not very good at all. Take offense to it but unbiased opinions would be that our fanbase is a joke.
The school has a huge graduate base and is pretty generous in monetary support. But live events? Terrible.
We all joke about OSU fans or UK fans for being crass trailer trash but they show out for everything. And, UK was terrible for decades in football and their fans still filled that stadium. And, at a school that was infinitely better in basketball as well. Their live support is phenomenal.
You can have the nicest store in town, but if what you're selling is sub par you won't have many customers and good people won't want to work there.
How are we selling the sub-par results in basketball for 30 years? Seriously…must be a fantastic smoke and mirrors game there. With a head coach who tells everyone that last year was a “good year” People must be buying that shit hook, line and sinker.
Daughter? Never stated the gender.

Madison is nice as well, but not Btown. Lexington is awful. Been to both a lot. Wisky did what IU needs to do to fill the joint.

Stop blaming fans. This is a culture steeped for decades, steeped in decisions IU made.

Wanna change it? Change it.
People who constantly think Btown is superior to other campuses live in a bubble.
Btown is great but doesn’t have some monopoly on best city and campus. IU would have much larger crowds if it was the size of Lexington or Madison. As it stands, Bloomington is really nothing more than Bedford with a campus.
People who constantly think Btown is superior to other campuses live in a bubble.
Btown is great but doesn’t have some monopoly on best city and campus. IU would have much larger crowds if it was the size of Lexington or Madison. As it stands, Bloomington is really nothing more than Bedford with a campus.
How are we selling the sub-par results in basketball for 30 years? Seriously…must be a fantastic smoke and mirrors game there. With a head coach who tells everyone that last year was a “good year” People must be buying that shit hook, line and sinker.

IU has created one of each
100% agree.

I also think they should withhold priority points for so. Ticket holders who don’t use some percentage of their tix.
I live in Florida and I had to watch the game on tv. Until reading your post I hadn't considered the heat factor. I pass the local high school on my way home every day and I'm amazed to see them out there practicing football (in full gear) in 93 degree heat. Florida football players do this regularly. Although it has been a hot summer in Indiana, or so I'm told, I still think the heat favors the Florida players . . . they are more accustom to it. The wife and I will be flying up for the Maryland game; can't wait to walk the campus, tailgate, and see another IU game. Go Hoosiers !
The oline couldn't block anyone. Between that and the penalties, it was a bit of a let down despite the score
Ummm, our 2 main RB’s averaged 4.6 and 6.8. Together they got 143 on 26 carries for an average of 5.5. Green got 82 on 5 carries for 16.4. Overall, those 3 got 225 on 31 for 7.2.

We blocked a few somebodies.
I am part of that fanbase but I stay at the games. Maybe that makes me a “super fan” at a place like IU?
However, I still give no pass to the students. That is purely a cultural thing that must be passed down. Those kids have not been around long enough to experience decades of bad football. Many are out of state kids who didn’t grow up watching IU. Just like the weren’t born when the basketball program was actually any good. This leaving thing is because the weak IU culture tells them that is what to do and is acceptable. Plus, they have zero school spirit. Wisconsin was terrible for most of the time I recall growing up but their students showed up throughout the 70s and 80s and still made it an event.
I’m not even blaming fans for anything. Just calling it out for what it is: the worst fanbase in the conference. Hands down. Win or lose, not very good at all. Take offense to it but unbiased opinions would be that our fanbase is a joke.
The school has a huge graduate base and is pretty generous in monetary support. But live events? Terrible.
We all joke about OSU fans or UK fans for being crass trailer trash but they show out for everything. And, UK was terrible for decades in football and their fans still filled that stadium. And, at a school that was infinitely better in basketball as well. Their live support is phenomenal.
If UK football was as historically bad as IU football, their attendance would be crap also.

And let them go 24 years with mostly crappy basketball and see how Rupp Arena would look.

You're not comparing apples to apples.
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People who constantly think Btown is superior to other campuses live in a bubble.
Btown is great but doesn’t have some monopoly on best city and campus. IU would have much larger crowds if it was the size of Lexington or Madison. As it stands, Bloomington is really nothing more than Bedford with a campus.
You are so wrong, but nothing anyone here says will change you remind.

You can walk from Memorial Stadium to anywhere around campus or downtown. Try doing that in Lexington.
You can have the nicest store in town, but if what you're selling is sub par you won't have many customers and good people won't want to work there.
Winning is what we're selling. With the facilities to be your best. The campus is a plus.

Packed sellouts, but few wins? Same old Indiana.

Win, and recruiting will be no problem, nor will attendance.
I was hoping for better. But the fans hearing great expectations on the forums are a small portion of who they need to attract.
Win and it'll get good. The year after finally beating a big name at home, Penn State, it started good.

I don't think it'll affect recruiting much at all. The attendance has been enough with it's sadness in the past that coaches who knew how to recruit did OK. Now it's the NIL era which will spread recruits around, and Cig and staff know how to recruit. And Dolson and co have put in upgrades. Indiana has a ton to sell, if they regularly get just moderately better than Saturday, and they will.
I think recruiting is going to become darn good with some success. Fans and atmosphere will help, yeah. But they have a lot to sell.
Same discussion, different year.

Most of the people complaining here about attendance weren't even at the game.

Just something else to rag on IU about. Good fans don't constantly bad-mouth their teams/schools.
Kentucky fans >>> Indiana fans all day, everyday. My mom's family is Big Blue fans and I live down here....

Kentucky fans also tend to love football. My cousins on mom's side love Kentucky football. Their support proves this to be true.
Kentucky fans >>> Indiana fans all day, everyday. My mom's family is Big Blue fans and I live down here....

Kentucky fans also tend to love football. My cousins on mom's side love Kentucky football. Their support proves this to be true.
Kentucky doesn't have another SEC team in their state or Knute Rockne's ghost at another school.

Louisville is no competition in FB, or at least hasn't been.

Again, the comparison isn't apples to apples.
Ummm, our 2 main RB’s averaged 4.6 and 6.8. Together they got 143 on 26 carries for an average of 5.5. Green got 82 on 5 carries for 16.4. Overall, those 3 got 225 on 31 for 7.2.

We blocked a few somebodies.
In passing game, Rourke was dodging defenders most every play
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I am part of that fanbase but I stay at the games. Maybe that makes me a “super fan” at a place like IU?
However, I still give no pass to the students. That is purely a cultural thing that must be passed down. Those kids have not been around long enough to experience decades of bad football. Many are out of state kids who didn’t grow up watching IU. Just like the weren’t born when the basketball program was actually any good. This leaving thing is because the weak IU culture tells them that is what to do and is acceptable. Plus, they have zero school spirit. Wisconsin was terrible for most of the time I recall growing up but their students showed up throughout the 70s and 80s and still made it an event.
I’m not even blaming fans for anything. Just calling it out for what it is: the worst fanbase in the conference. Hands down. Win or lose, not very good at all. Take offense to it but unbiased opinions would be that our fanbase is a joke.
The school has a huge graduate base and is pretty generous in monetary support. But live events? Terrible.
We all joke about OSU fans or UK fans for being crass trailer trash but they show out for everything. And, UK was terrible for decades in football and their fans still filled that stadium. And, at a school that was infinitely better in basketball as well. Their live support is phenomenal.
Will never forget when I took my son to freshmen orientation and the student
guide said, don't bother with the football program it is a joke.
Madison and Lexington are both superior to Bloomington these days. And I love Bloomington. Both are also considerably larger than Bloomington as well.
I was just in Madison a couple weeks ago. I think it's what Bloomington City officials would envision in their dreams. I love living in Bloomington but Madison is on a different level.

Now, I'll take IU's campus over Wisky any day.
Not sure I totally agree. Hep made an effort to engage the fans and students and it worked. But Cignetti shouldn’t be something he’s not.
Don't remember. Was the attendance good during the Hep years? Hep was definitely a rah rah guy. Coach CIG doesn't impress me that way. Coach Mal wasn't that way either and he had some good attendance. Then again he won some big games. And that's what coach CIG has to do.
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People who constantly think Btown is superior to other campuses live in a bubble.
Btown is great but doesn’t have some monopoly on best city and campus. IU would have much larger crowds if it was the size of Lexington or Madison. As it stands, Bloomington is really nothing more than Bedford with a campus.

Madison is nicer in some respects, Lexington must be an eye of the beholder thing because I haven't seen it... The Bedford comparison: Uh No...
100% agree.

I also think they should withhold priority points for so. Ticket holders who don’t use some percentage of their tix.
That’s stupid. My family didn’t go because my 7 year old had a soccer game at 2:30. Should I lose my points over that?
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That’s stupid. My family didn’t go because my 7 year old had a soccer game at 2:30. Should I lose my points over that?
At some point, yes.

I said “at some percentage.” By that I mean if a season ticket holder’s tickets get scanned in as attending like 2 of 8 home games then it doesn’t hurt my feelings.

I’d rather tickets go to people who want to be there and go most of the time vs ones who get season tickets for the FB bonus.

I’m not saying you get punished for making your kids game. And there’s not really a punishment per se, it’s just not getting priority points for buying tickets and not going.
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At some point, yes.

I said “at some percentage.” By that I mean if a season ticket holder’s tickets get scanned in as attending like 2 of 8 home games then it doesn’t hurt my feelings.

I’d rather tickets go to people who want to be there and go most of the time vs ones who get season tickets for the FB bonus.

I’m not saying you get punished for making your kids game. And there’s not really a punishment per se, it’s just not getting priority points for buying tickets and not going.
I don't want to see points taken away. But I do think bonus points could be awarded for good attendance. Like this year - get 50 points for going to 4 games. 75 points for 5 games. 100 for 6, etc., etc.
If UK football was as historically bad as IU football, their attendance would be crap also.

And let them go 24 years with mostly crappy basketball and see how Rupp Arena would look.

You're not comparing apples to apples.
For the record (and they sowed this on the scoreboard Saturday as part of the trivia notes), IU has played UK to most of any non-con opponent in its history. I believe IU has a one game edge on the Cats. UK was about ad futile in the SEC as IU

But the difference?
That university has an expectation of success. They don’t tolerate mediocrity. IU had settled for shit for decades and didn’t demand much. It was our admin that said we need to de-emphasize sports. If the president at Kentucky had said that, they’d be run out of town or face a good old boy ass whipping down there.

And, Rupp would never get to a point that it would lose butts in the seats. 24 years?
They would fire the basketball cosch with IU-like results within 2-4 years.
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For the first 1.8 Quarters it did seem IU was dominating. 21-0 and then the team fog rolled in for the rest of the game…I'll wait and see yet but there was a palpable sense of competence in the air.
Your final sentence is completely on point and possibly the most significant of any, on this board, regarding this game!

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