Washington Dulles To Be Renamed Donald Trump Airport


And just like that, Dulles Airport is under investigation and has been indicted for having over stated how many planes it can land in one hour. Secret audio recordings, reveal comments made by ATC "it's like you can just grab them out of the sky". 2 in the prop, 1 in the baggage compartment.
Navy sailors are
... UMMM Wait a minute.. I thought you were Ranger class, solid earth bound (minus areal jumps to kill people) Army?
On the more intel side, but still not a squid. ? Am I wrong? (won't be the first).

** Edit... drown surfer answered the question in previous post.
I needed a job to transition out of combat arms. It let me keep one foot in the military but one foot in the civilian world. I liked it. Navy sailors are just like infantry Joes. They’re fun to be around and a pain in the ass to lead.
I get way over the end of my skis...often. There's no actual bullets on a message board after all ..
I thank you for you're service, and the time/subjects you've learned to perfect your craft. I hope to relieve you from any grief that you may carry, considering your enemy. You actually relieved his grief and brought him peace.
Power on !
I was just wondering if this was normal timeline. I figured you would know
Unfortunately, I can’t think of any military weapons system that met the original timeline or cost projections. I’m guessing there are some, but none I’m familiar with. Part of that is because when we create specs for new systems, we ask for technologies that aren’t yet ready for prime time or don’t yet exist. Many times that ultimately results in systems better than any similar systems in the world, which is good, but also results in increased time and costs.
Unfortunately, I can’t think of any military weapons system that met the original timeline or cost projections. I’m guessing there are some, but none I’m familiar with. Part of that is because when we create specs for new systems, we ask for technologies that aren’t yet ready for prime time or don’t yet exist. Many times that ultimately results in systems better than any similar systems in the world, which is good, but also results in increased time and costs.
We also don’t have much competition at the “general contractor” level. The same few shipyards are awarded multi-ship contracts and rarely deliver on time. For many reasons, including those you mentioned and also for reasons like complacency, lack of penalties for delays and scope creep from the Navy.
and scope creep from the Navy.
LOL this makes me think like when building a house.. Mrs. Navy is doing the walk through and.....

ohhhh we can put a SAM right here and over there,
a belt feed rotary cannon here,
oh oh oh... in that corner can be extra torpedo storage
And that aint all yet, here in the basement, we must have that screen door that we saw on the flex seal commercial !!
No chance that will happen. Nice to see Congressmen spending time on stupid stuff, isn’t it?
I don't even get why they chose Dulles, which has no connection with Trump? I imagine if they wanted to rename "Palm Beach International" that would at least have a connection and no one would really care. Except maybe the citizens of Palm Beach, who would likely react the same way as the condo residents in NYC that objected to having "Trump" on their building's name...

I did hear one commentator yesterday that pointed out that O'Hare would have to be renamed Obama first...
LOL this makes me think like when building a house.. Mrs. Navy is doing the walk through and.....

ohhhh we can put a SAM right here and over there,
a belt feed rotary cannon here,
oh oh oh... in that corner can be extra torpedo storage
And that aint all yet, here in the basement, we must have that screen door that we saw on the flex seal commercial !!
You forgot the part where:

Mrs. Navy: "A belt feeder cannon over here. Let's move that one from over there to this spot."

Naval Engineer: "Umm, that will end up being an interference with this system over here, we can't do that."

Mrs. Navy: "Well, make it work, that cannon needs to be on this side."

Naval Engineer: "Ummmmm, OK, give me a week to see if we can do it. Off-the-cuff, it will take about 4 weeks of engineering time and 1.6 million dollars in changes to the framing after confirming with structural..."

Mrs. Navy: "Noted, though I expect it done in half that time and at 1/3 of the cost..."

(Time passes)

Naval Engineer: "OK, it took us two weeks of design time (a couple of all-nighters), but we were able to reroute this system to the back compartment to make room for the cannon. We were able to cut some corners, but we were only able to get it down to 1.1 million dollars to make the changes."

Mrs. Navy: "No. No. No. Now that I see it, it's all wrong. This won't do at all. Let's go ahead and put it over there instead."

Naval Engineer: "Ummm, Mame? Isn't that where it was before?"

Mrs. Navy: "What? I don't know. Get it done, son!"

Naval Engineer (Under his breath): "And this is why they didn't used to allow women on the ship back in the old days."

Mrs. Navy: "What did you say?"

Naval Engineer: "I said this is why they didn't route a plenum box on the ship back in the old days."

Mrs. Navy: "Oh. OK. Carry on."
We also don’t have much competition at the “general contractor” level. The same few shipyards are awarded multi-ship contracts and rarely deliver on time. For many reasons, including those you mentioned and also for reasons like complacency, lack of penalties for delays and scope creep from the Navy.
All true.
You forgot the part where:

Mrs. Navy: "A belt feeder cannon over here. Let's move that one from over there to this spot."

Naval Engineer: "Umm, that will end up being an interference with this system over here, we can't do that."

Mrs. Navy: "Well, make it work, that cannon needs to be on this side."

Naval Engineer: "Ummmmm, OK, give me a week to see if we can do it. Off-the-cuff, it will take about 4 weeks of engineering time and 1.6 million dollars in changes to the framing after confirming with structural..."

Mrs. Navy: "Noted, though I expect it done in half that time and at 1/3 of the cost..."

(Time passes)

Naval Engineer: "OK, it took us two weeks of design time (a couple of all-nighters), but we were able to reroute this system to the back compartment to make room for the cannon. We were able to cut some corners, but we were only able to get it down to 1.1 million dollars to make the changes."

Mrs. Navy: "No. No. No. Now that I see it, it's all wrong. This won't do at all. Let's go ahead and put it over there instead."

Naval Engineer: "Ummm, Mame? Isn't that where it was before?"

Mrs. Navy: "What? I don't know. Get it done, son!"

Naval Engineer (Under his breath): "And this is why they didn't used to allow women on the ship back in the old days."

Mrs. Navy: "What did you say?"

Naval Engineer: "I said this is why they didn't route a plenum box on the ship back in the old days."

Mrs. Navy: "Oh. OK. Carry on."
The navy (and all other branches) would demand it at 1/3 the cost and then end up paying 3x the quoted cost.
  • Haha
Reactions: UncleMark
I don't even get why they chose Dulles, which has no connection with Trump? I imagine if they wanted to rename "Palm Beach International" that would at least have a connection and no one would really care. Except maybe the citizens of Palm Beach, who would likely react the same way as the condo residents in NYC that objected to having "Trump" on their building's name...

I did hear one commentator yesterday that pointed out that O'Hare would have to be renamed Obama first...
Well never let it be said that the Dems aren't capable of behaving in a bi-partisan manner when it comes to honoring Trump. Probably not what their MAGA counterparts had in mind, but much more applicable and with an actual connection to Trump...

So Jerry Connolly and Jared Moskowitz have teamed up to provide a much more fitting alternative as a way to honor Trump. First off Connolly who represents the district where Dulles is located, pointed out the obvious fact that VA has no connection with Trump. Also that Dulles is already named after another Republican, who despite having faults of his own managed to avoid being Impeached (2X) or Indicted (4X). In other words while history hasn't been particularly kind to John Foster, he's still no Trump...

Then Moskowitz who represents Trump's (adopted) home state stepped up to the plate and proposed a site within his district that isn't currently named after a historical figure AND has an actual connection to Trump. Hell he might even end up living there some day. At ant rate, the proposed site is perfect for honoring Trump for generations to come...

I personally think this should pass with unanimous consent. No need for a drawn out debate and an all too rare opportunity to disply total bi partisanship...

When is that 40% gonna be impacted?

The story is more then a year and a half old.
They went ahead with rule implementation after the comment period was over. Which you can read in the link to federal register.

Estimate from DOE is increase to consumers of $32 million annually in increased costs