View from Europe


Hall of Famer
Jul 3, 2001
Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine
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Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine

Just cuz Hitler breathed air

Doesn't make air bad. There are means methods and techniques to work a crowd and motivate the grass roots toward an inidividual candidate. This technique is not about ideas or policy, it is about charisma and attraction to an individual. Hitler was good at this. Obama is also very good at this. Lincoln did this. Trump is only about this. This is part of ALL campaigns. Some candidates are better at this than others. To suggest that a candidate is a Nazi or is like Hitler because of a common style is a crock.
Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine

The right hand stuff was very scary. I was poo pooed here months ago when I suggested that Trump was showing Hitler tendencies.
Trump's a nut, but this nazism stuff is overblown. He's playing the nationalist card, for sure, but Cruz would end up way more of a fascist than Trump would.

Of course it's overblown. It's more than overblown, it's absurd.

The closest analogue to Donald Trump that I've seen -- and I agree, upon inspection, that it's a useful analogue -- is Silvio Berlusconi. Donald Trump is very much a known quantity. He's been in the public eye for decades. He's the king of self-promotion and clearly a narcissist, and I think he actually believes about 10% of what he says. There are things I think he's serious about -- particularly as regards foreign trade (notably with China). I've heard him speak in non-political contexts long ago about this. And that leads me to believe that he truly means what he says about that.

But, no, I don't think he's secretly aiming to establish gas chambers and concentration camps to bring about a "final solution" in order to purify the American populace. Nor do I think he has any designs on expanding our border through military conquest.
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Trump's a nut, but this nazism stuff is overblown. He's playing the nationalist card, for sure, but Cruz would end up way more of a fascist than Trump would.

Why would comparing Trump to Cruz indicate that ANY reference to Trump would be overblown? That's like saying the Atlantic is less wet than the Pacific . . . .
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Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine

I think Trump is a joke, but so is that column.

And that had nothing to do with what Europe thinks of was what a NYT columnist thinks of him, with one link to a German editorial, and one link to a French tweet.

BTW, if Europe wants Trump, they should keep it up. Nothing will strengthen his support from his followers more
I think Trump is a joke, but so is that column.

And that had nothing to do with what Europe thinks of was what a NYT columnist thinks of him, with one link to a German editorial, and one link to a French tweet.

BTW, if Europe wants Trump, they should keep it up. Nothing will strengthen his support from his followers more
I may be in Germany in May meeting with senior military from several NATO countries. If any talk about the US election comes up I'll let people know. In general military folks don't necessarily reflect the same opinions as civilians in their countries, but this election could be different. I bet there will be some strong opinions, and not all about Trump either.
Trump is an economic nationalist. Think about it.

While you're thinking about it, note that Sanders is too. In fact, the only difference between the two on that account is that Sanders doesn't spell out the xenophobia inherent in his anti-trade policies.

Here's a nifty economics equation for you folks, Sanders = Trump + Socialism.
Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine

I'm pretty sure Europeans have their own problems to worry about. I hardly think teetering on the brink of another recession with massive social and fiscal problems from the massive immigration of anti-Westerners, while the UK exits the EU, is less important or impactful than who America elects.

But hey, I'm sure they are overly concerned with the problems on this side of the pond.
I'm pretty sure Europeans have their own problems to worry about. I hardly think teetering on the brink of another recession with massive social and fiscal problems from the massive immigration of anti-Westerners, while the UK exits the EU, is less important or impactful than who America elects.

But hey, I'm sure they are overly concerned with the problems on this side of the pond.

Another interest rate cut, and more QE from the ECB today . . . .
I keep having this picture of an old Western where the hero, under attack and having emptied his six-shooter, finally resorting to throwing the gun itself.

You mean, like Jonah Hill?


Unless you are Charlie Sheen?

I'm pretty sure Europeans have their own problems to worry about. I hardly think teetering on the brink of another recession with massive social and fiscal problems from the massive immigration of anti-Westerners, while the UK exits the EU, is less important or impactful than who America elects.

But hey, I'm sure they are overly concerned with the problems on this side of the pond.
Seeing as how US is the most influential country in the world, I imagine they have some thoughts. Actually just read an article in USA today with thoughts of several world leaders. Of course, Putin loves Trump, which fits right into my theory of uneducated, racists, and blowhards for Trump theory. All the others were concerned.
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Seeing as how US is the most influential country in the world, I imagine they have some thoughts. Actually just read an article in USA today with thoughts of several world leaders. Of course, Putin loves Trump, which fits right into my theory of uneducated, racists, and blowhards for Trump theory. All the others were concerned.

Their leaders failure to pay attention to the massive problems in their own countries is part of the problem, no? Angela Merkel may hate Trump but does it matter what she says if she is full of it? She refuses to support and protect her own women. And don't even get me started on her hypocritical tactics with the PIIGS.

So no, I don't think most Europeans are too worried when their own Utopia is collapsing rapidly around them.
Their leaders failure to pay attention to the massive problems in their own countries is part of the problem, no? Angela Merkel may hate Trump but does it matter what she says if she is full of it? She refuses to support and protect her own women. And don't even get me started on her hypocritical tactics with the PIIGS.

So no, I don't think most Europeans are too worried when their own Utopia is collapsing rapidly around them.

LOL, I love your analysis of Europe from afar. You have been predicting the imminent collapse for 5+ years now.
Only Mario Draghi is such a worthless hack that a rate cut sinks his markets by 1-2%.

The ECB is a joke.
Having unfortunate experience of Fascism, the Europeans are paying very close attention to our presidential election. Apparently, they are concerned about the Trump phenomena, comparing to their own experience of Nazism. Here is an article by Roger Cohen about their concerns.

Note to Hoosier Country: I am not advocating he is right or wrong. I am not saying anything about Democrats or Republicans nor do I say Democrats are better than Republicans and vise versa. I am posting this article because I find it interesting to see how some people across the ocean see out election this year. :cool:

Trump's Il Duce Routine

Meanwhile in Europe...

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interesting old thread

I was told that any Europeans who think that Trump is awful are just nobody science nerds.
Who gives a F what Europeans think about anything. They have their own problems. Shit they still bring bananas and make monkey chants at games 'eugyppius: a plague chronicle.

Guy's blog is worthwhile..
Especially observations and data from Grrmany/EU.
Seeing as how US is the most influential country in the world, I imagine they have some thoughts. Actually just read an article in USA today with thoughts of several world leaders. Of course, Putin loves Trump, which fits right into my theory of uneducated, racists, and blowhards for Trump theory. All the others were concerned.
“ALL” others? Really?

bin Salman?

Link it. The USA Today isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on but I’m curious to see this carefully curated list of world leaders they selected to opine on Trump.
“ALL” others? Really?

bin Salman?

Link it. The USA Today isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on but I’m curious to see this carefully curated list of world leaders they selected to opine on Trump.
Lmao I’m not looking for an article four years old. Just listening to a travel book of a guy that has visited every country in the world. Talking about how much harder it is to talk to people in other countries now because they all want to talk politics and what a fool Trump is and what’s wrong with Americans. Coincidentally, exactly what I find. The funny thing is, they usually say they rarely meet any Trump supporters. Not surprising. They don’t leave their 50 mile radius, unless they are taking their yearly trip to Florida. Because heaven forbid you interact with people not exactly like you. Oh they want to talk about our gun obsessions too.
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Lmao I’m not looking for an article four years old. Just listening to a travel book of a guy that has visited every country in the world. Talking about how much harder it is to talk to people in other countries now because they all want to talk politics and what a fool Trump is and what’s wrong with Americans. Coincidentally, exactly what I find. The funny thing is, they usually say they rarely meet any Trump supporters. Not surprising. They don’t leave their 50 mile radius, unless they are taking their yearly trip to Florida. Because heaven forbid you interact with people not exactly like you. Oh they want to talk about our gun obsessions too.
You “just read” a four year old article? Exactly how FOS are you?
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