It's taking some fans a little more time to accept the reality this team is done. They're still out there playing but you see nothing in terms of understanding how to play defense, get open looks, have the right guys in the right spots shooting the ball. No better today than they were game one. Worse than that, some players show no desire to change. Coaching.
The Illinois game was the final nail. Woodson and company had zero answers, which has been obvious over four seasons now. The players realized they have nobody to turn for help.
The reasons Woodson is losing his job are vast. Consistently poor defense and terrible offens married to an unwillingness to change. From mass substitutions to playing two incompatible bigs together, and not willing to change assistants to bring in someone who can help coach the game at this level. Missing on a large number of key recruits including high level PGs. Theres more but it adds up to the perfect storm. End of the day, this is the program Woodson built. Nobody else to blame.