Tucker & Mgbako

With his height he has the ability to get the 3 point shot off over close coverage. He doesn't even need a lot of quickness and hops to be an effective player at the college level. He just needs an effective shot fake. He's got enough ball handling ability to get to the basket and enough height to finish if he plays with attitude.

Right now he'll have an open 3, shot-fake, then slide 3 feet to the left to take another 3 out of rhythm. That's idiotic.
Rarely does he go straight up and square when shooting as well.
We'll see, I'm not sure either has much interest in being coached in the first place. That's why they're here. Remember all the talk about Tucker going to the G League? We made him a better deal. I don't see them as being the same as your man Bates, who I think always was open to coaching.
Ya I have never spoke to these guys in my life, and for sure reek of wanting money. But, to get more money got to be good at bball. At some point they realize oh shit I gotta listen or I’m screwed.
I think he is almost for sure gone. I bet he goes to St. John's
Not sure Tucker will have shown enough to Pitino, that he'd take him over the pool of more proven juniors and seniors that will be out there.

If Tucker leaves, I could see Maryland as a logical destination. Or other other teams in that general area like Pitt, Penn State, Villanova, Virginia, Va Tech, Georgetown maybe...
Tucker makes 300k more than dawson garcia does and he sits on the bench. Garcia averages 19.3 a game. IU may be the worst team in the country on return for investment. Woodson if very good at throwing around other peoples money.
Isn’t that kinda the idea of NIL 😎