Trump's speech and the Democrats Behavior

Trump was Trump--he was what I expected him to be. Says a lot of stuff, hard to get a handle on everything, but predictable.

DID NOT LIKE AT ALL a notable portion of the democrats behavior during the speech. Childish in the same or worse manner than Bobo and MGT. This slippery slope of behavior that has been rampant the last 8 years is infantile and stupid, and it is why I can't stand either party.

I did like Elissa Slotkin's rebuttal-- she's pretty good, she's a Michigan chick who can reach across the aisle (and has reached across the aisle as a representative in a fairly conservative leaning district), and attracts people from both sides. I didn't like her at first when she first started running, but met her a couple of times and thought she was more of my moderate view than I had originally thought. I have no idea why the democratic leadership hasn't figured out that someone like her, Bashear or Shapiro should be the face of the democratic party. These old geezers need to step aside.
TL/DR - stop bitching about stuff every President does just because you don't like current one,.

Smart ass version - It was a failed coup - an attempt to prevent the President from performing the Constitutional mandate to inform the Congress and the people what is what. Shame on the coupers. Let's arrest 1,000. Convene the panels! Issue the subpoenas! Draft the articles of intangeloment! Stop the governmental presses until some pseudo-felonies have been proven! The dishonest shall lead the studpid and the blind! GIDDY UP!

Oh! Look at Presidential appointees doing shit we don't like. Must we stop it? Can we stop it? Other than White House Cheif of Staff, Chielf Counsel, etc. the whole Pentagon, and the whole tribe of Federal employees, have unelected appointees or hires EVER done things? EVER?

Or ...

Lookie here.

Proof the system designed by the Founders is working yet again, as designed, yet again.

A President has taken action. Can a President take such an action? What should we do to determine the existence or lack thereof of such Presidential powers? Well, we could go on CNN. and whine like idiot bitches. Call each other a bunch of names. Or ... shock ... we could let the beneficiaries of descendants who beenfit of Marbury v Madison do that which they were born to do - interpret the Constitution. So here is CNN writing a webbie about SCOTUS and Presidents and Reps and Senators and all kind of mean and nasty stuff on the Group W Bench.

So the Dims can put out the hair fires, and stop meeting to fabricate fabrications to spew. The system is systeming. Try and spoon some of the propaganda you have swallowed out of your tummy, brain and stool and let the law function BEFORE you spew. Because, bluntly, nobody cares what the Dims say anymore. The efforting and footprinting for penises in the girls lockerooms and bathrooms at Pick Any Elementary or Middle School - and your arguments to ignore immigration law so you could fill the big city precincts with benefit/poverty-addicted voters - cost you your last Give a Crap tokens.

This is the face of your party:


Deal with it. You lost to Donald Trump. Twice. Don't act like you have what it takes to run things for a while.
Trump was Trump--he was what I expected him to be. Says a lot of stuff, hard to get a handle on everything, but predictable.

DID NOT LIKE AT ALL a notable portion of the democrats behavior during the speech. Childish in the same or worse manner than Bobo and MGT. This slippery slope of behavior that has been rampant the last 8 years is infantile and stupid, and it is why I can't stand either party.

I did like Elissa Slotkin's rebuttal-- she's pretty good, she's a Michigan chick who can reach across the aisle (and has reached across the aisle as a representative in a fairly conservative leaning district), and attracts people from both sides. I didn't like her at first when she first started running, but met her a couple of times and thought she was more of my moderate view than I had originally thought. I have no idea why the democratic leadership hasn't figured out that someone like her, Bashear or Shapiro should be the face of the democratic party. These old geezers need to step aside.

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TL/DR - stop bitching about stuff every President does just because you don't like current one,.

Smart ass version - It was a failed coup - an attempt to prevent the President from performing the Constitutional mandate to inform the Congress and the people what is what. Shame on the coupers. Let's arrest 1,000. Convene the panels! Issue the subpoenas! Draft the articles of intangeloment! Stop the governmental presses until some pseudo-felonies have been proven! The dishonest shall lead the studpid and the blind! GIDDY UP!

Oh! Look at Presidential appointees doing shit we don't like. Must we stop it? Can we stop it? Other than White House Cheif of Staff, Chielf Counsel, etc. the whole Pentagon, and the whole tribe of Federal employees, have unelected appointees or hires EVER done things? EVER?

Or ...

Lookie here.

Proof the system designed by the Founders is working yet again, as designed, yet again.

A President has taken action. Can a President take such an action? What should we do to determine the existence or lack thereof of such Presidential powers? Well, we could go on CNN. and whine like idiot bitches. Call each other a bunch of names. Or ... shock ... we could let the beneficiaries of descendants who beenfit of Marbury v Madison do that which they were born to do - interpret the Constitution. So here is CNN writing a webbie about SCOTUS and Presidents and Reps and Senators and all kind of mean and nasty stuff on the Group W Bench.

So the Dims can put out the hair fires, and stop meeting to fabricate fabrications to spew. The system is systeming. Try and spoon some of the propaganda you have swallowed out of your tummy, brain and stool and let the law function BEFORE you spew. Because, bluntly, nobody cares what the Dims say anymore. The efforting and footprinting for penises in the girls lockerooms and bathrooms at Pick Any Elementary or Middle School - and your arguments to ignore immigration law so you could fill the big city precincts with benefit/poverty-addicted voters - cost you your last Give a Crap tokens.

This is the face of your party:


Deal with it. You lost to Donald Trump. Twice. Don't act like you have what it takes to run things for a while.
I really tried to figure out who you are talking to.....
And there in lies the problem. They cannot moderate because the white liberal wine moms are a huge voting block for them and they are are all far left wingers who look at everything through race, gender, racism, trans, etc. They simply wont be able to moderate.
Random thoughts. I think the underlining issues it their economic polices. The policies they implement benefit mostly the welfare classes and certain pockets of the upper classes. However, it erodes away the middle/working classes and certain pockets of the upper classes. It's never is sustainable. Trump basically ran on a couple of common sense ideas, offered some bones to the working class, and was able to sweep the Democrats in November. People think woke is the issue, but it's a reflection of what their voters want because they lost the middle class.

However, Democrats still do have an older coalition of 55+ that moderate and want to drag the party to the right some, but the problem is their not getting any younger and the financial system that greatly benefitted them isn't sustainable. And that group also tends to favor military spending and intervention, Ever time I see some random 40 year old liberal women with a Ukraine flag on social media, I crack up. They didn't know where it was on a map 3 month ago, now they're all in on war. Makes for strange bedfellows. I do hope Trump is takes advantage of it.

I do hope Trump is able to continuing taking advantage of it. He needs to end the war quickly and continue driving out the Cheney types (at least push them to the side). The military industrial complex (like all large scale government institutions) has been the biggest drag on the GOP and conservatism the past 25 years. It took 20 years to win the popular vote after Bushes f#ck ups. It's a little hypocritical to say you're the part of fiscal conservatism when you add 10+ trillion in debt to fund stupid wars and excess military spending.
Trump was Trump--he was what I expected him to be. Says a lot of stuff, hard to get a handle on everything, but predictable.

DID NOT LIKE AT ALL a notable portion of the democrats behavior during the speech. Childish in the same or worse manner than Bobo and MGT. This slippery slope of behavior that has been rampant the last 8 years is infantile and stupid, and it is why I can't stand either party.

I did like Elissa Slotkin's rebuttal-- she's pretty good, she's a Michigan chick who can reach across the aisle (and has reached across the aisle as a representative in a fairly conservative leaning district), and attracts people from both sides. I didn't like her at first when she first started running, but met her a couple of times and thought she was more of my moderate view than I had originally thought. I have no idea why the democratic leadership hasn't figured out that someone like her, Bashear or Shapiro should be the face of the democratic party. These old geezers need to step aside.
I remember during Obama, one side flipped out because he offered some suggestions to the courts, while the other side flipped out because one guy called him a liar.

Those complaints seem quaint now.
Same. I will say if the Democrats really did not stand and clap for a childhood cancer patient, that I truly awful and stupid on many levels.

Who advises the Dems? Geez.
My first recollection of a president calling attention to a hero sitting in the balcony during a SOU speech was Ronald Reagan in 1982. The hero was Lenny Skutnik who saved a passenger in the Flight 90 plane crash.

Since then, it has become a regular part of a SOU speech. What was once a special accommodation to a genuine hero has become almost commonplace to the point of being not so special.

Let us be honest, there undoubtedly are heroes every day in communities across the nation. Why select a hero in a SOU, or message to a joint session, especially if there is a hidden political message behind it. A more suitable recognition would be the Presidential Citizens Medal or the highest of all citizen award which is the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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Online movement calling for Trump to pardon Derek Chauvin of his federal convictions. I have to say that would be excellent.

He’d still be in prison for the state convictions of course. But a nice token towards putting that lousy chapter of history behind us.
But the libs would burn the country down again if he did so its likely why he never will.
Trump was Trump--he was what I expected him to be. Says a lot of stuff, hard to get a handle on everything, but predictable.

DID NOT LIKE AT ALL a notable portion of the democrats behavior during the speech. Childish in the same or worse manner than Bobo and MGT. This slippery slope of behavior that has been rampant the last 8 years is infantile and stupid, and it is why I can't stand either party.

I did like Elissa Slotkin's rebuttal-- she's pretty good, she's a Michigan chick who can reach across the aisle (and has reached across the aisle as a representative in a fairly conservative leaning district), and attracts people from both sides. I didn't like her at first when she first started running, but met her a couple of times and thought she was more of my moderate view than I had originally thought. I have no idea why the democratic leadership hasn't figured out that someone like her, Bashear or Shapiro should be the face of the democratic party. These old geezers need to step aside.
Yes. Anyone who thinks one party or the other has a stranglehold on childish behavior isn’t paying attention
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Trump was Trump--he was what I expected him to be. Says a lot of stuff, hard to get a handle on everything, but predictable.

DID NOT LIKE AT ALL a notable portion of the democrats behavior during the speech. Childish in the same or worse manner than Bobo and MGT. This slippery slope of behavior that has been rampant the last 8 years is infantile and stupid, and it is why I can't stand either party.

I did like Elissa Slotkin's rebuttal-- she's pretty good, she's a Michigan chick who can reach across the aisle (and has reached across the aisle as a representative in a fairly conservative leaning district), and attracts people from both sides. I didn't like her at first when she first started running, but met her a couple of times and thought she was more of my moderate view than I had originally thought. I have no idea why the democratic leadership hasn't figured out that someone like her, Bashear or Shapiro should be the face of the democratic party. These old geezers need to step aside.
Trump lied repeatedly throughout his speech again. Sick of his lies and MAGA people are suckers, they believe every word of it. His treatment of Zelensky was outrageous!!
My first recollection of a president calling attention to a hero sitting in the balcony during a SOU speech was Ronald Reagan in 1982. The hero was Lenny Skutnik who saved a passenger in the Flight 90 plane crash.

Since then, it has become a regular part of a SOU speech. What was once a special accommodation to a genuine hero has become almost commonplace to the point of being not so special.

Let us be honest, there undoubtedly are heroes every day in communities across the nation. Why select a hero in a SOU, or message to a joint session, especially if there is a hidden political message behind it. A more suitable recognition would be the Presidential Citizens Medal or the highest of all citizen award which is the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
PMoF.. more.
Soiled beyond redemption.
My first recollection of a president calling attention to a hero sitting in the balcony during a SOU speech was Ronald Reagan in 1982. The hero was Lenny Skutnik who saved a passenger in the Flight 90 plane crash.

Since then, it has become a regular part of a SOU speech. What was once a special accommodation to a genuine hero has become almost commonplace to the point of being not so special.

Let us be honest, there undoubtedly are heroes every day in communities across the nation. Why select a hero in a SOU, or message to a joint session, especially if there is a hidden political message behind it. A more suitable recognition would be the Presidential Citizens Medal or the highest of all citizen award which is the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
It’s become like an episode of Queen for a Day at all these presidential speeches.
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Maybe Hollywood? Doubt it is the media. AOC is fine if she just keeps to her lane and represents the people of her district (both republicans and democrats--after all, that is what she is supposed to do--which has seemingly been a concept that has been lost for most politicians). The best definition I heard as to how our government is supposed to be run is "majority rule tempered by minority rights". Part of that equation was constitutional protections from state and federal levels. The other part is that any district in America has a republican/democrat split of x percentage points. You should be hearing all voices regardless of who voted for you.
AOC is pure smoke. She can say whatever she wants... But yeah I don't want her running the country. She is fine(AF) for her constituents.
Ukraine, the rest of Europe, Canada, Mexico and Panama are our allies, not Russia. Why the hell aren’t Republicans speaking up against the orange peel? Because they are spineless cowards!
Client states would be more accurate.
It's the checkbook.(borrowed) End the bankrolling as PDJT is starting to develop, and the truth will present.
Culture clash with most of the world is a big part of the schism. It will take time to wipe away the stain on America's image resulting from the homosexuals, transvestites and gender bent mentally deficient shoved out front to represent the former administration.
And yes, Republicans for the most part are spineless.
Client states would be more accurate.
It's the checkbook.(borrowed) End the bankrolling as PDJT is starting to develop, and the truth will present.
Culture clash with most of the world is a big part of the schism. It will take time to wipe away the stain on America's image resulting from the homosexuals, transvestites and gender bent mentally deficient shoved out front to represent the former administration.
And yes, Republicans for the most part are spineless.
You forgot about the Aryan Blood part though.