Disagree, helping friendly nations is one of our best features. It’s also our best PR look. That guarantee is the bedrock of Pax Americana. Our sphere of influence has few bounds, our ideals foster peace with, of course, applicable strings attached. Different administrations will want different things from these partners, for better or worse, but the basic principles make lives better. Eastern Europe, Ukraine included, jumped at the chance. We turned enemies like Republic of China and Vietnam into vital allies, drastically improving their economies and/ or security. We allowed Israel to thrive in the liberty-starved Middle East. The US Navy allows sovereign nations to trade freely.
I think we’re in a decadent period now, taking our role for granted, not understanding how it benefits our daily lives. Can we do it cheaper? Sure, I’m for it but the alternative costs much more in cash, reputation, lives, some of whom will be American.