Trump Zelensky today.....

Europe needs to quit blaming the US for its growing weaknesses. It probably can’t help its awful demographics. Europe need to make more babies. But there is more they can help.

That said, Europe decided to spend more on old gage, health care, immigrants while cutting military thinking Uncle Sam is a bottomless pit of military aid

Euooe decided to pursue its hamfisted green energy policies.

Euooe decided to throw in with the Russians for long term energy needs

Europe ‘s policies increase the cost of labor, interest, and energy, the three building blocks of basic economic growth.

And Europe is quashing free expression, a long term insidious problem.

Vance only pointed out these problems.
Preach GIF
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Europe needs to quit blaming the US for its growing weaknesses. It probably can’t help its awful demographics. Europe need to make more babies. But there is more they can help.

That said, Europe decided to spend more on old gage, health care, immigrants while cutting military thinking Uncle Sam is a bottomless pit of military aid

Euooe decided to pursue its hamfisted green energy policies.

Euooe decided to throw in with the Russians for long term energy needs

Europe ‘s policies increase the cost of labor, interest, and energy, the three building blocks of basic economic growth.

And Europe is quashing free expression, a long term insidious problem.

Vance only pointed out these problems.
The EU imports the most oil from the USA worth $57.02 billion in 2023. The top countries from which the EU oil imports are the most include:

  1. USA: $57.02 billion
  2. Norway: $52.09 billion
  3. Kazakhstan: $27.41 billion
  4. Libya: $24.25 billion
  5. Saudi Arabia: $22.06 billion
  6. Netherlands: $21.94 billion
  7. Nigeria: $21.01 billion
  8. Iraq: $19.87 billion
  9. United Kingdom: $14.97 billion
  10. Azerbaijan: $13.69 billion
I haven't heard Europe blame the US for its problems.

Trump’s plan for peace? Do not give Ukraine resources. Let Russia bomb them into giving up. Then he can claim “success”. Call it the best plan ever. No one has ever seen a plan so beautiful
Russia will continue to 'bomb" the ukrops into the Stone Age regardless of anything NATO does. If NATO had the wherewithal to stop it, they'd have done so. Seventy five years of neocon adventure have created a political black hole and the US is swirling around the edges. The military-industrial-surveillance state that Eisenhower warned about has been basically unimpeded in it's rush to Armageddon.
Now Trump, JD, Hedgseth, and Rubio have the challenge of playing a handful of cards with the high card being a seven
Anyone who thinks V. Putin can be rolled is an idiot. Anyone who thinks there is any chance, at all, of Russia leaving the Crimea, Donetsk or Lugansk is delusional .
V.Putin has already pointed out to the Euros that he has not attacked any Euro country, is not at war with the EU, and is ready, willing and quite able to restore cheap energy to the EU immediately, and that the mineral wealth of Russia can be developed by the EU as easily as anyone else.
Vicky Nuland should be hung.
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The EU imports the most oil from the USA worth $57.02 billion in 2023. The top countries from which the EU oil imports are the most include:

  1. USA: $57.02 billion
  2. Norway: $52.09 billion
  3. Kazakhstan: $27.41 billion
  4. Libya: $24.25 billion
  5. Saudi Arabia: $22.06 billion
  6. Netherlands: $21.94 billion
  7. Nigeria: $21.01 billion
  8. Iraq: $19.87 billion
  9. United Kingdom: $14.97 billion
  10. Azerbaijan: $13.69 billion
I haven't heard Europe blame the US for its problems.

Nordstrom pipelines were destroyed in 2022.
Did you say it in front of the entity you were negotiating against? If I was in a negotiation and my lawyer did that in front of the party I was negotiating with, instead of behind closed doors, my lawyer would be fired.
I never made any confidential communication with any third party present. That said, public entities whose decision.makers are not always on the same page say all kinds of shit they believe will help their position.
Russia will continue to 'bomb" the ukrops into the Stone Age regardless of anything NATO does. If NATO had the wherewithal to stop it, they'd have done so. Seventy five years of neocon adventure have created a political black hole and the US is swirling around the edges. The military-industrial-surveillance state that Eisenhower warned about has been basically unimpeded in it's rush to Armageddon.
Now Trump, JD, Hedgseth, and Rubio have the challenge of playing a handful of cards with the high card being a seven
Anyone who thinks V. Putin can be rolled is an idiot. Anyone who thinks there is any chance, at all, of Russia leaving the Crimea, Donetsk or Lugansk is delusional .
V.Putin has already pointed out to the Euros that he has not attacked any Euro country, is not at war with the EU, and is ready, willing and quite able to restore cheap energy to the EU immediately, and that the mineral wealth of Russia can be developed by the EU as easily as anyone else.
Vicky Nuland should be hung.
And another point is that Russian public opinion criticism of the SMO is that V.Putin
has shown too much restraint over the past three years.
The Russian people are solidly behind V. Putin. Zelenskiy is a 100% invented stooge of the Swamp creatures who have stolen $Billions (borrowed) from the American people,,.
Russia will continue to 'bomb" the ukrops into the Stone Age regardless of anything NATO does. If NATO had the wherewithal to stop it, they'd have done so. Seventy five years of neocon adventure have created a political black hole and the US is swirling around the edges. The military-industrial-surveillance state that Eisenhower warned about has been basically unimpeded in it's rush to Armageddon.
Now Trump, JD, Hedgseth, and Rubio have the challenge of playing a handful of cards with the high card being a seven
Anyone who thinks V. Putin can be rolled is an idiot. Anyone who thinks there is any chance, at all, of Russia leaving the Crimea, Donetsk or Lugansk is delusional .
V.Putin has already pointed out to the Euros that he has not attacked any Euro country, is not at war with the EU, and is ready, willing and quite able to restore cheap energy to the EU immediately, and that the mineral wealth of Russia can be developed by the EU as easily as anyone else.
Vicky Nuland should be hung.
We can count on getting the Russian perspective from you. Thanks.
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And another point is that Russian public opinion criticism of the SMO is that V.Putin
has shown too much restraint over the past three years.
The Russian people are solidly behind V. Putin. Zelenskiy is a 100% invented stooge of the Swamp creatures who have stolen $Billions (borrowed) from the American people,,.
Russians call Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine "the SMO."
So, you've shifted over to being anti-NATO? You weren't before the election.
Never had a reason to be one way or the other about NATO. I don’t know why pointing out NATO’s shortcomings is anti-NATO. A few things are undeniable. First, NATO’s original purpose is no longer a reason to have NATO. Second several members don’t do their part to keep up their military. Third, NATO accepted for memberships countries who will never be military players, are only NATO responsibility without benefits. Fourth, NATO has become unwieldy bureaucracy with membership of wildly divergent views.
Never had a reason to be one way or the other about NATO. I don’t know why pointing out NATO’s shortcomings is anti-NATO. A few things are undeniable. First, NATO’s original purpose is no longer a reason to have NATO. Second several members don’t do their part to keep up their military. Third, NATO accepted for memberships countries who will never be military players, are only NATO responsibility without benefits. Fourth, NATO has become unwieldy bureaucracy with membership of wildly divergent views.
Nearly every country in NATO is now meeting the 2% of GDP goal and all are getting closer to meeting or exceeding it. An aggressive Russia has been a big incentive. A majority has proposed upping that goal to 2.5 percent. Their militaries are generally good and very professional with some very good. Poland can kick ass. The exercises they do within NATO, including with the US, improve NATO's combined capabilities every year. You are mixing up NATO with EU and individual country views on things other than military. None of what you said is very accurate and it sounds very much anti-NATO to me. What happened to you?
And another point is that Russian public opinion criticism of the SMO is that V.Putin
has shown too much restraint over the past three years.
The Russian people are solidly behind V. Putin. Zelenskiy is a 100% invented stooge of the Swamp creatures who have stolen $Billions (borrowed) from the American people,,.

Yeah..., there's very little dissent in Russia because those that even hint at not going along with Putin are either jailed and poisoned..., just simply poisoned, or (in what seems to be his favorite technique these days) thrown out of three plus story windows...

There seems to be such an amazing rash of regret amongst Putins Russian detractors that they all nearly immediately see the error of their ways and conveniently (for Putin) commit suicide...
Yeah..., there's very little dissent in Russia because those that even hint at not going along with Putin are either jailed and poisoned..., just simply poisoned, or (in what seems to be his favorite technique these days) thrown out of three plus story windows...

There seems to be such an amazing rash of regret amongst Putins Russian detractors that they all nearly immediately see the error of their ways and conveniently (for Putin) commit suicide...
Cool Story Bro...

Now do Seth Rich..
What happened to you?
Easy answer. I don’t believe the Domino theory that Biden and others kept advancing.

As a side note, I am much more concerned about the religious fanatics in the ME than I am about Putin. The Syrian AQ are killing Christians and the wrong-believing Muslims by the train- load and there is no response from anybody. When the Palestinian/Iranian HAMAS did that to the Jews On October 7, there was hell to pay. NATO not a could muster a coherent message of support.

Are you in favor of Israel becoming a NATO member? I would hope do. If not that doesn’t bode well for NATO.
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Easy answer. I don’t believe the Domino theory that Biden and others kept advancing.

As a side note, I am much more concerned about the religious fanatics in the ME than I am about Putin. The Syrian AQ are killing Christians and the wrong-believing Muslims by the train- load and there is no response from anybody. When the Palestinian/Iranian HAMAS did that to the Jews On October 7, there was hell to pay. NATO not a could muster a coherent message of support.

Are you in favor of Israel becoming a NATO member? I would hope do. If not that doesn’t bode well for NATO.
I'm concerned about both. It's not really a Domino Theory, it's about helping a NATO and US partner nation defend itself from Russia, a very corrupt dictatorship and oligarchy, which must not be allowed to take all of Ukraine.

Don't know why you'd shift to Israel and NATO. Israel doesn't fit into the NATO model. Besides even if we tried to force it to fit, it takes 100 percent agreement among the member nations to admit another member. Think Turkey would approve. Hell, the US under President Trump wouldn't approve of it either.
That required unanimous consent of the members. Thus, the US approved every single one. The critical thinking question is, why did the US agree?
First, that’s not a critical thinking question.

Second, I don’t know other than to say the west liked the message of including former Soviet republics in NATO

Here is my question to you and @Aloha Hoosier:

What would need to happen to make NATO no longer necessary?
First, that’s not a critical thinking question.

Second, I don’t know other than to say the west liked the message of including former Soviet republics in NATO

Here is my question to you and @Aloha Hoosier:

What would need to happen to make NATO no longer necessary?
World Peace. The idea that NATO is unnecessary is ludicrous and dangerous.
World Peace. The idea that NATO is unnecessary is ludicrous and dangerous.
The South East Asia Cold War treaty organization is gone, although some aspects of the mutual defense pacts might still be alive.

Cutting through the crap, I guess my real question is do you think Russia and the west are destined to be perpetual enemies? What would be needed to change that? FWIW, I think the religious fanaticism that is festering in the Middle East is a bigger problem. It isn’t the Russians who shut down shipping through the Suez Canal. It was the Iranians which some in our government seem to only wink at.
The South East Asia Cold War treaty organization is gone, although some aspects of the mutual defense pacts might still be alive.

Cutting through the crap, I guess my real question is do you think Russia and the west are destined to be perpetual enemies? What would be needed to change that? FWIW, I think the religious fanaticism that is festering in the Middle East is a bigger problem. It isn’t the Russians who shut down shipping through the Suez Canal. It was the Iranians which some in our government seem to only wink at.
I’m not playing what about with you. Russia is the obvious threat in Europe and will be as long as Putin remains in power. NATO will remain important and necessary as long as that’s the case.
I’m not playing what about with you. Russia is the obvious threat in Europe and will be as long as Putin remains in power. NATO will remain important and necessary as long as that’s the case.
I don’t think it’s at all a what if. Putin being gone at some point is a known.