Wouldn't it be fair to say that many other parents don't share your view? If they did, they wouldn't be forking over those funds.
FWIW, I can't speak to Fort Wayne schools, public or private, very much. But I will say that I have quite a bit of respect for the Bishop Dwenger community. For one thing, I know a number of terrific people who went there who had nothing but good things to say about it. For another, they made one helluva gesture to some kids who played for Evansville Central HS after the schools played each other in the football state finals a few years ago.
Gregg Doyel wrote a story after the final game about how several of Central's players had been homeless throughout the season. The kids (I think there were 3 of them) lived in various homes throughout the school year. I think one of them was a coach. One may have been an administrator at Central. Anyway, they came from awful circumstances and persevered to not only make it to the finals, they all ended up graduating the next spring.
Anyway, after Doyel's story came out, the Bishop Dwenger people came together and did a fundraiser to benefit those 3 kids. It raised thousands of dollars. A school from all the way on the other side of the state...just because they had played each other in the state finals.
I thought that really spoke highly of them.