Trump is going to cut our energy bills IN HALF...

I knew a guy with a very average construction job and he liked to play blackjack at the casinos. His wife would go too, and she liked roulette.

He told me he thought the couple should reduce their trips to the casino because they were going a couple times per week and losing $1,000+ or so each time they went. It was coming out of their credit cards.

I asked why he didn't just set aside a similar amount each week and buy into a mutual fund or bank CDs. He responded (I am not making this up) that (1) a mutual fund was just the stock market and he would lose everything if he invested in a mutual fund, and (2) he didn't want CDs because he didn't want to tie up his money that long in a CD.

What can be said in response to logic like that?
Amazing! Did you respond ?!?!
I knew a guy with a very average construction job and he liked to play blackjack at the casinos. His wife would go too, and she liked roulette.

He told me he thought the couple should reduce their trips to the casino because they were going a couple times per week and losing $1,000+ or so each time they went. It was coming out of their credit cards.

I asked why he didn't just set aside a similar amount each week and buy into a mutual fund or bank CDs. He responded (I am not making this up) that (1) a mutual fund was just the stock market and he would lose everything if he invested in a mutual fund, and (2) he didn't want CDs because he didn't want to tie up his money that long in a CD.

What can be said in response to logic like that?

I would say: you should go meet with a financial advisor to learn the difference between investing and gambling. Also, set up a retirement plan with a goal in mind. Otherwise, you are screwing yourself and your family.
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I knew a guy with a very average construction job and he liked to play blackjack at the casinos. His wife would go too, and she liked roulette.

He told me he thought the couple should reduce their trips to the casino because they were going a couple times per week and losing $1,000+ or so each time they went. It was coming out of their credit cards.

I asked why he didn't just set aside a similar amount each week and buy into a mutual fund or bank CDs. He responded (I am not making this up) that (1) a mutual fund was just the stock market and he would lose everything if he invested in a mutual fund, and (2) he didn't want CDs because he didn't want to tie up his money that long in a CD.

What can be said in response to logic like that?

Had a college professor who said when the interest paid on your loans is higher than the return you are getting on your investments you are heading for financial failure.

Too many Americans only have their homes to show as asset upon retiring. Even here when you subtract all the interest paid on their mortgage and possibly heloc loans the net gain may not be all that impressive.
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Wife is accustomed to over sexed men.


My explanation concerning my behavior is all about genes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and her being too sexy. All factors beyond my control.

Somehow don't think she buys my explanation.
I told all four of my kids that their existence was because of me and my skin hunger. So a simple thank you was in order.
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I would say: you should go meet with a financial advisor to learn the difference between investing and gambling. Also, set up a retirement plan with a goal in mind. Otherwise, you are screwing yourself and your family.
Wish I had thought of that.
Market forces. If you say Biden did it then my question would be why didnt he do it before? Now if Biden had allowed drilling ie the pipeline for instance, what would our current price be?
Not a story the Admin was eager to publicize because they don't want to alienate Climate activists...Of course Trump would attack these facts as "fake news"...

"President Joe Biden has approved nearly 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits for wells on federal land since taking office than former President Donald Trump did in his first three years, according to newly released data from the Interior Department"

"Trump has sought to cast Biden’s climate and clean energy policies as choking off U.S. oil and gas production, although output of both of those fuels reached record levels last year."
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Not a story the Admin was eager to publicize because they don't want to alienate Climate activists...Of course Trump would attack these facts as "fake news"...

"President Joe Biden has approved nearly 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits for wells on federal land since taking office than former President Donald Trump did in his first three years, according to newly released data from the Interior Department"

"Trump has sought to cast Biden’s climate and clean energy policies as choking off U.S. oil and gas production, although output of both of those fuels reached record levels last year."

Not so fast....

I really don't know what to believe. But I'd lean to Free Beacon as it better reflects the positions of each admin WRT oil.
Not a story the Admin was eager to publicize because they don't want to alienate Climate activists...Of course Trump would attack these facts as "fake news"...

"President Joe Biden has approved nearly 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits for wells on federal land since taking office than former President Donald Trump did in his first three years, according to newly released data from the Interior Department"

"Trump has sought to cast Biden’s climate and clean energy policies as choking off U.S. oil and gas production, although output of both of those fuels reached record levels last year."
Why can't private lands drill. Why is that a bad thing. It would seem to me that more oil is good for the consumer and it creates jobs which means more of a tax base.
I told all four of my kids that their existence was because of me and my skin hunger. So a simple thank you was in order.

Tell GIF by Grease Live
To this my wife would add that men should respect a woman's right not to have sex during those six days.

She also mentions men make the laws and women go through the child birth process. Not fair according to her.
Hoot, tell her to pipe down and make you a sandwich.
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I believe women have the ability to control their own bodies for 6 days a months and use contraceptive options the other 24.

not trying to change anyone's mind but just spent part of the day reading about a woman named Selma Engel-Wijnberg, a Dutch Jewish Holocaust survivor. She ended up at Camp Sobibor in Poland. Met a Polish Jew who later became her husband. During a camp revolt, her dude stabs a prison guard and they make their escape. They spend the next 9 months living in a barn in the Polish countryside. Finally, in the summer of '44 the Red Army pushes the Germans out and they survive. Then they realize she's pregnant. Their son was conceived in a haystack.

It's loving, not love, that always finds a way. lol. Our biological imperatives are strong.
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