Trump is going to cut our energy bills IN HALF...

You drove Uber? My God you must have had the lowest tips in the history of the company. Trapped in a car with you 🤣🤣. Let me out at this next light. I’ll walk
I get the occasional self-marginalized white guy who starts talking politics. It borders from pity to tolerance. It's cute when their eyes glaze over as try to stumble through all the talking points.
I get the occasional self-marginalized white guy who starts talking politics. It borders from pity to tolerance. It's cute when their eyes glaze over as try to stumble through all the talking points.
Yes. I’m sure their eyes indeed glaze over when suffering through the Uber driver’s take on economics

The self marginalized white bit tells us who you are. Just another vapid wokester. Stick to sports. It’ll help tips
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Can you imagine that star rating?
You don't have to imagine it. Top one is Lyft. Bottom one is Uber.


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Yes. I’m sure their eyes indeed glaze over when suffering through the Uber driver’s take on economics

The self marginalized white bit tells us who you are. Just another vapid wokester. Stick to sports. It’ll help tips
Someone has to call out your BS and your utter lack of knowledge when it comes to timelines.

Title 42 in Biden's first 100 days. LOL Try the spring of 2023. Thinks inflation happens in a month. That's been your week. You're not the big thinker you think you are.

You're mostly just dishonest.
Someone has to call out your BS and your utter lack of knowledge when it comes to timelines.

Title 42 in Biden's first 100 days. LOL Try the spring of 2023. Thinks inflation happens in a month. That's been your week. You're not the big thinker you think you are.

You're mostly just dishonest.
You keep leaving out remain in Mexico the three asylum agreements, funding etc. Why are you being dishonest again?

What’s more you can look at the crossing numbers yourself. Just like inflation. But you won’t.

Listen. Peddle your bs to high school kids. You’re so far out of your league with educated people.
Someone has to call out your BS and your utter lack of knowledge when it comes to timelines.

Title 42 in Biden's first 100 days. LOL Try the spring of 2023. Thinks inflation happens in a month. That's been your week. You're not the big thinker you think you are.

You're mostly just dishonest.
Come on....mcm is a moderate with an open mind. He just looks at the facts....

Cracking Up Lol GIF
You keep leaving out remain in Mexico the three asylum agreements and funding. Why are you being dishonest again?

What’s more you can look at the crossing numbers yourself. Just like inflation. But you won’t.

Listen. Peddle your bs to high school kids. You’re so far out of your league with educated people.
Again, you threw out about a half dozen items, presuming my position on all of them. Sorry I overlooked or don't respond according to your will.

I don't have a problem with the revoking of remain in Mexico program. I'm not afraid of non-white people like you are. It was harmful to those seeking refuge, creating more problems than it was helping. It wasn't going to stop any actual criminals who Trump says is trying to overflow into the country. It only hurt the law abiding people looking for a better opportunity.

We need a better system, but that wasn't solving anything.
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Again, you threw out about a half dozen items, presuming my position on all of them. Sorry I overlooked or don't respond according to your will.

I don't have a problem with the revoking of remain in Mexico program. I'm not afraid of non-white people like you are. It was harmful to those seeking refuge, creating more problems than it was helping. It wasn't going to stop any actual criminals who Trump says is trying to overflow into the country. It only hurt the law abiding people looking for a better opportunity.

We need a better system, but that wasn't solving anything.
You throw in those digs of being afraid of non white people and that’s why you’re so miserable and why posters don’t engage. We are all fine with processed crossings. What we aren’t okay with is open borders based on the feelz of social workers and Ed majors
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That would be good for American consumers. But it is also good for all the jobs lost when Biden got rid of the KS Pipeline. One thing about jobs is that when you have them then there are other jobs attached to them. It has hurt the country to cut off that pipeline.
From a child of God who accepted Jesus as my savior many years ago, I have a question…. How as a pastor can you look the othe
That would be good for American consumers. But it is also good for all the jobs lost when Biden got rid of the KS Pipeline. One thing about jobs is that when you have them then there are other jobs attached to them. It has hurt the country to cut off that pipeline.
Serious question Van…. As a man of the cloth, avowed washed in the blood Christian, are you pushing Trump because you feel he is the lesser of 2 evils, which could be arguably true, or do you REALLY believe in him as a man and a leader and a boon to a Christian nation?
Praise be!

{he's going to couch it (no pun intended) into his upcoming, everlasting infrastructure plan}

Under his eye.
He’ll do that right after he delivers us our “beautiful health care plans”, finishes the wall that Mexico will pay for, cuts the national debt, and whatever other nonsense comes out of his mouth.
Look at Murt...he knows how to copy and paste graphs! Good boy.

You're either stupid or dishonest. I'll let you pick.

Biden didn't present his first budget until the summer of 2021. He did approve another round of stimulus packages in March. However, Trump approve three stimulus packages in 2020 tied to COVID relief.

ARPA injected $1.9T into the economy. CARES under Trump injected $2.2T.

You need to research better, and if you think inflation start overnight...LOL
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He’ll do that right after he delivers us our “beautiful health care plans”, finishes the wall that Mexico will pay for, cuts the national debt, and whatever other nonsense comes out of his mouth.
Imagine running a campaign, campaigning to fix everything you and your party ****ed up...

DJT's political "promises" are no different than any other thats ran for offiice---Politicins are gonna tell people what they wanna hear.
Just shows how out of touch he is.

My grocery spending is up 19% since 2020 according my apps. COVID spending has a great deal to do with that. While I don't blame Trump for what happened economically, there are two truths:

1) Unintelligent or dishonest conservatives blame Biden.

2) Trump wanted to double the stimulus checks and extend unemployment payouts. He didn't get a chance on the latter, but it still did happen under Biden.
Wow, love watching revisionists work. It’s amazing
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I follow this guy. He is a US oil exec. Equally likes/dislikes both major parties. Explains oil and gas prices for dumb dumbs. Which is literally all of us on this board. Yes you all too.

What he’s missing is regulation and drilling costs. Permits are a huge hurdle as well. Trump understands you can only accept a lower price for your product if you can create it cheaper. Additionally, in the oil field your only way of making more money, that’s in your control, is by increasing production. A lot of this is rework, fracking and zone exploration. Make that easier and yes they will be more active.
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Imagine running a campaign, campaigning to fix everything you and your party ****ed up...

DJT's political "promises" are no different than any other thats ran for offiice---Politicins are gonna tell people what they wanna hear.
How have the dems f’d up anything regarding energy? We ar now the largest producer of oil in the world. Bigger than the Saudis, Russia, or any of the other corruptocracies in the world. We are also actively planning for the future with (what used to be known as) alternative energy.
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How have the dems f’d up anything regarding energy? We ar now the largest producer of oil in the world. Bigger than the Saudis, Russia, or any of the other corruptocracies in the world. We are also actively planning for the future with (what used to be known as) alternative energy.

Yes. It's independence vs dominance. Trump policies got us independence on our way to dominance. Biden put the brakes towards dominance. We are still the largest, but imagine if we were so dominant that oil was still in the low 50's, like in 2019. Think prices that low would have hurt Russia and Iran?
From a child of God who accepted Jesus as my savior many years ago, I have a question…. How as a pastor can you look the othe

Serious question Van…. As a man of the cloth, avowed washed in the blood Christian, are you pushing Trump because you feel he is the lesser of 2 evils, which could be arguably true, or do you REALLY believe in him as a man and a leader and a boon to a Christian nation?
If there was a better candidate than Trump of course I would vote for him or her. Hillary,Joe,and Camilla are not it. In 16 I was a Cruz supporter but he didn't make it to the general.
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If there was a better candidate than Trump of course I would vote for him or her. Hillary,Joe,and Camilla are not it. In 16 I was a Cruz supporter but he didn't make it to the general.
I’m not asking why you’re voting for him. I’m asking how as a Christian leader you can defend his antics
I’m not asking why you’re voting for him. I’m asking how as a Christian leader you can defend his antics

Can't speak for VPM, but maybe abortion is his priority issue and cannot vote for Kamala or any pro- abortion candidate.

Is there a red line issue for you that cannot be crossed by a candidate?
I’m not asking why you’re voting for him. I’m asking how as a Christian leader you can defend his antics
When has Van ever defended Trump? Pointing out lies about him and pointing out others do the same things isn't defending him - it's just pointing out facts.

Who are you to judge, Pontius?
When has Van ever defended Trump? Pointing out lies about him and pointing out others do the same things isn't defending him - it's just pointing out facts.

Who are you to judge, Pontius?
I’m not trying to be the leader of the free world and Trump isn’t Jesus…. Nice try

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