Trump couldn’t restrain himself 😡

Trumps policies aren’t all mainstream GOP pre-2016. Republicans then were not isolationists and were against tariffs and they didn’t talk about the deep state. I’m sure Aloha can add more.

Notice I’m not judging any of these policies. I’m just describing what I think most consider, as an amalgam, the MAGA beliefs.
Trump is a hodgepodge of policies. Some more traditionally Dem than republican
Trumps policies aren’t all mainstream GOP pre-2016. Republicans then were not isolationists and were against tariffs and they didn’t talk about the deep state. I’m sure Aloha can add more.

Notice I’m not judging any of these policies. I’m just describing what I think most consider, as an amalgam, the MAGA beliefs.
Republicans did indeed talk about rolling back on administrative agencies pre-2016. That’s essentially what people mean when talking about the “deep state”. Rick Perry’s campaign ended because he couldn’t remember a rehearsed line on what agencies he wanted to cut.
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Trumps policies aren’t all mainstream GOP pre-2016. Republicans then were not isolationists and were against tariffs and they didn’t talk about the deep state. I’m sure Aloha can add more.

Notice I’m not judging any of these policies. I’m just describing what I think most consider, as an amalgam, the MAGA beliefs.
The deep state was a thing before Trump took office.

I don’t believe Trump,was in anyway an isolationist. Sure he wanted to end wasteful wars but that is far different from isolationism. He recognized the considerable international leverage our fossil fuel reserves provides and he used it. He talks about using it again in his stump speech. Biden abandoned all of it.
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Trumps policies aren’t all mainstream GOP pre-2016. Republicans then were not isolationists and were against tariffs and they didn’t talk about the deep state. I’m sure Aloha can add more.

Notice I’m not judging any of these policies. I’m just describing what I think most consider, as an amalgam, the MAGA beliefs.
Regarding isolationism (which I don't agree with), in 2016, the US wasn't giving hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine in an invasion that hadn't happened yet. The 2014 Crimean invasion was a fait accompli by 2016 and there was no actual shooting war going on then.

Different circumstances in 2022, particularly after the shameful Afghanistan debacle.

If Americans actually trusted Biden to manage a competent foreign policy, I doubt isolationism would be so strong. But dribbling out aid just enough to avoid defeat but not enough to enable victory is not a sensible strategy for most.
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Regarding isolationism (which I don't agree with), in 2016, the US wasn't giving hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine in an invasion that hadn't happened yet. The 2014 Crimean invasion was a fait accompli by 2016 and there was no actual shooting war going on then.

Different circumstances in 2022, particularly after the shameful Afghanistan debacle.

If Americans actually trusted Biden to manage a competent foreign policy, I doubt isolationism would be so strong. But dribbling out aid just enough to avoid defeat but not enough to enable victory is not a sensible strategy for most.
I think the move in the US population towards isolationism is perfectly reasonable after the last 20 years of our history. Our foreign policy blunders have cost us trillions and I'm not sure the world is any safer. But that used to be a more of a Dem/peacenik position pre-Trump.
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I think the move in the US population towards isolationism is perfectly reasonable after the last 20 years of our history. Our foreign policy blunders have cost us trillions and I'm not sure the world is any safer. But that used to be a more of a Dem/peacenik position pre-Trump.
Well, you know if Trump is against foreign adventures, the Dems will automatically be all for it.
Republicans did indeed talk about rolling back on administrative agencies pre-2016. That’s essentially what people mean when talking about the “deep state”. Rick Perry’s campaign ended because he couldn’t remember a rehearsed line on what agencies he wanted to cut.
That wasn’t about the “deep state.” That was about reducing the size of government, or rightsizing it, that’s a long-term Republican desire. It’s one I agree with. For example I do not believe we need a Department of Education. Anyone think education improved since its establishment? This “deep state” thing is where the loons went with that. I’d like to know who is in charge of this “deep state.” It’s nonsense.
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That wasn’t about the “deep state.” That was about reducing the size of government, or rightsizing it, that’s a long-term Republican desire. It’s one I agree with. For example I do not believe a Department of Education. Anyone think education improved since its establishment? This “deep state” thing is where the loons went with that. I’d like to know who is in charge of this “deep state.” It’s nonsense.
The deep state is indeed real. It isn’t a single secret cabal of bureaucrats who control all of us with an invisible hand. Instead, it’s a set of common beliefs and attitudes of entrenched civil servants that permeates many agencies. Some are more effective than others at wielding power. The DOJ, the intelligence agencies, the IRS, SEC are among the most conspicuous. It’s a product of group think, dead wood, money and corruption, and increasingly ineffective and lazy electeds. The deep state grows worse day by day.
The deep state is indeed real. It isn’t a single secret cabal of bureaucrats who control all of us with an invisible hand. Instead, it’s a set of common beliefs and attitudes of entrenched civil servants that permeates many agencies. Some are more effective than others at wielding power. The DOJ, the intelligence agencies, the IRS, SEC are among the most conspicuous. It’s a product of group think, dead wood, money and corruption, and increasingly ineffective and lazy electeds. The deep state grows worse day by day.
Petty bureaucrats are the bain of liberty.
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That wasn’t about the “deep state.” That was about reducing the size of government, or rightsizing it, that’s a long-term Republican desire. It’s one I agree with. For example I do not believe a Department of Education. Anyone think education improved since its establishment? This “deep state” thing is where the loons went with that. I’d like to know who is in charge of this “deep state.” It’s nonsense.
I absolutely think a Dept of Education could be useful. Not in its current form, though.
The deep state is indeed real. It isn’t a single secret cabal of bureaucrats who control all of us with an invisible hand. Instead, it’s a set of common beliefs and attitudes of entrenched civil servants that permeates many agencies. Some are more effective than others at wielding power. The DOJ, the intelligence agencies, the IRS, SEC are among the most conspicuous. It’s a product of group think, dead wood, money and corruption, and increasingly ineffective and lazy electeds. The deep state grows worse day by day.
Sorry. I just don’t buy it. As someone that has worked extensively with people within DoD and DoS, as well as some intelligence agency personnel, it’s just not something I’ve seen. In my opinion the trashing of these organizations is ignorant at best and dishonest at worst. Destroying trust in our government is deliberate and dangerous.
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Sorry. I just don’t buy it. As someone that has worked extensively with people within DoD and DoS, as well as some intelligence agency personnel, it’s just not something I’ve seen. In my opinion the trashing of these organizations is ignorant at best and dishonest at worst. Destroying trust in our government is deliberate and dangerous.
Maybe you are too close to it. Many have written about the power and arrogance of the deep state for years. I know I have. Then when you wrap ideology around power and arrogance we’ve got a significant problem.

One of the places it shows up the most is how the government hides and works around disclosing public records and documents. Garland’s BS excuse for keeping the Hur audio from public is only to protect Biden’s re-election campaign. That audio is now more relevant than ever. As far as I am concerned, Garland is destroying DOJ integrity, not his critics.
I disagree. But I do agree we need a revolution in this country about how we view education, how it is studied and developed in universities, and how the government should approach it.
Don’t know how that can be done with the current bureaucrats in the department.
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Maybe you are too close to it. Many have written about the power and arrogance of the deep state for years. I know I have. Then when you wrap ideology around power and arrogance we’ve got a significant problem.

One of the places it shows up the most is how the government hides and works around disclosing public records and documents. Garland’s BS excuse for keeping the Hur audio from public is only to protect Biden’s re-election campaign. That audio is now more relevant than ever. As far as I am concerned, Garland is destroying DOJ integrity, not his critics.
Most people that talk about the “deep state” aren’t close at all. They don’t know how it works and probably don’t know anyone that works in government. The phrase is cool and conjures up the image of yet another entity that is “oppressing” them. It’s another grievance to add to a long list of false and partly true grievances. It’s part of the victimhood mentality. IMO, of course.
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Most people that talk about the “deep state” aren’t close at all. They don’t know how it works and probably don’t know anyone that works in government. The phrase is cool and conjures up the image of yet another entity that is “oppressing” them. It’s another grievance to add to a long list of false and partly true grievances. It’s part of the victimhood mentality. IMO, of course.
Criticizing and comments about government arrogance, overreach and excessiveness is not a product of victimhood.
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Blaming some imaginary cabal of "government operatives" for conspiring against you is absolutely a characteristic of a victimhood mentality, as well as being significantly deranged.
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Blaming some imaginary cabal of "government operatives" for conspiring against you is absolutely a characteristic of a victimhood mentality, as well as being significantly deranged.

You make a good point about imaginary threats, victimhood, and derangement.

If I saw a neighbor off in the distance wearing a red hat, without being able to make out the logo, the thought would cross my mind that maybe I have a MAGA bigot for a neighbor. Sad but true. It's almost like a white hooded robe.
1) I am not claiming any form of victimhood on behalf of Trumper racists
2) recognizing them as dangerous idiots (when they advocate for public hangings of their political opponents) is in no way deranged.
3) Their threats are quite clear and not imagined, either. As The New Republic has noted, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.”

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The deep state is indeed real.
1) I am not claiming any form of victimhood on behalf of Trumper racists
2) recognizing them as dangerous idiots (when they advocate for public hangings of their political opponents) is in no way deranged.
3) Their threats are quite clear and not imagined, either. As The New Republic has noted, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.”

If the New Republic said it, it must be true. So much hand wringing in 2020 about Trump not having any policy positions, no plan.

Now a detailed policy paper that operationalizes Conservative agenda items is treated as Mein Kampf.

Get a grip on yourself.
Maybe you are too close to it. Many have written about the power and arrogance of the deep state for years. I know I have. Then when you wrap ideology around power and arrogance we’ve got a significant problem.

One of the places it shows up the most is how the government hides and works around disclosing public records and documents. Garland’s BS excuse for keeping the Hur audio from public is only to protect Biden’s re-election campaign. That audio is now more relevant than ever. As far as I am concerned, Garland is destroying DOJ integrity, not his critics.
Isn't that pretty much what Assange always said? They classify almost everything not because it's a national security threat but because it would expose all of their secrets.

If they wanted to gain public trust they could do so. Start by telling us everything they know about Epstein Island, then arrest and jail all the perps. But they won't arrest child rapists even though they know everything. Tells you a lot huh?
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1) I am not claiming any form of victimhood on behalf of Trumper racists
2) recognizing them as dangerous idiots (when they advocate for public hangings of their political opponents) is in no way deranged.
3) Their threats are quite clear and not imagined, either. As The New Republic has noted, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.”

Simmer down, boy. Stick to your hot takes on Big Wheels and stay on the sidewalks.

Big Wheel Nascar GIF by FOX Sports: Watch. Enjoy. Repeat.
I am not claiming any form of victimhood on behalf of Trumper racists
Holy shit deflection Batman... We ALLLLLLLL see you,,, Why do you hate people who don't look like you? You've proven this over and over and it's stupid !!! But since you are a Democrat I understand that you have been indoctrinated.
1) I am not claiming any form of victimhood on behalf of Trumper racists
2) recognizing them as dangerous idiots (when they advocate for public hangings of their political opponents) is in no way deranged.
3) Their threats are quite clear and not imagined, either. As The New Republic has noted, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.”

So the deep state doesn’t exist, but deep Trump does? lol.

First Trumpers are racists, or is it that racists are Trumpers, second they are “dangerous idiots,” then their threats are “quite clear”. All of this paranoia is guided by the New Republic.

You don’t need a card, I suggest a cave on a deserted island.

Hopefully Maine follows. States are sovereigns, congressional districts are arbitrary lines
I don't like it. If we can't have proportional representation, I think this is a good alternative. It forces candidates to pay attention to areas on a smaller, more local level. I wish the bigger states did what Nebraska and Maine do.
I don't like it. If we can't have proportional representation, I think this is a good alternative. It forces candidates to pay attention to areas on a smaller, more local level. I wish the bigger states did what Nebraska and Maine do.
I think those are separate issues though. Non-partisan redistricting might help reduce extremism in Congress a little bit, but still by geography you’d have a ton of deep red and blue districts where the member would only care about flinging red meat to the fringe. But electing the president by CD’s would basically give us the UK’s system, and too closely duplicate the race for control of the House. The current system gives states meaning, which I’m just about always in favor of.
I think those are separate issues though. Non-partisan redistricting might help reduce extremism in Congress a little bit, but still by geography you’d have a ton of deep red and blue districts where the member would only care about flinging red meat to the fringe. But electing the president by CD’s would basically give us the UK’s system, and too closely duplicate the race for control of the House. The current system gives states meaning, which I’m just about always in favor of.
Colorful. Memorable. Kudos.
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