Trump Cost The GOP The Senate in 2020 - and Will Again in 2022

I'd call it "authoritarian populism," this time from the right. (Not to be confused with anything resembling classic, establishment conservatism.) The next time it could come from the left. There's no real guiding philosophy. Hell, the official Republican platform for 2020 was "whatever Trump says."
Trumps messaging struck me more as economic nationalism.
I'd call it "authoritarian populism," this time from the right. (Not to be confused with anything resembling classic, establishment conservatism.) The next time it could come from the left. There's no real guiding philosophy. Hell, the official Republican platform for 2020 was "whatever Trump says."

I think that nails it. I was reminded that "Occupy" was a populist movement while reading something awhile back. Not actually having a platform makes Populism a spectacular opposition party but an unbelievably shitty ruling party. Scary stuff if we are about to start electing a lot of anti-state heads of state.
There is more wrong here than Trump. Congress has operated in cram-down mode since Obama Newt Gingrich perfected that technique. That is a bigger problem than Trump. If Trump died tonight, we would still have dysfunctional government on into the future.
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I think that nails it. I was reminded that "Occupy" was a populist movement while reading something awhile back. Not actually having a platform makes Populism a spectacular opposition party but an unbelievably shitty ruling party. Scary stuff if we are about to start electing a lot of anti-state heads of state.
I don't think having a platform and solutions and being a populist movement are mutually exclusive.

We've had them in the past with very firm goals. Here's the one from the 1890s (I think the biggest, unless you count Jackson's Democrats) with William Jennings Bryan (a very charismatic guy from all accounts) who ran on their ticket:

I guess I don't think populism, per se, need be destructive.
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The rhinos were not an asset. Republicans will pick up those seats.
Not sure your political predictions carry a great deal of credibility when you confuse the derogatory term RINO (Republican In Name Only) with the mammal (rhino) that lives on the African savannah...
i'll make a dire prediction. i think things are going to actually get worse after the next election. i think the dems are going to put up a progressive that will really piss off the right and i think the pubs will put up desantis and he'll be emboldened and piss off the left. i don't think things are going to get better.
I agree. I think both sides will get even more polarized. Rising debt levels, decreasing living standards for large chunks of society, ever expanding government, and social media /technology that allows for any narrative to be pushed, seems like a recipe for further division. The one saving grace is a lot of people are fat and lazy. Our only hope is that Netflix, Tik Tok, and Takis will keep them under control😆
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“That Wyoming woman” appears to be a solid and substantial individual. You seem to let Trumps endorsement affect your judgement of her. That is a different danger Trump brings to politics. Anti-Trumpism is so strong it clouds judgment about other candidates.
"Solid and substantial"? She was Cheney's friend in 2016 and often introduced her at rallies. Cheney still has a 93% or so pro-conservative voting record, so besides voting to Impeach the insurrectionist in chief and calling out his outrageous stolen election lies, what exactly changed to transform Cheney from the woman Hageman characterized as a "courageous, Constitutional conservative" in 2016?

If anything exposing Trump's authoritarian tendencies is being pro-Constitution. And from what I read about Hageman's views on land use and climate issues, I'd say she's probably more in line with the Bundy crowd and the folks that invaded Malheur than some law abiding peace loving conservative. Sort of an opportunistic Extremist who couldn't win the GOP nomination for Governor in 2018, but sensed blood in the water and realized she could parlay Trump's Big Lie into a House seat by turning on her friend...

"She betrayed me"?? How exactly, I wonder...

"I am proud to introduce my friend Liz Cheney," Hageman said on the campaign trail six years ago, according to CNN. "I know Liz Cheney is a proven, courageous, constitutional conservative, someone who has the education, the background and experience to fight effectively for Wyoming on a national stage."

"Like many Wyomingites, I supported Liz Cheney when she ran for Congress," Hageman said in her statement last September. "But then she betrayed Wyoming, she betrayed this country, and she betrayed me"


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