Trump at Arlington National yesterday.

I don’t think the feelings of the families of slain soldiers constitute “low brow politics”.

Thats the kind of thing you’d call someone else a coward for saying.

The only reason you don’t think this is a story is your all consuming hatred of Trump. It’s really a bad look for you.

A lot of times when I say people have TDS, I’m being somewhat facetious. But there are times, like this, where I’m dead serious.
I understand their feelings and I'm sympathetic. Every President is blamed for the deaths of military loved ones by SOME of the families. It's as certain as rain. The low brow politics is Trump taking advantage of this fact and FILMING a political video in Arlington, which is a violation of the law. That is low brow politics. It's also childish, naive politics, for anyone to say that it means a lot that the grieving families didn't invite the CInC they blame so that means a lot. It actually doesn't. You think it does because you're all in on Trump and don't really care about these facts. That's OK, you have TDS. And I'm dead serious.

It's not really a story, but it's a political thing. That's all it is.
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The botched withdrawal is a story. I criticized it. The families’ grievances, not so much. Happens repeatedly. If you actually think that’s a big story that’s fine with me. I explained why it really isn’t, but I don’t care if you think it is. I despise this kind of low brow politics.
You certainly despise telling the truth.
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I absolutely do not. I despise dishonesty. Now, in the defense of many here, they just don't know that what they're doing is repeating lies.
You do despise dishonesty? In that case you can shut up about being a Republican then. According to you, you’re an independent 👇

You do despise dishonesty? In that case you can shut up about being a Republican then. According to you, you’re an independent 👇

Just STFU with that nonsense. There is no requirement that a Republican vote for Trump. That seems to bother you tremendously since you went through the effort to search through my old posts to find where I said I’d become an independent. I didn’t. I changed my mind and decided to stay Republican through this election. You should note how completely consistent I’ve been on Trump.
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Gold star families are so upset with Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal that they not only don’t invite him, they invite his opponent in the upcoming election.

Sorry, but that’s a story. Whether you agree with what they did or not, it’s absolutely a story.

You’re being ridiculous right now.

Good grief.
You realize that both Trump and Biden are partially responsible for the withdrawal, right?

Trump is responsible for coming up with the shitty plan and Biden for going through with said shitty plan.
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They will cast him off as a MAGA with an axe to grind.
Well I have seen far more who served with him come out in support. The vast majority highly complimentary of his service. He would have put in retirement papers far in advance if knowing whether they were going to deploy.

Try not to be so partisan. You can attack him for other reasons, but in this case you lose all credibility ignoring the many people supporting him while latching onto the one who doesn't.
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Well I have seen far more who served with him come out in support. The vast majority highly complimentary of his service. He would have put in retirement papers far in advance if knowing whether they were going to deploy.

Try not to be so partisan. You can attack him for other reasons, but in this case you lose all credibility ignoring the many people supporting him while latching onto the one who doesn't.
People can come out in support of his service. That’s fine. Doesn’t mean the circumstances surrounding his exit weren’t shameful.
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Just STFU with that nonsense. There is no requirement that a Republican vote for Trump. That seems to bother you tremendously since you went through the effort to search through my old posts to find where I said I’d become an independent. I didn’t. I changed my mind and decided to stay Republican through this election. You should note how completely consistent I’ve been on Trump.
Aloha, I’ll take you at your word and refer to you as an Independent. I know honesty is important to you.

If I call you a liberal, you can be mean to me, but not if I call you an independent. Deal?
Gold star families are so upset with Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal that they not only don’t invite him, they invite his opponent in the upcoming election.

Sorry, but that’s a story. Whether you agree with what they did or not, it’s absolutely a story.

You’re being ridiculous right now.

Good grief.
The story is standing on a fallen soldier's grave with a thumbs-up signal. The story is that fallen soldiers are suckers and losers. The story is, that he only likes people who are alive not fallen Medal of Honor winners. give me a break the man is an Ass-hole.
Reservists and Guardsmen serving in congress is not atypical and no one gives them guff for doing so. Tulsi Gabbard for instance.

Highly doubtful he submitted retirement papers before learning of possible deployment. You’d have to be a true rube to believe as much.
Translation: ChicagoFineBlahBlahBlah doesn't know what happened but he has an opinion anyway.
Reservists and Guardsmen serving in congress is not atypical and no one gives them guff for doing so. Tulsi Gabbard for instance.

Highly doubtful he submitted retirement papers before learning of possible deployment. You’d have to be a true rube to believe as much.
You seem to know an awful lot about the time it takes to process military retirement papers. Were you assigned to an Army personnel unit?
You seem to know an awful lot about the time it takes to process military retirement papers. Were you assigned to an Army personnel unit?

Not one of you idiots have wrestled with the fact that in March 05 he said he stood ready to deploy and six weeks later he had retired.

You haven’t wrestled with it because there is no response to make. I am correct and you are incorrect.
Aloha, I’ll take you at your word and refer to you as an Independent. I know honesty is important to you.

If I call you a liberal, you can be mean to me, but not if I call you an independent. Deal?
No deal. I’m a Republican. I’m sticking it out for now. This is my word. Take me at my word.
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You seem to know an awful lot about the time it takes to process military retirement papers. Were you assigned to an Army personnel unit?
He knows very little and 90 percent of what he thinks he knows is wrong. The fact is there is no evidence he didn’t apply for retirement on the normal timeline which is 9-12 months prior to requested retirement date.
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He knows very little and 90 percent of what he thinks he knows is wrong. The fact is there is no evidence he didn’t apply for retirement on the normal timeline which is 9-12 months prior to requested retirement date.
Like most posters here, he's simply making assumptions based on whether or not he likes the politician in question.
Like most posters here, he's simply making assumptions based on whether or not he likes the politician in question.
Like many here he’s given his opinions and “facts” and no logic or thought is necessary. This is the easiest, or only, way to go if you suffer from Trump Devotion Syndrome.
Like many here he’s given his opinions and “facts” and no logic or thought is necessary. This is the easiest, or only, way to go if you suffer from Trump Devotion Syndrome.
Ehhh... The Trumpers are most obvious to folks like me and you who are so averse to them, but others do it, too. There are several liberal posters here who jump to explain why something X Democrat does is smart, without taking the time to understand whether or not it actually is.

We're not a very smart forum, to be honest.
Ehhh... The Trumpers are most obvious to folks like me and you who are so averse to them, but others do it, too. There are several liberal posters here who jump to explain why something X Democrat does is smart, without taking the time to understand whether or not it actually is.

We're not a very smart forum, to be honest.
That’s also true.
You chose to attack "progressivism." That's OK -- just define it (if you can).
Social & economic reform. I’ll dumb it down for you since you seem to perceive it as some mystery: in essence, taking what’s mine & giving it others is at the core, along with immigration policy, reshaping societal norms to the detriment of our youth, bad energy policy. Those are just some of the specific issues I have with the Harris-Walz ticket.
If he had turned them down, you’d excoriate him for that.

He didn’t have a choice. If they invited him, he had to go.

Trump could have told the families he would have a special ceremony at the White House after the election.
Ehhh... The Trumpers are most obvious to folks like me and you who are so averse to them, but others do it, too. There are several liberal posters here who jump to explain why something X Democrat does is smart, without taking the time to understand whether or not it actually is.

We're not a very smart forum, to be honest.
Smarter than the public at large? If you took 25 randos from target?
Pretty funny how this has become the story rather than the fact that the families literally did not want president Biden or vice president Kamala Harris there.

The power of the media.
Do we know if Obama or Biden ever took photos at Arlington?
Smerconish had on a mother of one of the fallen this morning. She said a couple of things that doesn't line up with anything. She said both Trump and the White House were invited and the White House never responded. If true, that is sad. They deserve a response.

She also said she saw no altercation and photos were taken by family members. That doesn't seem to fit with either the ANC or Trump narrative.
Smerconish had on a mother of one of the fallen this morning. She said a couple of things that doesn't line up with anything. She said both Trump and the White House were invited and the White House never responded. If true, that is sad. They deserve a response.

She also said she saw no altercation and photos were taken by family members. That doesn't seem to fit with either the ANC or Trump narrative.
The Trump campaign already released a slick video about the visit. It’s inappropriate and illegal, though they won’t take legal action.

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