I was once digging out my vehicle in the beginning of a blizzard on Mount Hood after checking out of Timberline Lodge (we had a flight out of Portland later that evening). After successfully removing the snow that had accumulated while we were there, along with the crud pushed up behind me by the parking lot snow plow, I'm starting to put away my little avalanche shovel when this 45+ female with a 4 or 5 year old boy in tow asks me if I can help her...
Turns out she's from Seattle and needs to get back home on a timeline... Naturally I helped her and damn near missed our flight in the process (her vehicle had been there longer than ours and was completely buried)... 😖
My question then, now. and forever will be: What kind of dumb b----- who actually lives in the Northwest goes anywhere with their young son during the winter without a shovel in the vehicle (especially half way up the side of the mountain)...?!?!?!? 🙄
If she'd been there without the kid I'd have been tempted to leave her to her own devices...(like booking another week snowed in at Timberline Lodge, which isn't all that bad a thing to have happen if your employer is understanding)...
I didn't ask her about her tire chain situation which she undoubtedly didn't have... Luckily we both got down to Government Camp and headed west towards Portland before the storm totally closed things out...
The unprepared types always amaze me, especially the ones that seemingly tempt fate and go well out of their way to find trouble...