I get it, to many of you it makes no difference or he doesn’t mean what he says, unless it’s “bad”, then it’s a big deal. 😂😂😂
To many of us Trump revealed his true character years ago and the likelihood of ending up where we are now has always been a big reason we thought he was unfit for the office. Absolutely nothing he says now means anything to me.
Congress was begging him to say something and call in the guard and the motherf#$ker ignored them.

Wow, he said something the next day. Big deal.

When the heat was on he either failed miserably to lead during a crisis once again or he purposely waited and watched.

So he's either a complete intelligence challenged dumbass or he's an selfish, machiavellian complete piece of shit.

Either one are not presidential traits.
Well duuuuhhhh.
To many of us Trump revealed his true character years ago and the likelihood of ending up where we are now has always been a big reason we thought he was unfit for the office. Absolutely nothing he says now means anything to me.
I wish that were true of all. Unfortunately what he says still means everything to many, for various reasons...

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