Tim Priller-5 screens and a season saved

Priller has gotten better. If Knight was still coaching, Priller would be on the floor a lot helping the team with intangibles. He seems to have learned that every second is critical when he is on the court. For all that he talks about this, Crean has clearly never put his money where his mouth is because the guys who play are the guys who make the same mistakes over and over.

Different philosophies.
Priller still has the same lack strength he exhibited as a freshman. Psychologically he is not an athlete.
Priller is no dummy....He's garnered about $1031 in IU educational benefits for every minute of playing time he's contributed since being at IU. He's played about 64 total minutes in his career....extrapolated at about 22k per year.

He accepted the IU offer when it was made...and he's getting and education on a full ride at IU. Those don't come around to an average Joe very easily. I applaud him for choosing an IU degree compliments of Tom Crean.
Or more like to the three man weave until there are 10 seconds on the shot clock and then stop at the top of the key, wait for TB to set a screen and then take the first open shot or force it when necessary.