These uniforms are horrible! And where is everyone?

It was designed by Artificial Intelligence.

Seriously, I think it's adidas + Indiana. Which is stupid. Also, if I was the Indiana Creative brand manager, no way would I have allowed these unis, let alone have the adidas' logo first.
Then why was that logo also on the Nebraska and Kansas and Rutgers and Louisville versions of that uniform? Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?
Something to do with Black History Month, or wokeness, or something stupid!?
shocked oh no GIF
And that is why you have been banned from the NY garment district, no taste.
The one on the left is the obvious choice, the one on the right looks like
bedroom attire. jk
Alt uniforms not permanent uniforms jeez. But I guess I am wrong vs the black and red one's they were worse yesterday.
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If You want to see ugly Uniforms, take a look at the Texas A&M Uniforms they wore on Saturday. They were truly White T Shirts with a Tee Shirt arm/shoulder cut. White t-shirts with a red T right side upper chest/T Shirt, and number to lower left side of shirt. Looks like a guy ordering Uniforms for a beer league rec team Who found a great deal on T Shirts and took Them to a high school art or graphics art student to do the printing.
If You want to see ugly Uniforms, take a look at the Texas A&M Uniforms they wore on Saturday. They were truly White T Shirts with a Tee Shirt arm/shoulder cut. White t-shirts with a red T right side upper chest/T Shirt, and number to lower left side of shirt. Looks like a guy ordering Uniforms for a beer league rec team Who found a great deal on T Shirts and took Them to a high school art or graphics art student to do the printing.
THey were grey

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