The U.S. had the highest rate of people struggling to afford enough food to feed themselves and their families of all G7 countries in 2023

When Black people have been getting preferential treatment for so many decades, equal treatment feels like oppression.
What preferential treatment? What are you talking about? Are you so racist you do not want black or brown people to have anything? Our schools are poor, low-wage, jobs poor, and housing poor. You cut off programs to help the poor. You gerrymander districts to cut off black representation. You suppress the votes You do not know what you are talking about, only the crumbs from the table.
What preferential treatment? What are you talking about? Are you so racist you do not want black or brown people to have anything? Our schools are poor, low-wage, jobs poor, and housing poor. You cut off programs to help the poor. You gerrymander districts to cut off black representation. You suppress the votes You do not know what you are talking about, only the crumbs from the table.

And affordable cost of living
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Okay so you are just trolling. I showed you record black unemployment and low cost of living. You are officially my first ignore
I used to mock those who use the ignore button. “Sign of a weak mind” I would say. But it makes your life better. Even if you break down and reply to the person you have on ignore, it’s a nice stop sign that weeds out a lot of circular discussion with morons who are never going to admit they’re wrong or even to learning something new.

But if you have someone on ignore. Just ignore them. Don’t talk about how you have them on ignore like OS as if it some sort of badge showing you’re superior. That’s lame.
And you think it would be better under trump. when he gives tax breaks to the rich. When gop legislatures has cut off Snap and other food programs for the poor. trump does not care about the poor only himself.
Exactly. SNAP and federally funded assistance programs fall under the 'social programs' that Murt rails against. Tax cuts to the rich and cutting out social safety net programs isn't going to help any type of 'hunger crisis.'
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Exactly. SNAP and federally funded assistance programs fall under the 'social programs' that Murt rails against. Tax cuts to the rich and cutting out social safety net programs isn't going to help any type of 'hunger crisis.'
Those programs were intended to serve seniors and those impoverished through no fault of their own. Now it’s become a mess that is used by more over the poverty line than under. They’ve been reformed under Carter Reagan and Clinton. It’s time they need to be looked at again to make sure we are getting the most bang for our bucks without engendering more dependents.

The last people you want doing that audit are 50 year politicians who are part of the squad.
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Those programs were intended to serve seniors and those impoverished through no fault of their own. Now it’s become a mess that is used by more over the poverty line than under. They’ve been reformed under Carter Reagan and Clinton. It’s time they need to be looked at again to make sure we are getting the most bang for our bucks without engendering more dependents.

The last people you want doing that audit are 50 year politicians who are part of the squad.
Tax cuts for people who don't pay taxes...what a concept!
I used to mock those who use the ignore button. “Sign of a weak mind” I would say. But it makes your life better. Even if you break down and reply to the person you have on ignore, it’s a nice stop sign that weeds out a lot of circular discussion with morons who are never going to admit they’re wrong or even to learning something new.

But if you have someone on ignore. Just ignore them. Don’t talk about how you have them on ignore like OS as if it some sort of badge showing you’re superior. That’s lame.
There are a few people here, hickory and dr hoops for me, who it serves no purpose to engage.

It’s like if you trained a chimp to repeat about 20 phrases and then tried to debate it. There’s nothing to gain. There’s no point in wasting your time.
Exactly. SNAP and federally funded assistance programs fall under the 'social programs' that Murt rails against. Tax cuts to the rich and cutting out social safety net programs isn't going to help any type of 'hunger crisis.'
true but it will help feed children, what people do not understand is you have to have a job to get these programs. People ill need help with child care but no one is talking about it The gop is even trying to get rid of abortions, even for rape and incest. They claim to care about children but only embryos, They do not to want help families to feed, and create better schools, What in the hell do they stand for? All they do is complain about Biden . What do they stand for? They only want to help the rich and give subsidies to big companies. I'm listening
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true but it will help feed children

Maybe we feed them too much

Obesity rates by age:

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There are a few people here, hickory and dr hoops for me, who it serves no purpose to engage.

It’s like if you trained a chimp to repeat about 20 phrases and then tried to debate it. There’s nothing to gain. There’s no point in wasting your time.
The willfrog must be a parody account. The other two....products of public education..
In short, it’s because the corporations that produce that crap have really good lobbyists who get subsidies to help that stuff stay cheap. There is no ‘big broccoli or apple’ corporation. It’s why a salad costs a lot more than a Big Mac.
Making your own salad is much cheaper than a Big Mac.

Let’s stop blaming corporations for people’s bad and lazy health decisions.

All the information they need to make healthy decisions is readily available.
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That was because trump inherited obamas economy and Biden inherited post covid economy.

But keep spewing your ignorant partisan bull shit. Biden isn't even in the top 10 causes of WORLDWIDE inflation
Did your propaganda feed fill your tiny little brain with that take. Inflation is on Biden spending dumb shit. And if you’re stupid enough to vote for him again you will see more of it

CPI was rising at 1.4 when mushy peas took office. By March 2.6. By Jan 22 through the roof at 7.5. Went over 9 ultimately for a 40 year high. For 35 straight months inflation was above the rec level. His excessive spending put demand on steroids chasing too few goods. What happens in that scenario? Prices rise.

Now the fed has to intercede to cool mushy peas’ inferno. Rates skyrocket and people are squeezed.

I wish I could fix stupid and help you. The free cheese won’t end. Student loans…. We will have another big package proposed if he wins again. He has always been a lightweight as evidenced by being usurped by social workers masquerading as politicians
According to a Gallop Poll

"Our nation is facing a hunger crisis," Kelly Horton, interim president of the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), told Newsweek. "Even as one of the wealthiest nations in the world, about 44.2 million people live in households that struggle with hunger."

Since LBJ's "War on Poverty" in 1964 the pols have debated the best way to bring families above the poverty line and prevent children from starving.

Some have argued programs which increase GDP growth such as tax cuts will help the poor. Others promote government programs such Medicaid and child tax credits.

In my view the pols give lip service to helping starving children, but in the final analysis do they really care ?

Let us face it, the poor have a lousy record when it comes to showing up at the polls to vote, and they sure as heck don't contribute to political campaigns.

What I find amazing is during this election year, suddenly poverty and starving children are a topic for discussion.

Once the election is over, will the pols really care ?
We give oil companies and big businesses too many subsidies but you cry about feeding hungry children? Typical gop talking point,they wo
Maybe we feed them too much

Obesity rates by age:

You rather give old companies and big businesses subsidies than feed American children. Your graph does not show here like high-poverty areas like Inner Cities, Appalachia, and the Deep South. What kind of food was given, usually cheap food, not healthy food which is more expensive.
Making your own salad is much cheaper than a Big Mac.

Let’s stop blaming corporations for people’s bad and lazy health decisions.

All the information they need to make healthy decisions is readily available.
a salad is not cheaper than a Big Mac. Price out what you’d put in a salad and I will almost guarantee you it’s more expensive than the $4.00 or so a Big Mac costs.

Costs are a huge determinant in bad diets for people who can’t afford things.

Yes, people make bad food choices, but corporations have their thumb on the scale.
a salad is not cheaper than a Big Mac. Price out what you’d put in a salad and I will almost guarantee you it’s more expensive than the $4.00 or so a Big Mac costs.

Costs are a huge determinant in bad diets for people who can’t afford things.

Yes, people make bad food choices, but corporations have their thumb on the scale.
That’s just simply wrong. Do it regularly for meal prep. You can make 5 lunch salads for like $20 Big Mac runs at least $5, a meal 12+.

The overwhelming majority of fruits, vegetables and white meat are very affordable.

You can’t blame corporations for the fatty problem.
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I am saying there are a lot of hungry children in America, but you want to give subsidies to the rich, who already have enough.

The rich invest their money in such a way as to provide jobs and improve productivity which raises wages.

Some of them, even though finding ways to avoid paying taxes, still end up paying taxes which helps government provide programs for the less affluent.

If we tax our rich too heavily they will simply take their bags of money and move elsewhere. Unfortunately American businesses and labor are already losing some our rich investors.
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The rich invest their money in such a way as to provide jobs and improve productivity which raises wages.

Some of them, even though finding ways to avoid paying taxes, still end up paying taxes which helps government provide programs for the less affluent.

If we tax our rich too heavily they will simply take their bags of money and move elsewhere. Unfortunately American businesses and labor are already losing some our rich investors.
Many countries tax the wealthy more than we do and most savings go into the pockets of the wealthy, not in better wages.
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You should do stand up comedy. LMAO
He talks about “taxing the wealthy” which I assume means personal income tax. Then he mentions wages….

He is correct. Company owners do not increase employee wages based on lower personal income tax, if they even draw a salary.

But he conflates corporate income with personal because he’s an idiot.
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