The Seven Point Path to Six


Aug 31, 2019
Okay, let's be honest. The hope of getting to six wins and a bowl is fading and the door is closing. It's not looking good. On the one hand I won't completely give up on six wins until the number seven is in the loss column. On the other hand, to not acknowledge that the situation is getting pretty dire is to deny reality. It's going to be an up-hill battle for sure. But to the part of me that thinks a dramatic turn-around could still happen I ask, what would it take for said turn-around to take place? Well...

1) Confidence - it would be hard for a team not to be wounded from a confidence stand-point the way the season has played out. One of the toughest schedules in the country, key injuries, disappointment, not playing well. If the players and coaches are letting negative thoughts take over then you can kiss a bowl berth goodbye.

2) Commitment - nobody is going to hand Indiana anything. If they want to string together some wins they are going to have to go out and take it. Fight, scratch & claw. Find away. Grit. Mental toughness.

3) Functional QB play - Whoever is out there taking snaps needs to play well. I know this is kind of a duh thing to say but there needs to at least be some offensive continuity and identity. If that means managing the game, taking what the defense gives and not turning it over, so be it. Defense is the strength of this team but if the offense doesn't put points on the board it won't matter.

4) Lineplay - If our o & d lines can't get it done against the remaining competition we don't deserve to go to a bowl. I mean is that pretty clear?

5) LEO - Yes I went there. I've studied the greatest coaches of all time and pretty much to a man they all recognize the importance of developing togetherness and a genuine family culture within a program. I know people think it's cheesey but if you look at common elements of great teams LEO is always there. It's really not something that is even up for debate if you've ever bothered to look into it.

5) Honesty - There needs to be a willingness to take an honest look at the situation. Where play is bad, call it out. Where coaching hasn't been good enough, call it out. Where scheme is not sound, call it out. Whether it's players, coaches or staff check your ego at the door and be willing to change for the better. This will require uncomfortable conversations.

6) Health - I get next man up but if we could get a break or two in this department that would help our cause. Especially Penix, Tuttle and Mullen.

7) Support - For the remaining games we need fans in the stands who are vocal and engaged. Home field advantage still needs to mean something. And then I believe players and coaches visit sites like this and read what we're saying. If it's just a stream of non-constructive negativity that can't be helpful. Look I'm not happy about the way things have gone but my support does not waiver - win or lose I want the best for our players and coaches and I'm not here simply to snipe at them when things don't go well.

And then obviously it all starts with beating Maryland. Can't get to six if you don't get to three.

Let's go Hoosiers!! It's not over til it's over. Beat the Turtle.
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The Maryland game is huge. We’ve beaten all the teams, not top 10 ish in the country, on our schedule…All 2 of them!! 4 of our last 5 games will be against un ranked teams. The second we lose to one of those teams, bowl hopes are done.

If we beat Maryland, and lose to Michigan. We’ll still have the narrative that our only losses were to top 10ish teams.

The OSU game completely blew this out of the water…but up until then, a compelling argument could have been made…that even a 3-6 IU team, coming out of the Michigan game, was still a top 25 caliber team. Look good in a road win against the Turtles, and they get some of that back.

OSU game was so bad though, I’m struggling to see how they recover.
Controlling the LOS at higher % should be attainable against the next 4 of 5 games. That would allow more offensive success + reduce offensive mistakes. Should also give IUD advantages and opportunities to add to the scoreboard.