The real reason that Glass is retiring.


Apr 28, 2014
He knows he may have to fire Archie but doesn’t have the stones to do it.

I want a boss like Fred Glass. Plenty of job security.
He knows he may have to fire Archie but doesn’t have the stones to do it.

I want a boss like Fred Glass. Plenty of job security.
The real reason is he probably is getting weary of idiot fans posting crap on public message boards ad nauseam. Next time you have a thought please dismiss it as a brain fart and feel free not to share it with us.
The real reason is he probably is getting weary of idiot fans posting crap on public message boards ad nauseam. Next time you have a thought please dismiss it as a brain fart and feel free not to share it with us.
Great replay!
I have no idea the reason but it’s hard for
me to believe that an IU grad and die hard fan would just suddenly retire if he truly thought Archie was the next iconic IU coach and that we were in the beginning of the next golden era of IU basketball. My gut says he knows he made another enormous gaff and would never survive much longer.
He knows he may have to fire Archie but doesn’t have the stones to do it.

I want a boss like Fred Glass. Plenty of job security.
Some other Negative Nancy already posted this silly theory. Congratulations for not being creative with your Miller bashing post.
Or perhaps multiple "other" sports are at/near their pinnacle in the time he has been here and IU Football won more games than it has in decades. Is it possible the guy merely recognizes an opportunity to go out during a time when many would say he was at his best??? Prior to moving away from southern Indiana, all I heard/read was the awesome job Tom Jurich was doing at Louisville. How did that work out for him? His legacy might be quite different had he stepped away a few years earlier before Slick Rick's mess was revealed.
I have no idea the reason but it’s hard for
me to believe that an IU grad and die hard fan would just suddenly retire if he truly thought Archie was the next iconic IU coach and that we were in the beginning of the next golden era of IU basketball. My gut says he knows he made another enormous gaff and would never survive much longer.

Thank you! That’s all I was trying to say!
Or perhaps multiple "other" sports are at/near their pinnacle in the time he has been here and IU Football won more games than it has in decades. Is it possible the guy merely recognizes an opportunity to go out during a time when many would say he was at his best??? Prior to moving away from southern Indiana, all I heard/read was the awesome job Tom Jurich was doing at Louisville. How did that work out for him? His legacy might be quite different had he stepped away a few years earlier before Slick Rick's mess was revealed.

I did a two minute search on top 25 director's cup programs. it was the ten years ending 2018. IU is not in the top 25 for that period. and that is largely dominated by the "other" sports. what other sports have we been so great in? and don't say soccer. it has zero to do with glass. soccer is the only dominant program i'm aware of at iu and it is solely a product of the yeagley family.
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Or perhaps multiple "other" sports are at/near their pinnacle in the time he has been here and IU Football won more games than it has in decades. Is it possible the guy merely recognizes an opportunity to go out during a time when many would say he was at his best??? Prior to moving away from southern Indiana, all I heard/read was the awesome job Tom Jurich was doing at Louisville. How did that work out for him? His legacy might be quite different had he stepped away a few years earlier before Slick Rick's mess was revealed.

I’d take Jurich and Pitino here in a heartbeat. Glass never fixed the most important program here and that stains his legacy.

For the record, the only thing Pitino is really guilty of is hiring a P.O.S. Assistant Coach.
I’d take Jurich and Pitino here in a heartbeat. Glass never fixed the most important program here and that stains his legacy.

For the record, the only thing Pitino is really guilty of is hiring a P.O.S. Assistant Coach.

A quick glance at the top 25 in basketball and you will find at least 60% of the schools there don’t even pretend to claim basketball as “the most important” program at their school. At best, they claim it as an equal. At worst, they say they are a “football school.”

The irony of all of this is that other programs passed IU a long time ago and didn’t seem to prioritize basketball. And, they did so effortlessly.

The moral of this story:
Find 5 guys who can shoot and a decent coach and building a basketball program ain’t hard. Hell, you can practically put basketball on autopilot and still achieve success.
It shouldn’t be hard and it really isn’t for most schools who are balanced in their approach.
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I have no idea the reason but it’s hard for
me to believe that an IU grad and die hard fan would just suddenly retire if he truly thought Archie was the next iconic IU coach and that we were in the beginning of the next golden era of IU basketball. My gut says he knows he made another enormous gaff and would never survive much longer.

"Another enormous gaff"?

Crean's contract extension and hiring Archie?
I did a two minute search on top 25 director's cup programs. it was the ten years ending 2018. IU is not in the top 25 for that period. and that is largely dominated by the "other" sports. what other sports have we been so great in? and don't say soccer. it has zero to do with glass. soccer is the only dominant program i'm aware of at iu and it is solely a product of the yeagley family.
Indiana was 17th in the standings last year, and currently 16th in this year's standings.
He knows he may have to fire Archie but doesn’t have the stones to do it.

I want a boss like Fred Glass. Plenty of job security.
He’s not leaving for that reason, since we’ve already seen that power doesn’t rest solely with him after he wanted to retain Crean and was overruled. But it’s true that his support has dipped among some key people at IU. That, plus the realization that McRobbie is retiring, has put him in a position to leave on his own terms. And that’s what he’s doing.
2018-2019 final standings has us at 32. I don't know what you're looking at. that said, 32 isn't bad.
It’s exactly at the midway point for the P5 conference schools. It’s exceedingly average, the “Gentlemen’s C” of results. For plenty of IU fans, average is fine. And that goes for football and basketball.
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I did a two minute search on top 25 director's cup programs. it was the ten years ending 2018. IU is not in the top 25 for that period. and that is largely dominated by the "other" sports. what other sports have we been so great in? and don't say soccer. it has zero to do with glass. soccer is the only dominant program i'm aware of at iu and it is solely a product of the yeagley family.
Swimming and track and field are very respectable.
cross country and soccer. and again soccer is a yeagley deal nothing to do with glass.
Are we arguing about something? ;) I only posted the overall standings which I think are the right ones. However, I also think we get a lot of points for good swimming teams (men and women) which I care about as a former competitive swimmer, and baseball has been good too. I would disagree that Glass gets no credit for these things. If they happen on his watch he should get some credit for it. Just like the best football season we've had in a long time should be a positive on his record.
Are we arguing about something? ;) I only posted the overall standings which I think are the right ones. However, I also think we get a lot of points for good swimming teams (men and women) which I care about as a former competitive swimmer, and baseball has been good too. I would disagree that Glass gets no credit for these things. If they happen on his watch he should get some credit for it. Just like the best football season we've had in a long time should be a positive on his record.

No i posted the overall standings, which are the right ones. what you posted were just this fall and they only included cross country and soccer. if there's something to argue about it's individuals making a ton of money and getting credit where credit isn't due or getting credit for marginal results. all the while we alums get our phones buzzed incessantly to donate. the ROI hasn't been good. Glass moving on can only be viewed as a positive. hopefully the next hire is an actual sports guy - not a lawyer.

I do agree that we are in a tough spot though. everyone was behind hiring miller. it would be a hell of a lot easier for him to find his way than to replace him as i agree with the folks that there is no clear replacement waiting in the wings. if miller can just find his recruiting legs i think we'll be fine. i'm far more concerned with recruiting than what i see on the court. if we had guys that could shoot we'd be a far better team. missing wide open shots is the johnny's and the joe's not the x's and o's
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No i posted the overall standings, which are the right ones. what you posted were just this fall and they only included cross country and soccer. if there's something to argue about it's individuals making a ton of money and getting credit where credit isn't due or getting credit for marginal results. all the while we alums get our phones buzzed incessantly to donate. the ROI hasn't been good. Glass moving on can only be viewed as a positive. hopefully the next hire is an actual sports guy - not a lawyer.
The website is not easy, but when I click on "final fall standings" I get this (showing we were 17th last year):

I get plenty of calls from IU asking for money and I donate every year. I actually do it with the academic side in mind, but it all goes to IU either way. I've actually not had a problem with Glass. I really love the changes to the stadium, Assembly Hall and other facilities. I like that our sports other than football and basketball are doing well and I'm very happy with the direction of the football program. The jury is still out on the basketball program, but I've not given up on Miller. I live in Dayton and I watch Dayton basketball. I liked his teams at UD a lot and loved the style of play. We've gotten that same style many times at IU so far, but not consistently enough. If we get that consistently we're going to be happy.
The website is not easy, but when I click on "final fall standings" I get this (showing we were 17th last year):

I get plenty of calls from IU asking for money and I donate every year. I actually do it with the academic side in mind, but it all goes to IU either way. I've actually not had a problem with Glass. I really love the changes to the stadium, Assembly Hall and other facilities. I like that our sports other than football and basketball are doing well and I'm very happy with the direction of the football program. The jury is still out on the basketball program, but I've not given up on Miller. I live in Dayton and I watch Dayton basketball. I liked his teams at UD a lot and loved the style of play. We've gotten that same style many times at IU so far, but not consistently enough. If we get that consistently we're going to be happy.

Yeah that website's a mess. Well you've followed him longer than I so I'll continue to hold out hope.
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The website is not easy, but when I click on "final fall standings" I get this (showing we were 17th last year):

I get plenty of calls from IU asking for money and I donate every year. I actually do it with the academic side in mind, but it all goes to IU either way. I've actually not had a problem with Glass. I really love the changes to the stadium, Assembly Hall and other facilities. I like that our sports other than football and basketball are doing well and I'm very happy with the direction of the football program. The jury is still out on the basketball program, but I've not given up on Miller. I live in Dayton and I watch Dayton basketball. I liked his teams at UD a lot and loved the style of play. We've gotten that same style many times at IU so far, but not consistently enough. If we get that consistently we're going to be happy.

Serious questions here. In your commands, more important than college basketball by a factor of several thousand, wasn't it your responsibility to have the right people in the right place at the right time? Lives depended on this. Now, college basketball is balloons and lollipops when you put it up against the nuclear Navy. You would never had stood for "not consistently enough." You think your chain of command would have been gentle on you in your fitness reports if you said something along the lines of "if we get that consistently we're going to be happy?" You'd be shining sinks .....

This is the thing with Miller. While we don't/can't see behind the scenes, Miller, at times, seems to not be invested in continued improvement and effort. And I know you can't be successful at his level if you're not all about getting the most out of everybody at all times. It's not as if somebody could die, as in battle, but at least show us something. How many times have you seen Green or Smith do something incomprehensible and Miller just sits there? Knight would have pulled a Wisman, so to speak.

Miller has to be going crazy inside. I know he cares. There is no way you can compete at this level if you don't. But he has the wrong guys on his team and it seems as if he frequently has the wrong guys on the court. That's on him. Some of the guys aren't his. Two classes are his. He has to get the right guys in the right spots at the right time. He can't shoot for them; he can't rebound for them; he can't pass for the, and; he can't defend for them. But he better damn well get the guys who can on the floor and on the team. He really doesn't have much time. Dayton may have been an "easier" place in which to do this. Indiana and the Big Ten is as different as sailing on a southern Ohio lake as taking your ship through the South China Sea.
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I have no idea the reason but it’s hard for
me to believe that an IU grad and die hard fan would just suddenly retire if he truly thought Archie was the next iconic IU coach and that we were in the beginning of the next golden era of IU basketball. My gut says he knows he made another enormous gaff and would never survive much longer.
I imagine it’s a problem he would rather not have to deal with. Let the next guy be responsible for his own call. The new guy will get himself established here before pulling the plug. Another coach won’t want to commit here without knowing the certainty of his bosses work habits and how he thinks.
Serious questions here. In your commands, more important than college basketball by a factor of several thousand, wasn't it your responsibility to have the right people in the right place at the right time? Lives depended on this. Now, college basketball is balloons and lollipops when you put it up against the nuclear Navy. You would never had stood for "not consistently enough." You think your chain of command would have been gentle on you in your fitness reports if you said something along the lines of "if we get that consistently we're going to be happy?" You'd be shining sinks .....

This is the thing with Miller. While we don't/can't see behind the scenes, Miller, at times, seems to not be invested in continued improvement and effort. And I know you can't be successful at his level if you're not all about getting the most out of everybody at all times. It's not as if somebody could die, as in battle, but at least show us something. How many times have you seen Green or Smith do something incomprehensible and Miller just sits there? Knight would have pulled a Wisman, so to speak.

Miller has to be going crazy inside. I know he cares. There is no way you can compete at this level if you don't. But he has the wrong guys on his team and it seems as if he frequently has the wrong guys on the court. That's on him. Some of the guys aren't his. Two classes are his. He has to get the right guys in the right spots at the right time. He can't shoot for them; he can't rebound for them; he can't pass for the, and; he can't defend for them. But he better damn well get the guys who can on the floor and on the team. He really doesn't have much time. Dayton may have been an "easier" place in which to do this. Indiana and the Big Ten is as different as sailing on a southern Ohio lake as taking your ship through the South China Sea.
When you lead people you always have a mixed bag. The key is figuring out what their strengths are and putting them in positions that allow them to use them and contribute to the overall success of the command. If they don’t contribute to our success they need to be moved out one way or another. I see Miller trying to utilize the strengths of his players and hide their weaknesses, but there are some significant weaknesses. The biggest weakness now is he doesn’t have good enough guard play and shooters from distance. This team would be very, very good with better guard play. We need that to improve significantly. We know it and so does Miller. We just don’t have the responsibility of improving it and/or finding it. If Miller does it, he’s here for many years. If he doesn’t after four years (he’ll get four), we’ll have to replace him. I’d have no problem with firing him myself at that point.
I did a two minute search on top 25 director's cup programs. it was the ten years ending 2018. IU is not in the top 25 for that period. and that is largely dominated by the "other" sports. what other sports have we been so great in? and don't say soccer. it has zero to do with glass. soccer is the only dominant program i'm aware of at iu and it is solely a product of the yeagley family.

so yeagleys were hiring yeagleys? Lol.
so yeagleys were hiring yeagleys? Lol.
You know for all the emotional garbage you try to place on other posters at one time you were the only handle on my entire screen. that's how many threads you were responding to. do you realize how insane you look doing that? just incessantly posting in defense of this stuff that really isn't that important. are you that bereft of things to do? you seriously have some emotional issues. get some help. it's not like you post anything of substance. just attack. try and act like other posters have "emotionally charged responses" when you are just machine gun attacking any poster that has anything to say about a coach in his third year who is on game 3 of a slide that is starting to resemble the same 12 game slide from last year. is it the recruits coming in that excites you? the leave it all on the court effort we say game in and game out. the handling of players who continue to make dumb mistake after dumb mistake? nah, you can't post a single thing of substance. just try to act like a lunatic. post after post after post. a one man response to 50 threads seeing what many other see but you ignore. anyway, take a xanax. do something. it's not that important. you're going to give yourself a heart attack.

and yes. jerry started the program as a club and turned it into the program it is today - with a lot of guys from the 314 area code. guys message board athletes like you i trust don't know from adam. the field is named after him. if you think for a second glass had any part other than rubber stamping a contract in bringing jerry's son to IU you're nuts. no matter who was the AD yeagley was getting the job. and it was always his son's intent to come back to IU. now carry on responding to 8,000 other posts with personal attacks completely devoid of substance. you seem really emotionally stable ....
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You know for all the emotional garbage you try to place on other posters at one time you were the only handle on my entire screen. that's how many threads you were responding to. do you realize how insane you look doing that? just incessantly posting in defense of this stuff that really isn't that important. are you that bereft of things to do? you seriously have some emotional issues. get some help.

and yes. jerry started the program as a club and turned it into the program it is today - with quite a lot of guys from the 314 area code. guys message board athletes like you i trust don't know from adam. the field is named after him. if you think for a second glass had any part other than rubber stamping a contract in bringing jerry's son you're nuts. no matter who was the AD yeagley was getting the job. now carry on responding to 8,000 other posts. you seem really emotionally stable ....

I wasn’t attacking you, my STL bro. Lol. Glass had to fire a coach to hire him, right?
And please point out all of my posts defending Archie. I’m defending common sense. My pet peeve is IU fans looking dumb but I’m afraid that ship has long since sailed. I won’t start this back and forth with you again by pointing out the weird way in which you take every single god damn conversation back — America’s 8th or 9th favorite sport. I won’t do it! Lolzzz.
I wasn’t attacking you, my STL bro. Lol. Glass had to fire a coach to hire him, right?
And please point out all of my posts defending Archie. I’m defending common sense. My pet peeve is IU fans looking dumb but I’m afraid that ship has long since sailed. I won’t start this back and forth with you again by pointing out the weird way in which you take every single god damn conversation back — America’s 8th or 9th favorite sport. I won’t do it! Lolzzz.
Don't act like you know anything about Yeagley's situation. some of us actually do. now i'm going to bed. it's going to be 65 here tomorrow
Don't act like you know anything about Yeagley's situation. some of us actually do. now i'm going to bed. it's going to be 65 here tomorrow

when did I act like that? All I know is Glass fired his predecessor and hired him. That’s what ADs do.

and I heard that on the weather! Luckily I have a short position on rock salt and snow shovels..
You know for all the emotional garbage you try to place on other posters at one time you were the only handle on my entire screen. that's how many threads you were responding to. do you realize how insane you look doing that? just incessantly posting in defense of this stuff that really isn't that important. are you that bereft of things to do? you seriously have some emotional issues. get some help. it's not like you post anything of substance. just attack. try and act like other posters have "emotionally charged responses" when you are just machine gun attacking any poster that has anything to say about a coach in his third year who is on game 3 of a slide that is starting to resemble the same 12 game slide from last year. is it the recruits coming in that excites you? the leave it all on the court effort we say game in and game out. the handling of players who continue to make dumb mistake after dumb mistake? nah, you can't post a single thing of substance. just try to act like a lunatic. post after post after post. a one man response to 50 threads seeing what many other see but you ignore. anyway, take a xanax. do something. it's not that important. you're going to give yourself a heart attack.

and yes. jerry started the program as a club and turned it into the program it is today - with a lot of guys from the 314 area code. guys message board athletes like you i trust don't know from adam. the field is named after him. if you think for a second glass had any part other than rubber stamping a contract in bringing jerry's son to IU you're nuts. no matter who was the AD yeagley was getting the job. and it was always his son's intent to come back to IU. now carry on responding to 8,000 other posts with personal attacks completely devoid of substance. you seem really emotionally stable ....
He’s like teenage girl - obviously insecure about himself and his understanding of basketball.
When you lead people you always have a mixed bag. The key is figuring out what their strengths are and putting them in positions that allow them to use them and contribute to the overall success of the command. If they don’t contribute to our success they need to be moved out one way or another. I see Miller trying to utilize the strengths of his players and hide their weaknesses, but there are some significant weaknesses. The biggest weakness now is he doesn’t have good enough guard play and shooters from distance. This team would be very, very good with better guard play. We need that to improve significantly. We know it and so does Miller. We just don’t have the responsibility of improving it and/or finding it. If Miller does it, he’s here for many years. If he doesn’t after four years (he’ll get four), we’ll have to replace him. I’d have no problem with firing him myself at that point.
Thank you Tony Robbins

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