The Left plays Chess

Republicans think in 4 year cycles, democrats think in generations.

Immigration is all about the anchor babies, natural born citizens who will be eligible to vote in the future.
Republicans think in 4 year cycles, democrats think in generations.

Immigration is all about the anchor babies, natural born citizens who will be eligible to vote in the future.
Last paragraph 💯. Almost every Haitian women walking the streets of Washington Indiana is pregnant. Anchor babies coming by the hundreds in our little town.
One thing is for sure we’re f#cked if Trump loses. Most likely are either way. Democrats will eventually import enough votes to continue their spending, which has went insane the past 16 years.

If Trump loses? Below has a chart of debt incurred by president.

Look at #8, 4 spots ahead of Biden. Biden still has a year to catch up though. While Trump is below Obama, with a win, Trump would have 4 more years to catch up. Trump was in no way a budget hawk. In fact, he bragged in the first campaign about knowing how to use debt.
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If Trump loses? Below has a chart of debt incurred by president.

Look at #8, 4 spots ahead of Biden. Biden still has a year to catch up though. While Trump is below Obama, with a win, Trump would have 4 more years to catch up. Trump was in no way a budget hawk. In fact, he bragged in the first campaign about knowing how to use debt.
I've never once claimed Trump was a fiscal conservative. However, 3 trillion of his debt was from Covid and he had zero ability to stop it from happening, even if he was a fiscal crank like myself. A more damning stat is he increased deficit spending from like 3 to 4% before Covid. Unfortunately, Biden came in and increased it even more.
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Republicans think in 4 year cycles, democrats think in generations.

Immigration is all about the anchor babies, natural born citizens who will be eligible to vote in the future.
The Christian nationalists who prop Trump up in exchange for Supreme Court justices would disagree.
What exactly is a christian nationalist? It seems anyone can define it however they want.
Somebody who believes a country is allowed to have borders, and they probably attend church regularly.

The horror.

Whereas I believe a common self-identified 'marxist' is someone who wants to use the police to seize money from people who have jobs, to give to anybody they feel like giving it to.

They seem nice.