The Hawk Tuah Girl just thanked God for her success.

That's a new one for me. Not very often I come across one I haven't heard.
You’ll get a kick out of this. I played last night and on three occasions in the first half players had to be separated. At half the one guy on the other team walks over to our crew and goes “listen I think everyone has been watching too much copa. Let’s turn it down a notch.” I bust out laughing. I think that’s literally what it was
It's not up to him. He wants to get into office, wipe all his criminal court cases away, make money off foreign leaders who will rent places in his properties and stroke his ego. That's it. He's had his fun, he doesn't care about the rest of it.

The GOP leadership who collectively put together the proposed policies are going to be driving the bus. People are talking about this being the playbook they want to implement and wished they had in 2016. Directly from Project 2025:

“Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” (Mandate for Leadership 2025, Page 5)

That's what you're voting for.
"misogynistic exploiters of women"

Wait, Project 2025 wants to imprison Trump?
From what I have been told, Islamic terrorists have quite a bit of access to a whole bunch.
You’ve been told? Whatever you say Muhammad. All this time I pictured you as conservative white male in cargo shorts with a mustache. Now, I have to change your entire wardrobe and appearance in my head. Open for suggestions?
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It says transgender and child porn. Let’s see final language. More paranoid speculation from you. This is a drop in the ocean compared to what YOU voted for with the progressive idiocy
You really should go through the key points of Project 2025 and what it is. It’s not speculative and it’s not pie-in-the-sky. It’s what the far right conservatives expect as policy for getting Trump elected.
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You really should go through the key points of Project 2025 and what it is. It’s not speculative and it’s not pie-in-the-sky. It’s what the far right conservatives expect as policy for getting Trump elected.
If it doesn’t make gas more, crab legs more, insurance more, Oreos more, defund police, back bail projects, or open the border or tax the living hell out of me or my businesses im not too worried.
Speaking of God, would the Hawk Utah Girl be talking about BJs on a video if she had attended schools posting the 10 Commandments ?

My guess is she enjoys being an outrageously shocking jokester. In other words, doing the opposite of what you might suspect from her.
I am guessing that she is not from Utah.
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Is the Bible against BJs? Well, at least any more than it is against wearing a shirt blended with two different fabrics?

She is just commenting on the need for a good edible lube.
You really should go through the key points of Project 2025 and what it is. It’s not speculative and it’s not pie-in-the-sky. It’s what the far right conservatives expect as policy for getting Trump elected.
Out of curiosity, what are you worried about?
If it doesn’t make gas more, crab legs more, insurance more, Oreos more, defund police, back bail projects, or open the border or tax the living hell out of me or my businesses im not too worried.
You bring up things that are all collectively changing for the better and will likely to continue to get better as our political system of accountability forces them to.

There are also no official policies to support your supposition that all of the things you mentioned would get demonstrably worse under a second Biden administration, but you somehow just know they will.

Meanwhile, there is a real policy playbook a second Trump administration would try to ramrod down our throats that would restrict and or abolish some freedoms real, live Americans enjoy today. And just wait until immigration enforcement is demanding to see tens of thousands of people’s’ documentation and deleting people en masse. That’s not hyperbole. Read the effing thing.

But hey, you think some of your shit might cost less. Come on.
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You bring up things that are all collectively changing for the better and will likely to continue to get better as our political system of accountability forces them to.

There are also no official policies to support your supposition that all of the things you mentioned would get demonstrably worse under a second Biden administration, but you somehow just know they will.

Meanwhile, there is a real policy playbook a second Trump administration would try to ramrod down our throats that would restrict and or abolish some freedoms real, live Americans enjoy today. And just wait until immigration enforcement is demanding to see tens of thousands of people’s’ documentation and deleting people en masse. That’s not hyperbole. Read the effing thing.

But hey, you think some of your shit might cost less. Come on.
Lmfao you just refuse to learn. We have data from two actual presidencies. We know gas under trump and Biden. We know border crossings. We know inflation. We know exactly what actions Biden took to impact all of that. Wake the fck up. Your ignorance is boundless. Look at 2020 when Biden and Dems had control and see what they did. Jesus

Changing. Biden got blocked. Look what happened when he had control. You simply refuse to learn. Far left progressive whack job
You’ve been told? Whatever you say Muhammad. All this time I pictured you as conservative white male in cargo shorts with a mustache. Now, I have to change your entire wardrobe and appearance in my head. Open for suggestions?
You can picture me as a pink unicorn, makes no difference to me.

So yeah, I have heard. I can get you more if you like? Not sure why a pretty well documented phenomenon led to your response...but whatever.

(ETA: Also possible you were joking around and the joke flew over my head?)
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You can picture me as a pink unicorn, makes no difference to me.

So yeah, I have heard. I can get you more if you like? Not sure why a pretty well documented phenomenon led to your response...but whatever.
Sorry crazy, I was joking around. For the record, I also don’t picture you with a mustache either, but it would be cool if you had one.
Kids still smoke and drink. They'll still find porn.

Maybe they'll discover the excitement of finding Dad's stash. Only this time instead of a magazine or two under the bed, it'll be an old hard drive in a box in the attic.
"Hey look, aren't these those things you call DVDs?"

"I think so. Why do you think dad has a Wild Things DVD hidden under his bed?"
I have heard an argument (don't necessarily believe it, but....) that access to pornography has the benefit of "stress relief" to males. The argument is that one of the reasons that Islamic terrorist groups have an endless supply of new young male recruits is because they live in a society where sex is more taboo, women are completely covered up, and access to pornography is limited. Their pent-up sexual frustration leads to being more inclined to violence and extremism.

I think that argument is taking an idea and kinda pushing the concept further than what is true in reality, but I think the basis of the argument is true enough to at least consider.
OBLs hard drive was full of porn.
Sorry crazy, I was joking around. For the record, I also don’t picture you with a mustache either, but it would be cool if you had one.
Gotcha, sometimes it is hard to tell on here. Everybody going at everybody, lol. I went back and read it again and added the disclaimer because I was thinking, you know, that might be a joke and you are gonna look like an ass for not catching that.

All good, I apologize for going off half cocked a little bit there too. No mustache but you got the khaki thing down for most days, lol.
Lmfao you just refuse to learn. We have data from two actual presidencies. We know gas under trump and Biden. We know border crossings. We know inflation. We know exactly what actions Biden took to impact all of that. Wake the fck up. Your ignorance is boundless. Look at 2020 when Biden and Dems had control and see what they did. Jesus

Changing. Biden got blocked. Look what happened when he had control. You simply refuse to learn. Far left progressive whack job
“Biden got blocked” is actually at the crux of this, though I don’t totally agree with that assessment. Unpopular policy initiatives either went away or were drastically overhauled. The Biden administration pulled us out of the mess of COVID and yes, that messed with the economy/inflation. They didn’t defund the police and they didn’t forgive student loans en masse.

I know you’re concerned about crab legs or whatever, but what do you think the planned tariffs Trump will want to impose will do to the prices of whatever the hell it is you’re buying?

And you keep mentioning “data” as if that some indicator of things remaining constant/the same. It would seem to me that the Biden administration was using whatever “data” you’re referencing, polling and constitutional experts to improve whatever it is you think is ailing the country.

I’m beginning to think this is just you not being able to afford shit and being afraid to go into St.Louis and you’re looking for someone to blame.
Then why did you post "That's what you're voting for?" as if it was some amazingly bad thing?
Because I personally don’t watch it.

My guess is that there are a lot of people who don’t want the draconian restrictions on it, whether they a want to admit it or not. I care about my fellow Americans rights who might be into smut.
Gotcha, sometimes it is hard to tell on here. Everybody going at everybody, lol. I went back and read it again and added the disclaimer because I was thinking, you know, that might be a joke and you are gonna look like an ass for not catching that.

All good, I apologize for going off half cocked a little bit there too. No mustache but you got the khaki thing down for most days, lol.
You need to add a profile pic now:

Tom Selleck Mustache GIF
“Biden got blocked” is actually at the crux of this, though I don’t totally agree with that assessment. Unpopular policy initiatives either went away or were drastically overhauled. The Biden administration pulled us out of the mess of COVID and yes, that messed with the economy/inflation. They didn’t defund the police and they didn’t forgive student loans en masse.

I know you’re concerned about crab legs or whatever, but what do you think the planned tariffs Trump will want to impose will do to the prices of whatever the hell it is you’re buying?

And you keep mentioning “data” as if that some indicator of things remaining constant/the same. It would seem to me that the Biden administration was using whatever “data” you’re referencing, polling and constitutional experts to improve whatever it is you think is ailing the country.

I’m beginning to think this is just you not being able to afford shit and being afraid to go into St.Louis and you’re looking for someone to blame.
Lmao I’m beginning to think you live in a tiny bubble of woke morons in Athens Ohio and aren’t very bright. I pay more in child support than you make a year living in east bum ****

Title 42, asylum agreements, defunding the wall, remain in Mexico lifted. That’s what Biden did to the border.

Harris supported blm. At Dem convention. Praised defunding. Backed bail projects.

Transformative Biden with cradle to grave benefits gave out endless free cheese and a massive spike in inflation followed. Thankfully his own party blocked some of it.

Climate Biden attacked gas and like floor predicted it went up.

THEN Dems lost the house. And nothing changed.

Now your tiny brain has forgotten all that. Do we get a refund for those years? What are we going to do with all these illegals? Will they all go back? Should we ship them to Athens?

Because I personally don’t watch it.

My guess is that there are a lot of people who don’t want the draconian restrictions on it, whether they a want to admit it or not. I care about my fellow Americans rights who might be into smut.
No you’re a woke moron. You aren’t at the food banks volunteering. At United way creating emergency funding need plans to help those in need of meds, food insecurity, etc. you’re in a college town with the brain of a coed worried about lgbqt and all the woke speech bullshit. Brainwashed. Can spot your type a mile away.
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Lmao I’m beginning to think you live in a tiny bubble of woke morons in Athens Ohio and aren’t very bright. I pay more in child support than you make a year living in east bum ****

Title 42, asylum agreements, defunding the wall, remain in Mexico lifted. That’s what Biden did to the border.

Harris supported blm. At Dem convention. Praised defunding. Backed bail projects.

Transformative Biden with cradle to grave benefits gave out endless free cheese and a massive spike in inflation followed. Thankfully his own party blocked some of it.

Climate Biden attacked gas and like floor predicted it went up.

THEN Dems lost the house. And nothing changed.

Now your tiny brain has forgotten all that. Do we get a refund for those years? What are we going to do with all these illegals? Will they all go back? Should we ship them to Athens?

I actually have no frame of reference for what child support costs. I was fortunate enough to thread the needle during my divorce and not have to pay for it. I had to google what it might be.

If this chart is anything close to an indication, you don't come anywhere close to paying more than I make in a year. Not by a long shot. The chart stops at an annual salary $336,000. My math might be off, but you'd have to be a millionaire to pay more in child support than I make in a year for SIX KIDS. Maybe you are, I don't know. I do know that it's weird that you went there. Seems like ad hominem attacks are essentially admitting that you got nothin'.

And you keep pointing to things in the past. Past actions can be indicators of future performance, yes but not if they were received poorly or got poor results. Do you want to go back to your google machine and show me where the hardline policy proposals are on these topics for a second Biden term?

I don't like what I see from Project 2025. That's real, proposed policy that would a second Trump administration would try to implement. Though I never agreed with the majority of it, I'm not too worried about the 'data' from Trump's first term at this point.
No you’re a woke moron. You aren’t at the food banks volunteering. At United way creating emergency funding need plans to help those in need of meds, food insecurity, etc. you’re in a college town with the brain of a coed worried about lgbqt and all the woke speech bullshit. Brainwashed. Can spot your type a mile away.
This is the wrongiest of the wrong posts you've put out there. And that's saying something. You've literally stated the exact opposite of what is true in almost everything you said here.

I will give you one point; yes, I'm in a college town.
I actually have no frame of reference for what child support costs. I was fortunate enough to thread the needle during my divorce and not have to pay for it. I had to google what it might be.

If this chart is anything close to an indication, you don't come anywhere close to paying more than I make in a year. Not by a long shot. The chart stops at an annual salary $336,000. My math might be off, but you'd have to be a millionaire to pay more in child support than I make in a year. Maybe you are, I don't know. I do know that it's weird that you went there. Seems like ad hominem attacks are essentially admitting that you got nothin'.

And you keep pointing to things in the past. Past actions can be indicators of future performance, yes but not if they were received poorly or got poor results. Do you want to go back to your google machine and show me where the hardline policy proposals are on these topics for a second Biden term?

I don't like what I see from Project 2025. That's real, proposed policy that would a second Trump administration would try to implement. Though I never agreed with the majority of it, I'm not too worried about the 'data' from Trump's first term at this point.
1. You went there about affordability.
2. I don’t live in Ohio and child support can be agreed to as part of the settlement. Your chart is meaningless. You paid none bc you don’t make shit
3. Biden policy proposals for a second term? Did you really just write that? His wife clapped bc he almost answered all the questions. He has no idea. What we do know is what he did that I outlined above. The rest is speculation. The USA will win the World Cup. Ignore the copa. That’s your logic
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This is the wrongiest of the wrong posts you've put out there. And that's saying something. You've literally stated the exact opposite of what is true in almost everything you said here.

I will give you one point; yes, I'm in a college town.
And that point is why you are as lost as you are
1. You went there about affordability.
2. I don’t live in Ohio and child support can be agreed to as part of the settlement. Your chart is meaningless. You paid none bc you don’t make shit
3. Biden policy proposals for a second term? Did you really just write that? His wife clapped bc he almost answered all the questions. He has no idea. What we do know is what he did that I outlined above. The rest is speculation. The USA will win the World Cup. Ignore the copa. That’s your logic
Sigh...right, I did. You talk about not being able to afford things ALL.THE.TIME here.

I don't pay child support because I had a good effin' lawyer. I know that you have this idea that I'm some sort of starving artist, but that's just not the case. And I do 'make shit'.

I'm no fan of Biden. I hope he's replaced at the top of the ticket. Having said that, neither Biden or Trump actually have much to do with the framing of their potential next term agendas. That's a said indictment on things, but I believe that to be true. They both might rubber stamp it, but neither one of them are locked away in a room hammering out the finer points of policy. This is just how things work. Especially with the current candidates. So you were wrong about my logic.
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This is the wrongiest of the wrong posts you've put out there. And that's saying something. You've literally stated the exact opposite of what is true in almost everything you said here.

I will give you one point; yes, I'm in a college town.

Sigh...right, I did. You talk about not being able to afford things ALL.THE.TIME here.

I don't pay child support because I had a good effin' lawyer. I know that you have this idea that I'm some sort of starving artist, but that's just not the case. And I do 'make shit'.

I'm no fan of Biden. I hope he's replaced at the top of the ticket. Having said that, neither Biden or Trump actually have much to do with the framing of their potential next term agendas. That's a said indictment on things, but I believe that to be true. They both might rubber stamp it, but neither one of them are locked away in a room hammering out the finer points of policy. This is just how things work. Especially with the current candidates. So you were wrong about my logic.
Lmao it’s not magic. It’s not a great lawyer. You’re living in Athens. If you made money you’d pay. Or your wife made more than you That’s it. And I never once said I can’t afford it. That’s your stupid words. Whether you make $250k or 250 million you should never reward bad policy and unnecessary price increases originates by government. Prices are something to complain about like all other policies that may or may not impact us. I can have an opinion on gay marriage or crime and not be getting hitched or robbed
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Lmao it’s not magic. It’s not a great lawyer. You’re living in Athens. If you made money you’d pay. Or your wife made more than you That’s it. And I never once said I can’t afford it. That’s your stupid words. Whether you make $250k or 250 million you should never reward bad policy and unnecessary price increases originates by government.
I'm curious - what makes you think I don't make much money? Such a weird thing to hang your hat on. And I'm not overly interested in going into the gory details, but it was about negotiation between my wife and me. Trust me, I was there.
I'm curious - what makes you think I don't make much money? Such a weird thing to hang your hat on. And I'm not overly interested in going into the gory details, but it was about negotiation between my wife and me. Trust me, I was there.
For one you’re in Athens Ohio. For two you don’t pay child support. I’ve never known a man not to pay child support unless custody was relinquished or the wife made more. Any man with any decent income pays. And as I said before you posted prices are something to complain about like all other policies we do. You can have an opinion on that or gay marriage or crime and it doesn’t mean you’re getting hitched or were robbed. Affordability isn’t the issue. Bad gov policy is
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For one you’re in Athens Ohio. For two you don’t pay child support. I’ve never known a man not to pay child support unless custody was relinquished or the wife made more. And as I said before you posted prices are something to complain about like all other policies we do. You can have an opinion on that or gay marriage or crime and it doesn’t mean you’re getting hitched or were robbed. Affordability isn’t the issue.
Meet me. I'm a man who wasn't required to pay child support. And I split custody 50/50. And my ex and I made almost exactly the same amount of money. It was agreed that neither of us wouldn't pay child support, dip into each other's retirement, investments, etc. And I make what most would consider a good salary. I'll have a link to my TED talk up shortly.